Re: Scouted: U.S. to collapse in next two years?

2009-01-03 Thread David Land
Right. As everyone knows, Mexico is a great power that is poised to take over the entire Southern tier of the United States. And those damned Canadians have been quietly biding their time since the American revolution, lying in wait for just the right moment to arrive. And the European Union is so

Re: Who's on Twitter?

2009-01-03 Thread David Land
I'm no twitter as Nick has been kind enough to mention me several times in his musings on Twitter. ___

Re: Who's on Twitter?

2009-01-03 Thread David Land
Julia, OK, that one looks somewhat more interesting than some of the Tweets I see dumped to LiveJournal. Thank you (if you're referring to my twitter feed). I try to remember that the people who are following me (there are a little under a hundred, with some falling off and new ones replacing

Re: Government regulation

2008-11-01 Thread David Land
On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 2:22 PM, Jon Louis Mann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: the economic boom due to unregulated greed has turned into an exploded bomb - no longer ticking... I like what Tom Evslin had to say about this at This correction from excess has been violent

Re: Government regulation

2008-11-01 Thread David Land
To give credit where it is due: Tim O'Reilly posted a reply on Twitter (@timoreilly) to Tom Evslin's (@tevslin) piece. On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 3:52 PM, David Land [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 2:22 PM, Jon Louis Mann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: the economic boom due

Humor: Wall Street Bailout 409-Scam eMail

2008-11-01 Thread David Land
Subject: Please to Help To; John Q. Public Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2008 22:22:22 Dear American: I need to ask you to support an urgent secret business relationship with a transfer of funds of great magnitude. I am Ministry of the Treasury of the Republic of America. My

Secular belief vs Science

2008-08-29 Thread David Land
Folks, We talk a lot -- some might say too much -- about the pernicious effects of blind religious belief, especially as it prevents rational thought about science. You might say that Science is sacred around here. But secular belief can be just as blinding just as stupid dangerous. Consider

Re: Hamcam fire view

2007-09-04 Thread David Land
Folks, It comes to my attention that the tinyurl in my previous post is bogus. It works if you happen to be on the network at LiveWorld, but not so much if you're out there in the wide-open interwebs. This one should go to that overlong URL that you _could_ have reconstructed by hand if you were

Re: Bush: I'd rather be right than popular

2006-07-08 Thread David Land
Doug Pensinger wrote: But of course he's neither. He's about as far right as I care to stomach. Dave ___

SCOUTED: Science Blog: Our grip on reality is slim

2006-06-24 Thread David Land
I think we all knew this, but: The neurological basis for poor witness statements and hallucinations has been found by scientists at University College London. In over a fifth of cases, people wrongly remembered whether they actually witnessed an event or just imagined it,

SCOUTED: Was the 2004 Election Stolen

2006-06-04 Thread David Land
Friends, After carefully examining the evidence, I've become convinced that the president's party mounted a massive, coordinated campaign to subvert the will of the people in 2004. Across the country, Republican election officials and party stalwarts employed a wide range of

SCOUTED: The Worst President in History?

2006-04-26 Thread David Land
Folks, This piece appeared in the Rolling Stone last Friday. It considers, without immediately jumping to its conclusion, whether GWB may be what the title suggests. (For our international readers, that's Worst US President, of course

10 Reasons Why Gay Marriage Should be Illegal

2006-04-08 Thread David Land
Folks, From Craigslist: 01) Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning. 02) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way tha hanging around tall people will make you tall. 03) Legalizing gay

SCOUTED: Amazing Art Installation: Toast Mosaic of a Toaster

2006-04-08 Thread David Land
Folks, It's not lyrics from a song we love to hate. It's not the latest political outrage. It's not even a sci-fi or anime reference. It's just toast: 2500 pieces of toast in various degrees of toastedness arranged into the ginormous image of a toaster in Buenos Aires.

Re: Tales From Earthsea.........Anime!!!!!

