Re: Whatcha reading? (was Re: In despair for the state of SF)

2009-07-17 Thread Doug Pensinger
Mauro Diotallevi wrote: On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 8:07 PM, wrote: I'm in the middle of The Bridge by Banks. Just finished The Algebraist and Matter by the same with the M. I really really liked Matter. It has I think supplanted Excession as my favorite

Re: WeChooseTheMoon

2009-07-16 Thread Doug Pensinger
Dan wrote: There is something fundamental going on here, IMHO. A free market economy has its limits? The goals of a free market economy aren't necessarily aligned with the best interests of the species? Doug ___

Re: WeChooseTheMoon

2009-07-16 Thread Doug Pensinger
John wrote: On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 7:39 PM, Doug wrote: A free market economy has its limits? The goals of a free market economy aren't necessarily aligned with the best interests of the species? Huh? Best interest of the species? How many starving or sick

Re: Gord

2009-07-14 Thread Doug Pensinger
Mauro wrote: That's Gord in the middle; which person are you? Thanks for sharing the picture, by the way. I'm on the right. And here's Gord's website That's (a in the last sylable of his last name). Doh! Thanks for the

Re: Gord

2009-07-14 Thread Doug Pensinger
Charlie wrote: On 14/07/2009, at 2:51 PM, Matt Grimaldi wrote: That name's a blast from the past, Was fortunate enough he came to my wedding. :-) He mentioned that _he_ was fortunate enough to go to your wedding. He has met several list members (brin and culture) all over the world.

Re: Drinking Water From Air Humidity

2009-07-13 Thread Doug Pensinger
Dan M wrote: None, once it's out there. IIRC, it's a small wind turbine that cools collectors in it, and desert air is often humid even if it doesn't rain much. If the collectors are cooled, there _has to be_ a source of energy that is being used. If not, then we've just found an

Re: Google Operating System

2009-07-13 Thread Doug Pensinger
Julia wrote: Reply: I get no more than 1 in 500 false positives. I get no more than 1 in 1000 false negatives. It was more than that early on in my use of Gmail, I got one account in 2004, IIRC, and another in 2007. The more recent one, most of the false positives were from one mailing


2009-07-13 Thread Doug Pensinger
I thought some of the old timers might be interested that I visited with our old list mate and recent Campbell award nominee in San Francisco on Friday. Gord is doing very well it seems; he is close to being tenured at the Korean university where he teaches English and has had several short

Re: Google Operating System

2009-07-09 Thread Doug Pensinger
Charlie Wrote ...and Google already have one. It's called Android, plus there's gOS which Google had hefty input into. And there are miriad other Linuces and BSDs to try, up to and including Darwin/OSX. So I'm with Will (you can pick yourselves up at your leisure). Don't see the point of

Re: Google Operating System

2009-07-09 Thread Doug Pensinger
Andrew wrote: The spam filter on Pegaus Mail works fine for me, and it's mine rather then being in the control of a company which is going to scan my emails. I've yet to find (and this includes gmail) another filter which is more than 90% accurate for me. I'd estimate the efficiency of my

Re: Google Operating System

2009-07-09 Thread Doug Pensinger
On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 8:48 PM, John Williams jwilliams4...@gmail.comwrote: On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 9:11 PM, Doug wrote: I'd estimate the efficiency of my gmail filter is 99% or better. That is a particularly uninformative statistic. Much more interesting would be

Re: Google Operating System

2009-07-08 Thread Doug Pensinger
Mauro wrote: So, any early adopters planning on switching over when it ships? I'm willing to at least give it a hard drive partition. Me too. I refuse to use Explorer and would jump on a new OS from Google especially. Doug Chrome maru ___

Re: In despair for the state of SF

2009-07-04 Thread Doug Pensinger
xponent Matter Maru rob Or Anathem, eh? Doug ___

Re: Heinlein [was: Good Reading, Anyone?]

2009-06-22 Thread Doug Pensinger
Alberto wrote: Cat is the worst possible First Heinlein to read. It makes too many references to other books, it should be Heinlein's _last_. Cat wasn't my first Heinlein, I'd read a few others including Stranger in a Strange Land which I enjoyed. [The Moon is a Harsh Mistress] The story

Re: Iran

2009-06-22 Thread Doug Pensinger
Dan wrote: Things do not look overly promising for the protesters, but if they manage to make it through tomorrow without their heads being cracked Iranian public sentiment may swing decisively in their direction. It really depends on how hard the Supreme Ayatollah swings back at

Good Reading, Anyone?

