Hi Eric,

First of all, thanks for the report!

Eric Friedman wrote:
> I've found that mpl::is_sequence fails to operate correctly on 
> certain types under MSVC7. 

To be precise, on class types that have a member named 'begin' that is
not a typename.

> I haven't tested extensively, but there certainly seems to be some 
> problem with class templates from namespace std. (The problem likely
> extends to other types in other namespaces, and perhaps other 
> compilers, but I have not investigated the issue thoroughly enough.)

Nope, it doesn't have anything to do with namespaces, see the above. 
The affected compilers are MSVC 6.5 and 7.0.

> In particular, this is posing a problem for me in incorporating variant 
> into the next Boost release. Is this a known problem? 

Nope, it wasn't.

> Any insight welcome.

Fixed in the CVS.

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