Australia - Non-categorized event

2010-03-01 Thread Gary Nunn
One of the websites I manage, has an rss feed and receives alert emails from an emergency and disaster information service in Hungary. The site has quite a bit of near real-time information on everything from pandemic maps, nuclear events, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, cosmic events, and just

RE: Foswiki up and running

2009-12-31 Thread Gary Nunn
And... a blast from the past, pasted below. I'll let whoever emerge as the folks who lead the wiki project decide how to respond. As usual, I'm inclined to let the community choose and will only intervene directly as a last resort. I haven't participated here for a while, but I do still

RE: Torchwood: Children of Earth

2009-07-25 Thread Gary Nunn
_Lost_ and _Fringe_ both return. _Lost_ was excellent last season and I expect great things from the final season. _Fringe_ kicked up a gear with the twists and revelations at the end of the first season so it will be interesting where that goes. I have to agree with John, Torchwood was

Land of the Lost - My day is complete...

2009-05-25 Thread Gary Nunn
I've been looking forward to the new Land of the Lost movie, despite it's deviation from the original story. Today, the Sci-Fi channel has been playing the original Land of the Lost episodes. I haven't seen these in 30 years. The claymation is jerky, the blue screen overlays are bad, and

upcoming movies look promising

2009-03-11 Thread Gary Nunn
The movies that are about to open look promising.. Knowing with Nicholas Cage This looks promising, but it also looks a lot like War of the Worlds. Nick Cage has about a 50/50 ratio of good/bad movies. Witch Mountain Definitely a kids movie, but it will be a must see since I saw the

Impossible account security questions.

2009-03-09 Thread Gary Nunn
A few months ago, I called Chase Bank about a question with my account, the phone teller asked me several security challenge questions that I thought were unusual. One of the questions was a certain uncle's home address. The impossible part of this was that I haven't had contact with this uncle

RE: Br!n: Congratulations! Today you get rid of... of... what's hisname?

2009-01-20 Thread Gary Nunn
D Brin wrote: Thanks Alberto. Hoping the world will soon be proud of us! d Bumper sticker sighted yesterday: 1-20-09, The End of an Error ___

RE: Incoming!

2008-12-22 Thread Gary Nunn
Julia wrote... seriously, there are rabbits in the area, and I'm vaguely phobic about rabbits Have you ever seen the B movie Night of the Lepus? Quite possibly the worst movie of all-time. Gary ___

RE: [Humor] I'm Not One Of Those 'Love Thy Neighbor' Christians

2008-11-20 Thread Gary Nunn
Thank you for reminding me of my desire to bitch-slap people who claim to be Christians and are a lot more hung up on Leviticus than Matthew chapters 5-7. :) (Problem is, bitch-slapping is more in keeping with Leviticus than that section of Matthew.) Julia Julia, Your

Scotch Tape, Black Holes Supercollider's

2008-10-24 Thread Gary Nunn
Gheeze, who knew (well apparently the Russians 50 years ago). I'm guessing that environmental groups will start petitioning the court to outlaw the use of scotch tape in a vacuum in case it creates a black hole that will instantly swallow the earth X-Rays Detected From Scotch Tape

Ohio: 15 Year Old Faces Felony Charges....

2008-10-13 Thread Gary Nunn
Once again, I'm embarrassed to live in Ohio. The town in this story is only about 30 minutes away. It's a small town that is routinely the butt of redneck jokes all over Ohio. This is a witch hunt. I'm not sure how justice is served by convicting a 15 year old of making a stupid mistake. And,

Gas prices alternative fuel sources. (was: Sarah Palin)

2008-09-01 Thread Gary Nunn
Dan M wrote: With all due respect, so what? Most people prefer drilling everywhere over $4.00 gasoline. And, the Republicans are winning that argument...the polls show a massive preference now to drill to bring down the prices. Are high gas prices a necessary evil to force

RE: Gas prices alternative fuel sources. (was: Sarah Palin)

2008-09-01 Thread Gary Nunn
They shouldn't be, and in an economy and social/cultural framework that cultivated proactive thinking at least in the majority, they wouldn't be. The problem is that the existing paradigm tends to go ahead with business as usual until it becomes totally unsustainable, *then* start