2009-06-21 Thread Doug Pensinger
I'm currently reading the Andrew Jackson Biography American Lion, have recently finished Dan Simmons' Terror and listened to the audio books The Moon is a Harsh Mistress and Angels and Demons. Terror was decent; long but well written and researched. I'm not a big fan of monster stories (I

Re: Sausage surprise at Miskatonic University

2009-04-22 Thread Doug Pensinger
Alberto wrote: Probably that's when they destroyed the german copy of the Necronomicon, therefore cutting out the information that would enable time-travel. History and Meta-History was preserved because a few gifted people retain memory of what-should-be, and this memory is enhanced with

Re: Pink Dolphin

2009-04-02 Thread Doug Pensinger
Dave wrote: Also, from time to time, I believe that pink unicorns have been discussed. Invisible Pink Unicorns, that is. IPUs. Doug Clarity maru ___

Re: Is this thing on?

2009-04-01 Thread Doug Pensinger
Alberto wrote: The move was transparent to me - as far as receiving goes. OTOH, it seems that the list now encourages html-e-mail, and this is an evil thing that should be eradicated. Why is it evil, out of curiosity? Doug ___

Re: Quiet

2009-03-18 Thread Doug Pensinger
Where's the Preparation H? I like Zappa's version. Doug On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 1:46 PM, Rceeberger wrote: On 3/18/2009 6:00:38 AM, Charlie Bell ( wrote: On 18/03/2009, at 1:07 PM, William T Goodall wrote: since the Taliban imposed

Re: Wildfires Down Under?

2009-03-07 Thread Doug Pensinger
Ray wrote: Hopefully the fire season is over for this year, and it's good to get the first real rain for the year to refill our water tank. Just for something different, we had an earthquake here last night, magnitude 4.7 which is not that impressive for areas used to them, but large by local

Re: Kindle ATTN Nick

2009-03-06 Thread Doug Pensinger
George wrote: I just received my Kindle 2 from Amazon. I notice there are only two Brin book available for the Kindle, “Foundation’s Triumph” and “Kiln People.” Any change of getting more made available for the Kindle? I’d love to the have the Uplift books on my Kindle. Hi George. I don't

Re: Rain.

2009-02-25 Thread Doug Pensinger
Charlie wrote: It did. It rained. We had a couple of mils. It helped with the containment of the fires. We've spent much of the day wondering whether the fire at Daylesford will skip containment lines, and burn down Claire's folks' cottage. But, you know. Money. Jobs. So on. Real stuff like

Re: Australian Fires and Floods, L3, ATTN Jo Anne

2009-02-12 Thread Doug Pensinger
On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 12:48 PM, Jo Anne wrote: Doug -- what a fascinating account! I think your brother-in-law ought to write a book. So few of us ever experience that kind of thing. Freight trains certainly get a bad rap in the noise department. The Engineer's

Re: Australian Fires and Floods, L3, ATTN Jo Anne

2009-02-10 Thread Doug Pensinger
Charlie wrote: Or give something to your local volunteer fire service. In a few months, it'll be the northern hemisphere on fire. So true. There were two fires in Santa Cruz county last June which, prior to that, had been known as asbestos county because of the lack of wildfires over the

Re: Galactic Effect On Biodiversity

2009-01-25 Thread Doug Pensinger
Dan M wrote: Which scientists? Are they the same ones who are skeptical about evolution? :-) I don't believe that The Big Bang Theory is on as sound a footing as evolution do you? Doug ___

Re: Galactic Effect On Biodiversity

2009-01-25 Thread Doug Pensinger
Dan wrote: Sorry, I made my last post prior to reading this one. The actual process of nucleosynthesis is though to have stopped 20 minutes after the big bang. We know that the inflationary period had to end after densities were below those sufficient to produce magnetic monopoles. So, if

Re: Galactic Effect On Biodiversity

2009-01-25 Thread Doug Pensinger
Dan wrote: If you really believe that, then you would throw most of evolutionary theory out, beause we've only been making good scientific measurements over a very limited scope of time, say the last 150-200 years. The difference in limits of scope between evolution on earth and universal