2006-04-08 Thread David Land
I read Le Guin at the same time in my life when I was listening to Baby I'm-a Want You and Please, Mister, Please and thinking they were really good stuff, so I'm reluctant to be too excited about this, but Holy Flaming Snot may be right! Dave That is what you meant, right? Land :-) Damon


2006-04-05 Thread David Land
Folks, I re-read the article and when I got to the part where the ads work through a nano-technology brain implant, my skeptometer began ticking. Then, at the very bottom of the article, there's a link to Ancestral Advertising: Reaching an Untapped Demographic with a URL that looks totally

Re: Hello (hello, hello) (Or, The thread that will not die)

2006-04-03 Thread David Land

Re: Hello (hello, hello) (Or, The thread that will not die)

2006-04-03 Thread David Land
David Land wrote: ___ There was more to the original message, but I think Nick's server may have gobbled it up. I'll talk to him tomorrow and see if that's the case. In the meanwhile, talk (or sing

Re: Dr. Demento (was Re: Hello (hello, hello))

2006-03-23 Thread David Land
Mauro Diotallevi wrote: And tuxedoed dolphins bring you breakfast And even appropriate for the purported topic of the list! I feel better than James Brown I feel better now I feel better than James Brown I feel better now I feel better than James Brown I feel better now, how do you feel?

Re: A very sensible idea

2006-01-29 Thread David Land
PAT MATHEWS wrote: Someone on FourthTurning came up with a very sensible idea. It was that the only time the federal government should interfere with state law is if the state is violating the Bill of Rights. (This does not restrict the power of the feds to regulate air traffic, public

Re: What some women have always known . . .

2006-01-27 Thread David Land
Or, put briefly, Not tonight, honey. I have a PhD. ___

Re: What some women have always known . . .

2006-01-27 Thread David Land
Deborah Harrell wrote: David Land [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Or, put briefly, Not tonight, honey. I have a PhD. scratching head - I mean *forehead* - in puzzlement I must be rather thick to elucidate further? Are you trying to say that you're promiscuous

Scouted: Granny D -- We are Resolved to Follow Our National Dream

2005-10-17 Thread David Land
Folks, You might remember Doris Granny D Haddock as the 89-year-old who walked 3,200 miles in 1999 to dramatize the issue of soft money regulation. You might not remember her at all. In any event, she delivered a speech at Orchard House in Concord, MA on October 6 that I enjoyed a heck

Hello. My name is Harriet, and I'm a crony. (Hi, Harriet. Welcome!)

2005-10-11 Thread David Land
Folks, Politics is rife with cronyism. Nothing new there. But I think it used to be kind of a dirty little secret, or at least something that people didn't talk about, except as a way to criticize the other guys. The Bush administration turns that logic on its head... Here's the

Fear The Future[tm]: View-Once DVDs From Microsoft Promise More Petroleum Waste

2005-10-04 Thread David Land
Folks, Some ideas are so stupid that they should be quietly killed before they see the light of day. I think I found one: View-Once DVDs. Reminds me of a very funny piece by Colin McEnroe: Why Gasoline Costs So Much ( The DVD story is below, with link to original.

Re: MTG fans: Yer missin out...

2005-07-21 Thread David Land
Damon Agretto wrote: The first unofficial MTG tourney to be held in NW AZ is less than 12 hours away. Pass... Damon, got trapped in collectable games, learned his lesson, and now has deep philosophical opposition to the concept... Hi. I'm Damon, and I am a cardaholic. Hi, Damon,

Re: Writing software

2005-06-13 Thread David Land
George, I'm sure this has come up before, but what software is there out there that can help you manage versions. As I get further into my English program, I find that I'm having a hard time keeping track of what's what and when I wrote what when? Low- and no-cost preferred but I am

Scouted: Meet The World

2005-06-02 Thread David Land
Brazilian artist Icaro Doria interprets flags of various countries as statistical graphs: Dave ___

Re: Intel quietly Adds Palladium DRM and Backdoor Networking to New Processors

2005-05-28 Thread David Land
KZK wrote: Intel quietly adds DRM to new chips Microsoft and the entertainment industry's holy grail of controlling copyright through the motherboard has moved a step closer with Intel Corp. now embedding digital rights management within

Re: Revenge of the REAL George Lucas...