RE: Gas prices alternative fuel sources. (was: Sarah Palin)

2008-09-01 Thread Gary Nunn
Because it's the right thing to do? Just because something is cheap does not mean we need to be wasteful. Substitute anyone with most people in that sentence and I'll agree with you. Ok, Most people. I agree, just because something is cheap doesn't mean that we need to be wasteful,

RE: Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin

2008-08-30 Thread Gary Nunn
McCain's VP Wants Creationism Taught in School Told you Maru William T Goodall I'm reading that blog entry a little different. She appears to be advocating to allow the debate and discussion of both. I didn't read anything

RE: Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin

2008-08-30 Thread Gary Nunn
Not in school, and not in science class. In comparative religion, maybe, but it's hard enough to teach good science without adding a load of creation myths to the course. I agree, not is science class, and I did specifically say that it shouldn't be taught as an equal alternative.

Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin

2008-08-29 Thread Gary Nunn
Considering the fact that McCain just announced his VP running mate today, it's interesting that there are domain names associating Sarah Palin with Vice President registered back in June 2008. The domain name was registered on June 14, 2008. Nothing illegal or

Google, video DRM, spammers flatulent llamas.

2008-07-27 Thread Gary Nunn
This is very reminiscent of the music industry a few years ago when they tried to have laws passed that would have allowed them to access anyone's machine remotely and delete/disable any MP3 that they thought was illegal. From the way it's written, it appears that the intent would be for

Terminator 4

2008-07-12 Thread Gary Nunn
Just ran across this in my travels online Terminator Salvation - 2009 John Conner - Christian Bale Kate Conner - Bryce Dallas Howard Set in post-apocalyptic 2018, John Connor (Bale) is the man fated to lead the human resistance against Skynet and its army of Terminators. But the

Ohio: Bill requires parents to volunteer

2008-04-10 Thread Gary Nunn
I don't see this going very far. The only thing this will accomplish is making money for attorneys with the slew of lawsuits it would generate. The question I have, is it still volunteering if it's mandatory? Idiots. Sometimes I'm ashamed to admit that I live in Ohio. Ohio: Bill requires

RE: Mail help needed . . .

2008-03-30 Thread Gary Nunn
I use and would recommend Pegasus Mail - Robust mail client with several possible view-types, and an inbuilt baesian filter. I was also going to recommend Pegasus Mail (Pmail), and saw that someone else beat me to it. I used Pegasus for years until I

Chris Pine cast an new Captain Kirk

2007-10-18 Thread Gary Nunn
Pine Joins 'Trek' Cast As Young Kirk Oct. 18, 2007, 4:37 PM EST The Associated Press The bridge of the starship Enterprise is filling up. Chris Pine, who had been in talks to join the cast of J.J. Abrams' Star Trek flick, will play the young James Kirk, while Karl Urban will take on the role

RE: Turkey, Genocide Congress.

2007-10-15 Thread Gary Nunn
So I take it you don't think this was genocide? Martin I didn't say that it wasn't genocide, I was questioning what good could possibly come from making this declaration 90 years after the fact - especially if it's going to piss off an allied nation that is clearly a different regime. As

Turkey, Genocide Congress.

2007-10-14 Thread Gary Nunn
I'm REALLY struggling with this one. I don't understand what good could possibly come from passing a resolution labeling this WW1 issue as genocide. It seems to me that Congress should have more important issues to deal with than trying to appease lobbyist with a hidden agenda over something

RE: Highlander: The Source - Quick, avert your eyes!

2007-10-14 Thread Gary Nunn
Highlander 2? There is no such thing. Julia au contraire.. From the IMDB: Highlander II: The Quickening (1991) Connor MacLeod ... aka Highlander II: The Renegade Version (UK: director's cut) (USA: video title (director's cut)) ... aka Highlander - Le retour (France) ...

RE: Highlander: The Source - Quick, avert your eyes!

2007-10-14 Thread Gary Nunn
That was my refusal to acknowledge the existence of said movie. I'm not alone in my sentiments on that. Julia Doh! It's been a screwy weekend and my IQ is temporarily down 50 points. Unfortunately, I didn't have much overhead to begin with in that department! If nothing else, the

Highlander: The Source - Quick, avert your eyes!

