Re: Starting Engineer's Salaries

2010-10-22 Thread Jim Sharkey
Rob wrote: Insert GOATSE Here Maru Every time I think I've completely excised the sight of that picture from my mind forever, someone reminds me of it. Seriously, getting stealth linked to that was one of the less pleasant shocks of my life. Jim JESUS, WHAT IS THAT?! Maru

Re: Is anybody home?

2010-10-06 Thread Jim Sharkey
Dee wrote Counting down, just a few weeks til I get a bit more breathing room and hope to get a new list of good books to read. Start me a list please. If you're looking for something that's got a little bite without being terribly taxing, I rather enjoyed _The Hunger Game_ just

RE: Is anybody home?

2010-10-05 Thread Jim Sharkey
Dan wrote: I think most email lists are dropping themselves. The modern thing to write is less than 144 charact That's one of the reasons I still have my LJ. There are certain thoughts and ideas that A) need more than a brief, pithy comment to properly express and B) don't really want the

Re: Having kids makes some people fulfilled

2010-07-08 Thread Jim Sharkey
unforeseen problems, IMO. For example, I wish I'd had a camera to take a picture of my wife's face when my aforementioned eldest asked if she could get her hair dyed purple and I said I don't see why not. I believe in picking my battles. :-) Jim Sharkey Will you please stop bothering your

RE: On Listmail

2010-05-03 Thread Jim Sharkey
As far as where everyone's been, the Sharkey scions are in the prime of their doing lots of activities ages right now. Between dance, baseball, softball and Boy Scouts there's barely a moment for plain old family time, let alone lengthy discussions on the pros and cons of the Arizona

Re: Riding to raise money for MS research...

2010-02-15 Thread Jim Sharkey
Charlie Bell wrote: I don't normally do this here, so I thought I'd ask. I'm doing the Melbourne Summer Cycle this Sunday to help raise money for MS research. My sister's civil partner has just been diagnosed with MS. They're having quite a time of it. I'll throw a few dollars into the kitty

Re: Brin on global warming

2010-02-11 Thread Jim Sharkey
Nick Arnett wrote: Ironically, Dr. Brin seems to know very little about the Know Nothing Party. They were anti-immigration, jingoistic Protestants, not anti-intellectuals. Just

Re: The worst

2010-01-05 Thread Jim Sharkey
Nick wrote: My younger sister, Lesley, the youngest of the four of us, mother of my five-year-old niece, Sarah, could not fight off the sepsis that attacked her body.  Lesley died this morning. Oh, Nick, I am so sorry to hear this. My condolences to you and your family. Jim

Re: Foswiki up and running

2010-01-02 Thread Jim Sharkey
Nick Arnett wrote: I'd like to hear if anybody strongly objects. I certainly do not object. It's been a long time. Jim Best Weight Loss Program - Click Here! Weight Loss Program

Re: May not be around

2010-01-02 Thread Jim Sharkey
Nick Arnett wrote: Yes, Im in Santa Clara... waiting to see if I should head to NC.  Apparently the recovery from something like this is very long, so Im not rushing there unless the medical people say that its time for family to gather.  They havent quite said that, but close. Let's hope you

Re: What's to read?

2009-09-24 Thread Jim Sharkey wrote: One recent read question (blending threads)- finally tried my first Pratchett book- Night Watch. I found it to be lighter and a good brain break, but I am not sure if there is any particular order to things. Is there another book related to

Re: Posted in a workcube

2009-08-31 Thread Jim Sharkey
Rob wrote: I will not brew Decaf. Decaf is the mind-killer. Decaf brings the little sleep that leads to total oblivion. I will embrace my caffeine. I will brew my beverages and let them... flow through me, and when they are gone, I will remain...alert I prefer The LItany of Beer, myself: I

Entertainment? (was Re: The Role of Government in a Libertarian Free Market)

2009-08-18 Thread Jim Sharkey
Rob wrote: We are the entertainment Well, if it makes you happy to think so... :-p Jim Pithy remarks Maru Free Learning Centers Information. Click here. Learning Center

Re: The Role of Government in a Libertarian Free Market

2009-08-18 Thread Jim Sharkey
Doug wrote: Has he been arrogant at times? The arrogance doesn't fuss me; there's far too many brainy people here to expect excessive modesty. :-) The passive-agressive posts, though? I don't mind admitting that kind of stuff gets under my skin. Jim Admitting weakness maru

Re: The Role of Government in a Libertarian Free Market

2009-08-18 Thread Jim Sharkey
John Williams wrote: I would go with lazy more than ignorant I think that intellectual laziness leads to stupidity, though. How can live your whole life in this country and not know Medicare is a government program, to cite one of Maher's examples? Let alone not know there are two senators

Passive-Agressive posting (was Re: The Role of Government in a Libertarian Free Market)

2009-08-18 Thread Jim Sharkey
Doug wrote: Now see, I guess I dont understand what passive-aggressive means because I would think that his confrontational, sometimes sarcastic style has any passivity to it. I see it differently, perhaps. Passive-agressive may not be the right clinical term here, but I find repeated

Re: On the Occasion of a Seventeenth Birthday

2009-07-21 Thread Jim Sharkey
Warren Ockrassa wrote: Son of a friend is turning 17 Saturday. I think I've distilled my life's wisdom (for 17-yer-olds anyway) down to three things. 1. You're too young to drink and too young to vote. But you're old enough to be tried as an adult. 2. Always, always, ALWAYS use a condom. 3.