Re: Galactic Effect On Biodiversity

2009-01-24 Thread Doug Pensinger
Ronn! wrote: Seen the back cover of the latest (Feb.) issue of _Astronomy_? (There's at least one more ad inside.) Null Physics? Doug ___

Re: Brazil's Twin Town

2009-01-23 Thread Doug Pensinger
Alberto wrote: I would laugh, if this was not sad. All this assumes that Mengele had _any_ competence either as a physician or as a scientist. What's next? That Mengele cloned his own bones, found the longetivity drug, and is planning to take the world? I think I've seen that movie! Doug

Re: The Hunt For Goldilocks

2009-01-23 Thread Doug Pensinger
Bruce wrote: Based on the account of the reliable authority in question, yeah, be very glad. I think she said something along the lines of I don't ever, ever, EVER want to have to go through that again.. I can tell you a few places I'd rather not get poison ivy on again... Doug

Re: Galactic Effect On Biodiversity

2009-01-23 Thread Doug Pensinger
Dan wrote: Even really revolutionary data, like the data that suggests dark energy, are written up in such a way that it implies that the big bang is now in question. That drives me crazy in the same way. Yea, god forbid scientists that are skeptical about the bing bang! Doug

Re: Scouted: U.S. to collapse in next two years?

2009-01-22 Thread Doug Pensinger
Dan wrote: I googled for that and found nothing that hinted at that. Given China's only two priorities: 1) The government keeps total control 2) The economy keeps expanding Excellent points Dan, but what you fail to see is how requiring electric vehicles would accomplish both more

Re: Brin: Congratulations! Today you get rid of... of... what's his name?

2009-01-20 Thread Doug Pensinger
David Brin wrote: The new president did not have to mention it. But he did. And it shows that he wants not only to preside and rule. He wants to learn. Yes, the word curious did stand out as something not usually mentioned in that line of reasoning, but I think curiosity more than

Re: Br!n: Congratulations! Today you get rid of... of... what's hisname?

2009-01-20 Thread Doug Pensinger
On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 1:08 PM, Gary Nunn wrote: D Brin wrote: Thanks Alberto. Hoping the world will soon be proud of us! d Bumper sticker sighted yesterday: 1-20-09, The End of an Error Did yo ever see the one: Frodo Failed! Bush has the ring!? Doug

Re: Scouted: U.S. to collapse in next two years?

2009-01-18 Thread Doug Pensinger
Dan M wrote: Sure, it's been argued for a long time that Americans can do with a lot less. Let's say we do. The problem is that this argument doesn't hold for the Chinese, who are now the leading emitter of greenhouse gasses. My view was that the West had the money to buy a home run,

Re: Scouted: U.S. to collapse in next two years?

2009-01-11 Thread Doug Pensinger
Dan wrote: But, let's just take 30. At $1.50/gal, that's 5 cents/mile. Lets say these cars are kept for 150k, which is on the high side...that's 7.5k for gas. The break even point, assuming CDs pay zero, with the MSRP discount, is close to $6.00/gal. And, that's comparing with a smaller

Re: Irregulars question about Culture

2009-01-04 Thread Doug Pensinger
IIRC Charlie Bell has something to do with that list, and is on this list? Hello? Help? Yea, Charlie's the guy to talk to. I could be wrong but I don't think that there has been any list traffic for over a day, so you haven't missed anything. Doug

Re: Scouted: U.S. to collapse in next two years?

2009-01-03 Thread Doug Pensinger
Alberto Clearly, the only solution is for the US to mount a massive attack on all the countries listed in the article at once. It's surprising that not a single piece of the future-former-USA went to Israel. Those conspiracy theorists are getting unimaginative. Sheesh, don't you

Re: Israel to collapse in 25 years?

2009-01-03 Thread Doug Pensinger
Dan M wrote: So, can anyone argue me out of this pessimistic viewpoint? I honestly hope so, even though I'll argue hard for this pointit's one argument I'd love to lose. Well, note that there has never been the kind of tacit support for Israel from moderate Arab states such as

Re: Incoming!

2008-12-22 Thread Doug Pensinger
Julia wrote: (I live on a ridge. There seems to be no such thing as no wind at my house. If I went to the ravine on our property, I might find no wind, but I'm a little nervous about critters. If there's a vorpal bunny anywhere in the area, it's going to be there.) What, you don't have

Re: Incoming!