2007-10-13 Thread Gary Nunn
Well, the SciFi channel has done it once again. The new Highlander movie, Highlander: The Source, is so bad that I can't stand the watch the rest of it. Hideous plot, hideous acting, hideous special effects. I thought Highlander 2 was bad, but this one easily takes the prize. It's

Big shark, little kayak. Pucker Factor: 10

2007-10-07 Thread Gary Nunn
The first time I ran across the first picture, I thought it was a fake, and then I looked it up on Google and snopes. This is the caption with the picture from the magazine article: Sitting in a 3.8-metre sea kayak and watching a four-metre great white approach you is a fairly tense

RE: Br*n: Uplift at Star Trek

2007-10-05 Thread Gary Nunn
Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro wrote: Watching a Deep Space 9 episode, something caught my attention. ---snip--- Is this an Uplift rip-off? The Ghost Brigades by John Scalzi mentions uplifted races as part of his story plot. At the end of the book he acknowledges and credits the idea as

Flash Gordon question - Possible Spoilers

2007-10-05 Thread Gary Nunn
Possible Spoilers S P O I L E R S P A C E Anyone watching Flash Gordon? I missed this somewhere, but why does Baylin choose to stay on Earth as opposed to going back to Mongo? Gary ___

Bionic Woman Battlestar Galactica

2007-10-05 Thread Gary Nunn
No spoilers Is anyone watching the Bionic Woman? I was pleasantly surprised by it. Of course Katee Sackhoff, from Battlestar Galactica, plays a renegade bionic badass of undetermined allegiance. Anyway, in one scene, the bionic woman walks by a TV that's playing the new Battlestar

RE: Car free London?

2007-09-30 Thread Gary Nunn
Holy Cow!! I make a post and step away for a few weeks and find this topic ran rampant - and I missed it! However, I always look forward to the side-topics that always seem to be typical Brin humor... (fiber..biofuel..that's beautiful) Gary -Original Message- From: [EMAIL

Unattended Children: sign found at Ohio Renaissance Festival

2007-09-30 Thread Gary Nunn
I took the kids to the Ohio Renaissance Festival yesterday, and ran across this sign. It's beautiful. Gary ___

Car free London?

2007-09-14 Thread Gary Nunn
Whatever politicians that may be in power if this scenario would came true, would definitely not be in power much longer. There's an interesting paragraph about the potential health benefits of a car free London, but I see they conveniently forget to mention the increased health RISK of

'Heroes' Star Goes From Sylar to Spock

2007-09-12 Thread Gary Nunn
'Heroes' Star Goes From Sylar to Spock gt1=7703 ___

Weird search engine searches...

2007-09-01 Thread Gary Nunn
Doing some domain name keyword research, occasionally I run across some REALLY strange searches. A keyword search that led to a Batman related keyword, turned up the search: batman homosexual interpretations. That term was searched for 266 times last month. That deserves some sort of witty

Monster, dog or chupacabra?

2007-09-01 Thread Gary Nunn
Monster or dog? 'Goatsucker' tale debated Hunter wants DNA test for remains that may explain chupacabra legend CUERO, Texas - Phylis Canion lived in Africa for four years. She's been a hunter all her life and has the mounted heads of a zebra and other exotic animals in her house to prove it.

oops...Virtual Earth image reveals Trident sub's secret propeller

2007-08-31 Thread Gary Nunn
Virtual Earth image reveals Trident sub's secret propeller This month, a photograph appeared on the Internet of the propeller on an Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine at Trident Submarine Base in Bangor. A key to the submarine's ability to deploy and remain undetected, propeller designs

Bionic Woman tv series

2007-08-31 Thread Gary Nunn
I was never a fan of the original Bionic Woman, but I have to admit the trailer for this series looks very promising. Look for the one labeled Bionic Woman - Trailer, It's 9 minutes long. ___


2007-08-28 Thread Gary Nunn
Online dating humor This is beautiful. (some people may find this mildly offensive) ___

Wikipedia transparency

2007-08-25 Thread Gary Nunn
Wikipedia Unmasked Excerpt from article When an edit is made to a Wikipedia page, the IP address that made the change is recorded. What Griffith did was take the 34,417,493 anonymous edits added between February 2004 and August 2007 and correlate them with the IP addresses of hedge funds,

SUV's on the hybrid/green bandwagon.