2005-05-24 Thread David Land
Its one thing to put your faith in a religion founded by a real person who claimed divine revelation, but its something else entirely to have, as the scripture of your religion, a storyline that you know was made up by a very nonprophetic human being. Its a terrible thing, I suppose, for a

Play the Future: Sony Patents Mind-Control Device

2005-04-07 Thread David Land
Folks, Dave - Sony patent takes first step towards real-life Matrix - 07 April 2005 Exclusive from New Scientist

Re: SSN 711

2005-02-06 Thread David Land
Damon Agretto wrote: So it wasn't that he had the bad luck to hit an uncharted undersea mountain in an area that was supposed to be charted. Rather, he was going at a reckless speed in uncharted waters? Probably, or at least that's my interpretation. Really a combination of both, though (bad

Re: NASA envisions Mars warmed up for life

2005-02-06 Thread David Land
Robert G. Seeberger wrote: ml Global warming may be a scourge on Earth, but injecting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere of Mars might be just the thing to turn the barren planet into a living,

Re: SpamAdaption

2005-02-06 Thread David Land
Trent Shipley wrote: I really do not get that angry with spammers. They are just rational entrepreneurs. I take from this it that you are some kind of extreme libertarian that rejects both property and privacy. What would you say to the overt act of stealing a speaker truck (with the

Re: Songs You Cannot Expel

2005-02-02 Thread David Land
Did you ever know that you're my hero? ___

SCOUTED: Humor: The US government has a new website

2005-01-21 Thread David Land
Blogger Sean Young hilariously misinterprets graphics from ___

Re: ??

2005-01-20 Thread David Land
Gary Nunn wrote: Occasionally I do a search on Google for my name and email address just to see what pops up. Typically only the MCCMEDIA archives show up, but today I ran across Brin-L archives at Not a big deal, just surprised that we were being archived somewhere other than

Re: Scouted: Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize U.S. Cities

2004-10-14 Thread David Land
Alberto, John Horn asked: Some members of br military during the brazilian dictatorship of 1964-(1980 or 1985 or 1989) had some similar plans - maybe the source was the same. They would explode a huge gas reservoir in Rio downtown, blame the commies, and start a pogrom to kill them all. The plan

Scouted: 38 Dishonest Tricks from Straight and Crooked Thinking

2004-08-15 Thread David Land
Folks, With the quadrennial American exercise in rhetorical excess well under way to elect the Leader of the Free World[tm] (no apologies to so-called free countries who don't get a vote), I thought this extract from the 1930 book Straight and Crooked Thinking might be worthwhile reading:

Re: Not a PDA

2004-08-15 Thread David Land
Sonja van Baardwijk-Holten wrote: Bryon Daly wrote: (I'd even demand cell phone capability, but the largish displays on PDA make them not very conducive, shape-wise, to being phone handsets.) Use a headset instead of the holding the whole thing up to your ear? My BlackBerry is a PDA/Cell phone,

Re: Weasle

2004-08-15 Thread David Land
The Fool wrote: Compare the new BSA's mascot for propaganzing children to classic villian comics (the chest numbers were prison numbers not gang numbers). It's not a weasel. It's a rat. Dave ___

Re: NYT admits shoddy Iraq reporting

2004-05-27 Thread David Land
William T Goodall wrote: 26FTE_NOTE.html?8dpc To those who hold the belief that there is a liberal bias in the media, and the NYT in particular, what do you make of this sloppy assumption that the story put forward by the

Re: Symbiosis

2004-05-27 Thread David Land
A thread drifted, then: Got me, what is the difference between disease organisms and parasites? Delineating one from another is not always straightforward. My Steadman's definition of parasite is 1) an organism that lives on or in another and draws its nourishment therefrom The word comes from

Re: Cults vs Religions, was Bullying and Battering

2004-05-26 Thread David Land
David Hobby wrote: I think the more common behavior is pushing back the predicted date of the apocalypse. But I guess one can only do this so many times. Indeed: Amazing. Especially for people who claim to speak with the authority of God,

Re: More Spent on Drugs for Behavior Disorders in Children Than on Asthma Medications and Antibiotics

2004-05-21 Thread David Land
Another take on drugging kids: Dave ___

Re: Bullying and Battering

2004-05-21 Thread David Land
While I was in the Bruderhof neighborhood... There /is/ an alternative to the kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out mentality. Dave ___

Re: Dog's breed can be determined from DNA with 99% accuracy . . .