2008-12-22 Thread Doug Pensinger
Speaking of wind, I ran across an odd phenomenon while backpacking in the Sierra Nevada something close to twenty years ago. The wind actually came in waves; it would start out at a low velocity and continue to build over a period of something like 30 seconds at which point it was howling. Then

The Libertarians’ Lament

2008-12-08 Thread Doug Pensinger excerpt: The best thing you can say about libertarians is that, because their views derive from abstract theory, they tend to be principled and rigorous in their logic. Those outside of government at places like the CATO Institute and Reason magazine are just as

Re: Anathem

2008-12-07 Thread Doug Pensinger
Julia wrote: I'm not Doug, but I think treating yourself to a copy is an excellent idea! I'll defer to Julia as she's finished it and I'm still working on the first half, but if you liked Cryptonomicon and the Baroque Cycle I'm pretty sure you'll like this one. Welcome to the list! Doug

Re: Financial institution fallout

2008-12-07 Thread Doug Pensinger
John Williams wrote: On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 1:06 PM, Euan Ritchie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I still have to build something with my understanding and it doesn't help for people to keep saying 'let it sort itself out' because hammers, wood and nails won't, no matter how much I will value the

Re: Financial institution fallout

2008-12-07 Thread Doug Pensinger
On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 6:58 PM, Doug Pensinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: John Williams wrote: On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 1:06 PM, Euan Ritchie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I still have to build something with my understanding and it doesn't help for people to keep saying 'let it sort itself out


2008-12-06 Thread Doug Pensinger
So has any one finished? I'm about 250 in and so far; very good. Doug ___

Re: Wal-Mart is evil, why it must be eradicated

2008-12-01 Thread Doug Pensinger
Dan wrote: I understand that sentiment, and I admit that there are far more enjoyable places to live than Houston. When Teri gets her call, I hope to move to one of them. Cool, I know you were reluctant to move there in the first place. But, LA isn't much better than Houston or Dallas.

Re: Wal-Mart is evil, why it must be eradicated

2008-12-01 Thread Doug Pensinger
Dan wrote: we see that the median home price in 2006 was 1.4 million. With one of those fancy 0% down mortgages and 6% interest (that combination won't be seen again for a while), this results in 84k per year in interest payments.

Re: $290 billion down the government money hole

2008-11-15 Thread Doug Pensinger
Jphn W. wrote: I think that heroin addicts should use drugs responsibly. I think anybody does. Let's give the addicts a plentiful suppy of heroin and hope they behave! Now that's a good idea! At once we have heroin addicts that aren't going to be stealing stuff to get their fix and we cut

Re: $290 billion down the government money hole

2008-11-15 Thread Doug Pensinger
I mean John W. wrote, sorry. On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 6:08 PM, Doug Pensinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Jphn W. wrote: I think that heroin addicts should use drugs responsibly. I think anybody does. Let's give the addicts a plentiful suppy of heroin and hope they behave! Now that's a good

Re: rude and insulting

2008-11-15 Thread Doug Pensinger
Dan wrote: But, being called a looser on an internet list, that I might analyze, but not really have any emotional reaction to. Excellent attitude, Dan; attack the argument ignore the puerile aspects of the communication and don't take anything too personally. Doug

State of Discourse

2008-11-03 Thread Doug Pensinger
I'd like to make a few comments on the state of the discourse on the list. I'm not a conservative, far from it, but I wouldn't for a second try to get someone to shut up and go away because they were more conservative (or libertarian or whatever) than I was. I wouldn't call anyone names because

Re: Democracy (was Health Care / The same topic all week!~)

2008-11-03 Thread Doug Pensinger
Ronn! wrote: So what do you do if the present system is badly flawed but the only proposed alternative does not seem any better? (e.g., the named in the previous subject line) If you're talking about heath care, maybe having tried the one system and pretty much universally come to the

Re: Democracy (was Health Care / The same damn topic all f-ing week!~)

2008-11-03 Thread Doug Pensinger
John Williams How happy are you on a scale of 1 to 10? No, I don't think I'd trust my answers on that. Compared to what? Myself in the past? That would be hard to judge. Other people I know? Even worse (how do I know how happy they are?). And how to know how much of the happiness is due to

Re: Obama and the 'Drug Killer'

2008-11-03 Thread Doug Pensinger
John Williams wrote: Drug development is an industry with high fixed costs. Once those fixed, or sunk, costs have been committed, the drugs are sold for the price that the market will bear. According to the expert who wrote the article, the more socialized markets settle on a lower price than