2007-08-19 Thread Gary Nunn
I was just reading about the new hybrid SUV's that are about to hit the market. The Dodge Durango typically gets 14 mpg, and the hybrid version MIGHT get 18 or 19 mpg (The keyword there is MIGHT). I love the marketing dogma that is used to mislead car buyers: Both companies say that

RE: Am I married to a terrorist?

2007-08-19 Thread Gary Nunn
Today, when we [me + wife + 3 kids] went to watch the Pseudo-Para Pan American Games, my wife was barred at the door. She was hiding a WMD inside her purse, so hidden that she herself wasn't aware of it. It was a very lethal small left-handed scissors covered with rust and with a

Congress: P2P networks harm national security

2007-07-25 Thread Gary Nunn
Maybe congress should just shut down the internet completely? In most federal agencies, the firewalls are so locked down, it would be IMPOSSIBLE for a computer with P2P software to share files without intentionally bypassing security. If the federal employee is taking home sensitive data and

TV Series: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

2007-07-23 Thread Gary Nunn
Ran across this in an article unrelated to sci-fi. The IMDB shows 13 episodes, but this sounds like one of the short term mid-season replacements that won't have much of a following after the first few episodes. The Sarah Connor Chronicles Plot Outline: Set after the events in 'Terminator 2'

Remake of Omega Man.

2007-07-04 Thread Gary Nunn
Just ran across's is a remake of the Omega Man that originally starred Charlton Heston. I Am legend stars Will Smith. The trailer is short but looks promising. ___

Very cool underwater vacation

2007-06-17 Thread Gary Nunn
This is too cool. This is the underwater equivalent of the cabin in the woods. The slide show has a picture of the TV with The Abyss on it :-) Gary ___

Battlestar Ending Next Season

2007-06-04 Thread Gary Nunn
Battlestar Ending Next Season The producers of SCI FI Channel's Battlestar Galactica confirmed that the upcoming fourth season will be the show's last. Executive producers Ronald Moore and David Eick said that it was a creative decision to end the acclaimed series with the upcoming 22-episode

Stranger than fiction...

2007-06-01 Thread Gary Nunn
Deadly spider's venom may yield super virility The spider's bite can kill children and the elderly, but among strong young farmers it leads to erections that can last for days and involve involuntary ejaculations.

An iPod for every student, courtesy of Michigan Taxpayers

2007-05-26 Thread Gary Nunn
I love the Citizens Against Government Waste website: I don't always agree with them (they are against net neutrality), but I love reading about the taxpayer money that our government wastes on crap, instead of investing in things like medical research on (AIDS, cancer,

Big pigs

2007-05-26 Thread Gary Nunn
very big pig (and no, I'm not talking about GW Bush!) ___


2007-05-13 Thread Gary Nunn
Not sure if you can call GeoCaching a sport, but the kids and I recently discovered it and became completely hooked. Reading the webpage, it almost sounds like the white-hot action of watching golf or bowling on TV. If your not familiar with GeoCaching, basically caches are

Star Trek apartment, with Voyager refit

2007-04-29 Thread Gary Nunn
This is very cool, but unless this guy lives near a Star Trek convention center of some sort, I bet he doesn't get very many dates. Star Trek apartment, with Voyager refit: original link:

Crazy Cat Lady

2007-03-30 Thread Gary Nunn
I LOVE this ___

Star Trek nativity scene

2007-03-19 Thread Gary Nunn
All I can say is that the three wise men are a Klingon, a Gorn and Balok (from The Corbomite Maneuver) ___

Even more bad Sci-Fi on Sci-Fi Channel

2007-03-10 Thread Gary Nunn
I think I make these comments about every three months Does the sci-fi channel pump out bad movies just for the sake of airing something? Does Stephen Baldwin own stock in the Sci-Fi Channel? I'm watching Earthstorm. It's like a train wreck... I can't stop watching, but it's so bad, I'm

RE: Even more bad Sci-Fi on Sci-Fi Channel

2007-03-10 Thread Gary Nunn
I'm watching Earthstorm. It's like a train wreck... I can't stop watching, but it's so bad, I'm cringing. I knew this would be the case... my first clue was that the movie stars Stephen Baldwin and Dirk Benedict. Here I go replying to myself again... I didn't want to leave everyone