2004-05-21 Thread David Land
Ronn!Blankenship wrote: NPR's coverage of this story highlighted the fact that some very different-looking dogs are actually fairly closely related, and among the group of breeds most closely related to their wolf ancestors: everything from

Re: Brin: group still active?

2004-05-20 Thread David Land
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Voice of the web server: What do you mean it was out? Golly, it's nice out. I think I'll leave it out. Nick's server has been out of the server closet for a couple of years. Aww come on, it was in by a mile! Are you blind? It's not, you know. Dave

Re: Disturbing evidence of torture

2004-05-07 Thread David Land
Mike Lee wrote: Gary Denton, putting me in Oh, Please! mode: Cool! Gary found a switch. Is there one marked off nearby? Dave ___

Re: What America Does with its Hegemony

2004-05-03 Thread David Land
The Fool wrote: The world Orwell described does not require complete control of the press, just a very large market share. -Kuro5hin Poster Does anybody remember Neil Postman's excellent Amusing Ourselves to Death from the mid-80's (Amazon: Using 1984 and Brave New

Re: Winning the War on Terror

2004-04-06 Thread David Land
Folks, Ah, but it is so easy to whip mobs into a murderous frenzy. At least in some parts of the world, including my own. Sometimes, all it takes is the home team winning the SuperBowl. A friend of mine -- then a videographer for KRON in San Francisco -- was assigned to cover the crowds

Re: Winning the War on Terror

2004-04-01 Thread David Land
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: OTOH what religion does dance in the streets when innocents are killed? Don't forget hanging mutilated corpses on bridges and dancing around the bridge chanting death to Americans... Sorry, but I feel compelled to state that Islam didn't hang mutilated corpses from

Re: Tyranny

2004-03-18 Thread David Land
Folks, The question, however, is whether our civilization will be undermined by: ... 3) permitting homosexual couples to adopt or to artificially create children. Thus the need for a constitutional amendment banning homosexual couples from playing The Sims. Dave

Re: Rumsfeld caught lying on Face the Nation

2004-03-18 Thread David Land
Folks, That he didn't take 30 seconds to have some bright intern type in a quick search, and go around spouting off about how certain he is he never used that phrase, is just.. well, nutty. I sincerely believe that he didn't have a bright intern type do that simple search because he doesn't

Re: Anatomy of a rape culture

2004-02-12 Thread David Land
Fool: Don't use absolutes. Ever. Allow me to say that Top-posting is no worse than bottom-only-posting. In my brief sojourn here, I have observed that most people practice and prefer a more sophisticated intralinear style of posting. Perhaps you'd like to attack bottom-posters, too, for

Re: Doing Business With The Enemy

2004-02-02 Thread David Land
Folks, Gautam: Teddy was probably drunk off his ass, or too busy drowning innocent young women to think about what he was saying - something like that. Reggie: Personal attacks make for good arguements since when? Maybe you've been working such long hours that

Janet Jackson: 1, George Bush: 0

2004-02-02 Thread David Land
President falls asleep, misses the whole thing: Dave Land[EMAIL PROTECTED] 408-551-0427 ___

Re: Brin: LotR and Conservatives

2004-01-30 Thread David Land
Folks, With respect to the ongoing debate about Left vs. Right, the the current administration's willingness to trade freedom for security, consider the following quote, and try to guess who said it. The URL of a web page with the answer is at the end of this email. You and I are told

Re: did I break it?

2004-01-23 Thread David Land
Folks, The choice of email vs. voicemail seems to me to be a cultural thing on several levels. I've worked at big high-tech companies that were almost pure email cultures -- pretty much the first thing any new group did was to set up the email alias for the group. Then again, it may be that a