Re: Balancing the bad actors (was Re: Health Care (the same topic all week!~))

2008-11-03 Thread Doug Pensinger
John Williams wrote: If less government regulation is better, why do are national health systems prevalent in many parts of the world? Why are wars prevalent in many parts of the world? Why do women love shoes? Doug non sequiturs r us ___

Re: Democracy (was Health Care / The same damn topic all f-ing week!~)

2008-11-02 Thread Doug Pensinger
John Williams wrote: 1) Why trust the government with measuring something as abstract as happiness, if it can be measured at all? I don't think I'd trust even my closest friends and family to measure my happiness. Not even if they asked and you told them? Doug

Re: Franklin Delano Bush

2008-11-02 Thread Doug Pensinger
On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:25 AM, John Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: And sent unemployment to nearly 25%. Good intentions are no substitute for good decisions. Roosevelt's policies were disastrous for the poor. Cite please. I'm pretty sure that unemployment hit 25% during his first year

Re: Health Care costs (was: the same topic all damn week)

2008-10-29 Thread Doug Pensinger
John Williams wrote: If the participants are chosen randomly. Not so if the additional participant is a high risk of an expensive health problem. Health insurance is an extraordinarily complicated problem. One that would become much simpler with a single payer. Assuming your actuaries are

Re: My contribution to the bail-out

2008-10-28 Thread Doug Pensinger
Dan M wrote: After selling my house and resettling, I'm finally back to the point where I can finish answers to old posts that the list (sorta) returned too. So have you left the Houston area? Doug ___

Re: Redistribute the wealth

2008-10-27 Thread Doug Pensinger
John wrote I think it is highly likely that a McCain with a Democrat dominated Congress will spend less than a Obama with a Democrat dominated Congress. This might be a valid argument for me if there weren't more important factors to take into consideration. More important to me than

Re: Redistribute the wealth

2008-10-27 Thread Doug Pensinger
John wrote: Force does not equal choice. Whose money is McCain going to use to pay all those bad mortgages he promised to take care of? Doug ___

Re: Racial and sexual balance

2008-10-23 Thread Doug Pensinger
Jon wrote: it would be great if all inequites could be addressed without regard to race, sex, ethnicity, etc. however, cases where a minority is given preference over a white male, who may even be more qualified, to satisfy quotas are less of a concern to me than the reverse. when the

Re: Racial and sexual balance

2008-10-22 Thread Doug Pensinger
Bruce Bostwick wrote: It is not offensive to me is because it would address the inequity in proportionate representation between white men and minority women in government... Jon If they're qualified for the job (which I fully believe many are, possibly much more than they're commonly

Re: No more feeding the troll (was Re: Debunking B.S. from the so-called debunker )

2008-10-19 Thread Doug Pensinger
William wrote: I really don't think you are fit to be list manager. You should do the decent thing and quit. Are you volunteering your time and equipment? Doug ___

Re: No more feeding the troll (was Re: Debunking B.S. from the so-called debunker )

2008-10-19 Thread Doug Pensinger
Nick wrote: I'll stop feeding him now and perhaps ponder just how much disruption the list managers should tolerate. A lot, of course, but sheesh... Excellent idea. There is as much or even more disruption in the tumultuous replies than there were in the original messages. Doug Just roll

Re: Two Weeks To Go

2008-10-19 Thread Doug Pensinger
Charlie Bell wrote: And then we find out if the US will continue its slide into theocracy and demagoguery, or if there's at least a glimmer of hope in turning what should be one of the world's great citizen nations back from the brink. I think that the only things that can stop Obama now

Re: Post Turtle

2008-10-15 Thread Doug Pensinger
Deborah wrote: LOL I'm gonna haf ta pass this'un on to my friends... But in real life that's awfully unfair to the turtle. Yes, I'm sure both of us would stop the car, take the turtle down and send it back to wherever it came from. Doug ___

Post Turtle

2008-10-05 Thread Doug Pensinger
While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old rancher, who's hand was caught in the gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to Palin and her bid. The old rancher said, Well, ya know, Palin is a 'Post Turtle'. Not being

Re: Science and Ideals.

2008-09-25 Thread Doug Pensinger
John wrote: So, what do you all think? Nixon vs Bush (the son). Which was worse? Bush is the worst by far. Nixon had a few positive things going on (detente, China), he appointed moderate judges and he inherited Viet Nam. Bush has nothing, absolutely nothing positive to tout unless you're

Re: Books, was Proper function..