First Amendment takes a hit

2007-02-21 Thread Gary Nunn
Annoying someone via the Internet is now a federal crime. It's no joke. Last Thursday, President Bush signed into law a prohibition on posting annoying Web messages or sending annoying e-mail messages without disclosing your true identity. In other words, it's OK to flame someone on a mailing

Cool eBay auction: AquaSphere Studio Floating Living Pad

2007-02-18 Thread Gary Nunn
Not sure how this would do in rough water, but cool none the less :-) AquaSphere Studio Floating Living Pad ___

News: Teacher's porn conviction sparks tech debate.

2007-02-13 Thread Gary Nunn
Teacher's porn conviction sparks tech debate She was convicted last month of exposing seventh-grade students to pornography on her classroom computer. She contended the images were inadvertently thrust onto the screen by pornographers' unseen spyware and adware programs.

strange eBay auctions... JFK shooters window

2007-02-11 Thread Gary Nunn
John F Kennedy Assassination Shooters Perch Window JFK Actual Original Shooters Nest Window in Book Depository 169 bidders Current bid: $ 1,000,200 ___

Anna Nicole Smith: 1968 - 2007

2007-02-08 Thread Gary Nunn
Former Playboy Playmate Anna Nicole Smith Dies at Age 39 After Collapsing at Florida Hotel ___

MSNBC: Astronaut arrested in alleged kidnap attempt

2007-02-05 Thread Gary Nunn Wow. I can't even come up with a comment except: the contrast between her mug shot and her official flight photo is surprising. ___

Digital Rights Management is evil

2007-02-04 Thread Gary Nunn
I'm finding out that Digital Rights Management - DRM - isn't just a Microsoft conspiracy. I paid for, and downloaded, an AD/HD related PDF document written by a psychologist. I didn't mind paying the small fee since I found it useful and informative. What I DID mind was, discovering after

RE: Digital Rights Management is evil

2007-02-04 Thread Gary Nunn
I'm finding out that Digital Rights Management - DRM - isn't just a Microsoft conspiracy. No, it's not. It's an Adobe conspiracy. Adope is so much more Evil than Micro$oft, that it makes M$ look like a Charity Company. But I guess under Vista those things will acquire a new level

Script Completed for 'Star Trek XI'

2007-01-11 Thread Gary Nunn
Script Completed for 'Star Trek XI' Director J.J. Abrams has confirmed that the script for Star Trek XI has been completed, that it will concern Capt. Kirk and Spock as very young men, that shooting

Was religion necessary for developing civilizations?

2006-12-26 Thread Gary Nunn
A question that came up in a deep, late night conversation Was religion a necessary tool for building moral and ethical standards in early civilizations or social groups? Or did someone simply invent the fear of Going To Hell to impose their will on the masses? I suppose that also

interesting website

2006-11-25 Thread Gary Nunn
Not sure what I would classify that website as, but I ran across it this morning, and it's one of my new favorites. It's a collection of links to interesting news stories. _ The Vulcan Neck Pinch is not half as powerful as

RE: interesting website

2006-11-25 Thread Gary Nunn
Not sure what I would classify that website as, but I ran across it this morning, and it's one of my new favorites. It's a collection of links to interesting news stories. I think my favorite part is the classification of the different articles: Asinine, Dumbass,

RE: interesting website

2006-11-25 Thread Gary Nunn
So does that fall under Dumbass or Follow-Up? ;) Julia If you were to ask my ex-wife, it should be follow-up by the dumbass :-) Gary ___

Whites Only Scholarship Creates Outrage

2006-11-25 Thread Gary Nunn
It doesn't surprise me that this scholarship is causing a stir. For years, I've thought that the single biggest perpetrators of bigotry were organizations like the NAACP and Rev. Jessie Jackson (with due respect to his positive accomplishments). Many minority groups have no problem creating

Why junk email will NEVER go away.

2006-11-14 Thread Gary Nunn
Last April, I created an email address to use for my mom at H R Block. I only used that address for that one specific reason. I never posted it or used it for ANYTHING else. Since April, that email address has received just under 3000 pieces of spam. I emailed HR block security with a

Breaking News: Republicans Blame Election Losses On Democrats

2006-11-07 Thread Gary Nunn
I love The Onion :-) Republicans Blame Election Losses On Democrats WASHINGTON, DC-Republican officials are blaming tonight's GOP losses on Democrats, who they claim have engaged in a wide variety of aggressive, premeditated, anti-Republican campaigns over the past six-to-18 months. We have

Will this life altering question ever be resolved?

2006-11-05 Thread Gary Nunn _ The Vulcan Neck Pinch is not half as powerful as the Vulcan Groin Kick, but it's more politically correct. ~ Quotes you'll never hear on Star Trek.

Quote of the day.....

2006-11-04 Thread Gary Nunn
The box said 'Requires Windows 95 or better'. So I installed LINUX. - Unknown ___

Editorial: Rumsfeld Must Go

2006-11-04 Thread Gary Nunn
This is an interesting article and poll about an editorial that's about to be released. Too bad that ousting someone like Rumsfeld couldn't be done by a popular vote. The online poll: Should Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld be removed from his position,

Obesity, portion control fuel consumption.

2006-11-01 Thread Gary Nunn
In the last year, I've changed some habits, lost some weight and tried to be a little more aware of what I'm eating and what the portion size was. About a month ago, my daughter and I went to Applebee's for dinner. The somewhat traditional thing is to get a salad bar and an entrée. I ordered

Microsoft is getting greedy...

2006-10-17 Thread Gary Nunn
This amazes me. I understand limiting transfers from an anti-piracy standpoint, but if my hard drive crashes and I have to reinstall Vista, adding another $400 to that price tag would be prohibitive. If I'm purchasing a license of any software, I should be allowed to transfer this to any number

RE: Irregulars Question: London Hotels

2006-10-17 Thread Gary Nunn
I may go to London in two weeks, and I know nothing about good [breakfast included: my company pays for hotel but not for food, and I am in no financial position to have extra expenses!] hotels. Any suggestions? Alberto Monteiro That depends, do you want the room by the night or by the

'Crocodile Hunter' Steve Irwin dies

2006-09-04 Thread Gary Nunn
Naturalist, 44, killed by stingray on diving trip, Australian media report There's got to be a comment somewhere that contains the word crikey, but I've got nothing ___

News: FDA approves viruses as food additive

2006-09-04 Thread Gary Nunn
I heard about this a few weeks ago, but didn't run across the article until this morning. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I guess I've read too many science fiction stories about a good virus gone bad and taking down a significant portion of humanity :-) As unlikely as the scenarios are,

Beautiful Star Trek quote....

2006-09-04 Thread Gary Nunn
This was listed as a Star Trek quote on a website I visited. I've never seen it before, but I love it :-) The Vulcan Neck Pinch is not half as powerful as the Vulcan Groin Kick, but it's more politically correct. ~ Star Trek quotes

Neighbors Stealing Wireless Bandwidth? One Man's Solution

2006-08-17 Thread Gary Nunn
One of my co-workers sent me this This is beautiful :-) One man's solution to the neighbors stealing his wireless bandwidth: ___

SciFi Channel sinks to all new low.

2006-07-25 Thread Gary Nunn
It's with a heavy heart that I must report the SciFi Channel has sunk to a new all time low. I can only guess that SciFi Channel felt as if they had to do one worse than Tremors: The Series, and Scare Tactics. [Deep sigh here] As I type this, the SciFi Channel is showing professional

Internet Archive Wayback Machine

2006-07-17 Thread Gary Nunn
I'm not sure if this archive is cool or disturbing. Cool for historic purposes, but a bit disturbing if you once posted things you may not want potential employers to find. From the webpage... About the Wayback Machine Browse through 55 billion web pages archived from 1996 to a few months

Earth Shattering BREAKING NEWS!! (not!)