2008-09-25 Thread Doug Pensinger
Rich wrote: Doug said: But you must have read thousands of pages of history! About sixty thousand pages of history, I'd estimate. Not nearly enough, anyway. Well that sounds like a hell of a lot to me. I've read a bit of American history, especially the Civil War, but I don't have the

Re: $10

2008-09-25 Thread Doug Pensinger
Jon wrote: You are Eric Reuter and I demand my 10 bucks. Who are you, John, who is Eric Reuter, and why does he owe you 10 clams? Eric is a former Brin-ler, a libertarian, and he didn't pull any verbal punches. He told by Dr. Brin to leave the list (or he would) after a heated exchange.

McCain Loses His Head

2008-09-24 Thread Doug Pensinger
I'd like to say that I appreciate the civil tone Guatam has maintained in the recent Wall Street Meltdown thread. I'm not sure he's right, I'm not sure if anyone is. One thing I'm pretty sure is true is that many of those people that in good times both in the government and the private sector

Re: Meltdown

2008-09-24 Thread Doug Pensinger
Just my opinion, but while I find J.W.s sarcasm a bit sophomoric, nothing that he's said or done comes close to what I would consider cause for moderation. I wish he'd tone it down a bit and address the argument rather than the individual making it; I think he's got an interesting and informed

Re: Books, was Proper function..

2008-09-24 Thread Doug Pensinger
Richard Rich, who has some enthusiasm for reading the Baroque Cycle, but that enthusiasm is outweighed by being intimidated by the sheer number of pages. But you must have read thousands of pages of history! The Baroque Cycle seems to be very well researched, and its recreations of 18th

Re: Meltdown

2008-09-24 Thread Doug Pensinger
rob wrote: You are Eric Reuter and I demand my 10 bucks. I wondered when that comparison was going to surface... I actually miss Eric, and JDG and other contrarians. Doug ___

Re: Science and Ideals.

2008-09-20 Thread Doug Pensinger
Dan, I hope that You and yours and your home are OK. I heard that half of the Houston area is still without power, if you're home I hope you're among the lucky half. Dan wrote: Well, I guess it depends on what you base your understanding of evidence on, and to what degree you accept

Re: Delurking Re: Vasectomy/ Overpopulation

2008-09-18 Thread Doug Pensinger
Ticia wrote: Briefly delurking from a beyond-hectic life to announce that I also gave birth to second-pregnancy twins 4 months ago! Hi Ticia, good to hear from you! Congrats on the twins. My two grandsons are less than a year and a half apart and they're getting to be quite a handful. I


2008-09-13 Thread Doug Pensinger
Charlie wrote: CP is great. My favourite is PoG, but I think Excession's probably the best. Use of Weapons is regarded as the best by many, but I don't think it stands up to a re-read as well as E, CP or PoG. Inversions I liked a lot better on my recent pre-Matter re-read of the whole lot


2008-09-12 Thread Doug Pensinger
Jon wrote: recently, i've been reading a lot of british authors; lain banks, peter hamilton, ian mcdonald, ian r. and ken macleod, alastair reynolds, bob shaw, chas stross... i mostly read hi tech,, cutting edge, near future hard sf, some urban fantasy and alt history. rhys hughes is on


2008-09-12 Thread Doug Pensinger
John Williams wrote: I read it when it came out, but I seem to have forgotten most of it. I remember slogging through long descriptive passages wondering when the action would start, and when it finally did (at the very end) the ending did not seem worth the trouble. I think the only

Re: Storm watch

2008-09-12 Thread Doug Pensinger
Hang in, Rob, keep us informed Doug Rceeberger wrote: On 9/12/2008 11:28:25 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: -- Original message -- From: Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Fri, 12 Sep 2008, Jon Louis Mann wrote: OK, I'm going to do one more


2008-09-12 Thread Doug Pensinger
A few links Stephenson fans might be interested in: and [ ] Doug ___

Re: Science and Ideals.

2008-09-07 Thread Doug Pensinger
I'm trying to figure out what the two laws of god that Dan referred to in his reply to my last post. The only thing I found on the net is love god and love thy neighbor which I can't imagine is what he means. Can you help me out here Dan? Anyone? Doug

Re: Science and Ideals.