2006-07-12 Thread Gary Nunn
Ok, does anyone really care that one guy head butted another for insulting his lineage? Definitely don't think this warrants a BREAKING NEWS! Alert from They must be bored today :-) Breaking News from FRENCH SOCCER STAR ZIDANE SAID HE HEAD BUTTED AN ITALIAN PLAYER

Very unlikely story: Hasselhoff injures arm while shaving

2006-07-01 Thread Gary Nunn
Ok, I have a good imagination, but this story just reeks of total bullsh*t The picture with the story makes David Hasselhoff look like a game show host that's had too many Botox treatments. Draw your own conclusions David Hasselhoff Undergoes Surgery Jun 30, 1:21 PM EST The

Found on IMDB: The Astronaut Farmer

2006-06-28 Thread Gary Nunn
While looking something else up, I ran across this The Astronaut Farmer Starring Bruce Willis Billy Bob Thorton Tagline: One small step for man. One giant leap for farmers. Plot Outline: An astronaut (Thornton) of NASA is forced to retire so he could save his family farm. But he can't

oops: Bush Slams Leak of Terror Finance Story

2006-06-26 Thread Gary Nunn
Translation: Damn! We got caught. Bush Slams Leak of Terror Finance Story Bush Slams Release of Information on Monitoring of Finances for Terrorist Activities The Associated Press WASHINGTON - President Bush on Monday sharply condemned the disclosure of a secret anti-terrorism program that

What is this flower?

2006-06-11 Thread Gary Nunn
Has anyone seen anything like this flower before? I did a Google search, but didn't come up with anything. I probably wasn't using the right terminology. Gary ___

Brin letter in Playboy

2006-03-14 Thread Gary Nunn
See, I really DO read the articles I just ran across a letter from David Brin that was printed in the new Playboy. It's a commentary about the new King Kong movie. Gary ___

Bush, Sheehan Irony...

2006-02-01 Thread Gary Nunn
I find it ironic, that on the same news page as Sheehan's arrest story, is a link to a Bush quote from his State of the Union address: Bush: 'We Will Act Boldly in Freedom's Cause' I guess that

New Battlestar Galactica - no spoilers.

2006-01-07 Thread Gary Nunn
I just watched the first episode, of the second part of season 2, that I had saved on DVR from last night. I have always liked it from the start, but that show just gets better and better. I didn't see that end coming. Well, at least the end that will be concluded next week. Earlier in the

MSN: British woman 'marries' dolphin

2006-01-03 Thread Gary Nunn
There has to be some good jokes in this somewhere. Video and pictures: With this herring I thee wed British woman 'marries' dolphin, tying the net after 15-year courtship The Associated Press Updated: 2:48 p.m. ET Jan. 3, 2006 JERUSALEM -

Crazy ideas that work..

2006-01-02 Thread Gary Nunn
I read about this in a couple of places over the last week. The short of it is, this guy decided to sell space on a webpage for $1 a pixel. So far, he is 1000 short of his million dollar/pixel goal. I never cease to be amazed at the crazy money making schemes that pay off big. The FAQ is

Yahoo Story: Million Dollar Homepage

2006-01-02 Thread Gary Nunn Cash pours in for student with $1 million Web idea By Peter GraffThu Dec 29, 1:04 PM ET If you have an envious streak, you probably shouldn't read this. Because chances are, Alex Tew, a 21-year-old student from a small town in

ABCnews: Pack of vicious dogs attack officer. :-)

2006-01-01 Thread Gary Nunn
Maybe these vicious dogs should go to the top of the list of dangerous animals, right alongside Pit Bulls. The Police Officer showed great restraint by not using his sidearm to defend himself against this violent, unprovoked attack. Maybe Fremont California is really, really short of true

LSSU 2006 List of Banished Words

2006-01-01 Thread Gary Nunn
I ran across this on some obscure news page, and then after reading it, also saw it on You have to visit the webpage and read the short description to appreciate why some of these made it to the banished list. From the Banished Words history page... In order to gain the most media

Words phrases that should be banished.

2006-01-01 Thread Gary Nunn
I can think of a couple of words and phrases that should be banished from the English language: Ripped From The Headlines - Should read: Plot Stolen From The Headlines. Can't TV writers come up with their own unique story ideas? My bad - This is just bad grammar and silly slang. I cringe when

Media Myth - Guns Are Always Bad for Us

2005-12-31 Thread Gary Nunn
I apologize in advance, because I know this topic can get a bit heated on this list. The reason I'm posting this, is because this is the first media article that I've seen, from a major media outlet, that makes an attempt to be fair and accurate. (link to complete list of myths at the bottom)

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