2008-09-03 Thread Doug Pensinger
Dan M wrote: No, actually, I believe that there exists truth apart from us. Which, with the absence of any evidence, is akin to magic, but you missed my point entirely. That we have partial understanding of that truth. That the Critique of Pure Reason did a good job defining and a

Re: Oil

2008-09-02 Thread Doug Pensinger
Bruce wrote: A good indicator of how much environmental impact there would be is the drilling currently taking place on the North Slope. Everything needed to support the drilling crews and equipment -- and I mean everything, food, living supplies, drilling mud, logging/analysis equipment,

Re: Welcome to Hyperinflation!

2008-09-01 Thread Doug Pensinger
Ronn! wrote: The 4% inflation is unacceptable statement was the Democrat's ridicule of Ford's Whip Inflation Now! campaign and it's WIN buttons. I'm sure they picked the worst figure they could find, just as whoever from the other side who came up with the Carter said 4% inflation was

Re: Science and Ideals.

2008-09-01 Thread Doug Pensinger
Dan M wrote: The two clear views are these: morality, better, worse, etc. are based on axioms that are posited (i.e. taken on faith) or they are just tools of politics. Taken on faith from what? The Bible? The Koran? A cereal box? That doesn't work at all for me, Dan. For one thing it

Re: Welcome to Hyperinflation!

2008-09-01 Thread Doug Pensinger
John wrote: So who can we blame for poor leadership and the complete lack of a comprehensive energy policy? The same one we blame for poor humanity leadership and complete lack of a comprehensive intelligent-design policy? Sorry for the sarcasm, but is blame so important? Not if I'm

Re: Sarah Palin

2008-08-30 Thread Doug Pensinger
Jon wrote: What is really scary is there are several Supreme Court justices older than Mc Cain... Ah, been watching Real Time eh? Doug Gnu Rulz Maru ___

Re: Sarah Palin

2008-08-30 Thread Doug Pensinger
Dan M With all due respect, so what? Most people prefer drilling everywhere over $4.00 gasoline. And, the Republicans are winning that argument...the polls show a massive preference now to drill to bring down the prices. Honestly, what _short-term_ effect will drilling in Anwar and on

Re: Welcome to Hyperinflation!

2008-08-29 Thread Doug Pensinger
Ronn! wrote: Or just remember the Carter administration. He Said During The Campaign That Four Percent Inflation Was Unacceptable So When He Got Into Office He Made It Twenty-Plus Percent Maru Cite? Doug ___

Re: Welcome to Hyperinflation!

2008-08-29 Thread Doug Pensinger
Ronn! wrote: Being there. A faulty memory is a poor cite. Not only wasn't inflation anywhere near 20% during the Carter administration, it wasn't anywhere near 4% immediately prior to his election. Here's another cite to go with the ones already posted:


2008-08-28 Thread Doug Pensinger
Did anyone catch The Speech? I was inspired and I think against all odds that he has a chance. What a watershed moment in the history of humanity that would be. Doug ___

Re: Sore losers

2008-08-27 Thread Doug Pensinger
Charlie wrote: I could be wrong, but doesn't the rule have something to do with the adverse effect of the extreme amount of stress on a young, developing body? If the rule was arbitrary, why don't they have it for other sports? They do. Divers, 14. Fencers, 17. And so on. That's

Re: Sore losers

2008-08-27 Thread Doug Pensinger
Ronn! wrote: What do you do when several times each year in your town kids get shot dead in the park, walking down the street, standing on the balcony outside their apartment door, or when a bullet comes through the window or wall (all of them being collateral damage rather than the target

Re: Sore losers

2008-08-26 Thread Doug Pensinger
Jon wrote: They whine because they can't prove the Chinese gymnists lied about their age. Who cares what age they are; that is an arbitrary rule that should be eliminated. I could be wrong, but doesn't the rule have something to do with the adverse effect of the extreme amount of stress on

Re: World Trade

2008-08-25 Thread Doug Pensinger
William wrote: Why should the white farmers who were born in Zimbabwe from several generations of people born in Zimbabwe have their property and livelihoods confiscated either directly or through taxation just because they are white? That's racism isn't it? Sure, and it was Racism when,

Re: McCain Positions

2008-08-25 Thread Doug Pensinger
John wrote: I am generally in favor of politicians who demonstrate a record of less government spending and smaller government. You mean like Clinton? Doug ___

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