Re: In despair for the state of SF

2009-07-05 Thread Jim Sharkey
From: Warren Ockrassa [] Kevin J. Anderson See, I spotted your problem right away, Warren. :-p Jim ___

The Ombudsmen

2009-03-06 Thread Jim Sharkey
For those of you who don't regularly follow Scott Kurtz's PVP webcomic, this is a pro click: There are four more after it. If you are a _Watchmen_ fan you'll be tickled by this little storyline. It does contain spoilers, so if you've never read

Scouted: Would you like some mercury with your Coke?

2009-01-27 Thread Jim Sharkey According to this recent study, the process used to create some high fructose corn syrups adds at least trace amounts of mercury to the end product. As if there weren't already enough reasons to avoid it. Jim Dublin Dr. Pepper rules Maru

DDP (was Re: Scouted: Would you like some mercury with your Coke?)

2009-01-27 Thread Jim Sharkey
Bruce wrote: Julia wrote: Jim Dublin Dr. Pepper rules Maru Damn straight it does! I became a convert to DDP some years ago Fun fact: For our anniversary a couple of years ago I made my wife get me a couple of cases of DDP. They cost more to ship than to buy. :-p Jim Worth it Maru

Re: Portal Gun

2009-01-23 Thread Jim Sharkey
Dave Land wrote: On Jan 22, 2009, at 2:40 PM, Rceeberger wrote: I'm making a note here: huge success. I HAVE to show that to my son, who is a huge Portal fan. Your son has excellent taste in games. Portal was the best game of

Brazil's Twin Town

2009-01-22 Thread Jim Sharkey Joseph Mengele apparently found a way to increase the birthrate of the master race, at least in this small Brazilian enclave. Pretty wacky stuff, though it's

Re: Number 6 is dead

2009-01-15 Thread Jim Sharkey
John Garcia wrote: he wasn't a number, but a free man. My dad of all people turned me onto that show. So great and weird. I'll have to play Maiden's The Village later on. Jim Who is number Maru? MBA Program Click for free info on

Belgian Beer (was Re: Russia (Was What is wealth?))

2008-12-18 Thread Jim Sharkey
Wayne wrote: 5. The nicest beer I ever had the pleasure of drinking was in Russia. It was a Belgian brew and I wish I remembered the brand name. I know it betrays my Irish-ness, but I think the Belgians make the best beers. Chimay, Corsendonk, Maredsous...all delicious and with some fairly

Re: Giant (3 cm across) single-celled organism makes tracks

2008-11-24 Thread Jim Sharkey
Ronn wrote: That was really interesting, thanks! Though I can hear the howls of derision coming from the anti-science people out there already, due to the way they say in the article how it will change how we see fossil records.

Re: Giant (3 cm across) single-celled organism makes tracks

2008-11-24 Thread Jim Sharkey
Ronn wrote: Faster Than Light? For the loss Jim Internet acronyms maru Graphic Design School Love Graphic Design? Find a school near you. Click Now.

Re: Space based solar power

2008-11-19 Thread Jim Sharkey
Alberto Monteiro wrote: With oil going to 50 $/bbl? Forget solar power. Forget biofuels. Forget nuclear. Forget hydro. Forget renewable sources. The world will miss the good old days of George W. Bush, when we had hope in carbon-free energy. I'm not entirely sure about that. I think, just

Re: OT: Q. on Stirling's _In the Courts of the Crimson Kings_

2008-11-11 Thread Jim Sharkey
I'm just wrapping up _The Sky People_ and this book is on the pile. When I get to it, I'll be happy to have a... wait for it...I know this simply isn't done around discussion if you want. Jim Hardwood Floors Buy Hardwood

Health Care costs (was: the same topic all damn week)

2008-10-28 Thread Jim Sharkey
Dave Land wrote: On Oct 28, 2008, at 11:11 AM, John Williams wrote: Do you think other people should pay for your daughter's health care while you should only contribute a small amount, even though you could contribute much more? This is *precisely* how private insurance works: everyone pays

Re: Two Weeks To Go

2008-10-20 Thread Jim Sharkey
Olin wrote: As much as I disagree with McCain on just about everything, I really do believe that he's better than the people who are running his campaign. But of course, since he made the choice to let those people -- the same people who savaged him in 2000 when he was running against Bush --

Re: Books, was Proper function..

2008-09-24 Thread Jim Sharkey
David wrote: How about Saturn's Children? I just bought a buttload of books from SFBC, and that was among them. If people are interested in talking about it, I could move it up in the queue. I'm in the middle of re-reading _Watchmen_, which has held up very well over the past ~25 years. Jim

Re: Fair Trade

2008-09-18 Thread Jim Sharkey
Bruce wrote: - more specific example Someone needs to tell them it's a uterus, not a clown car. :-p Jim Brazil Visit beautiful Brazil. Click now for great vacation packages!

Re: Vasectomy

2008-09-16 Thread Jim Sharkey
Julia wrote: If you don't want to father a child but you want to have sexual intercourse with a woman, a vasectomy is a really great line of defense there. Then there are guys who act like it's emasculating. Me? The second my wife and I decided we were done having children, I was at the

Re: Limericks (was Re: Greg Bear)

2008-08-22 Thread Jim Sharkey
This is one of my favorites: There was a young woman from Tottingham Who had no manners or else had forgotten 'em At tea at the Vicar's She took off her knickers Because, she explained, she felt hot in 'em By the by, I *loved* the math limerick. It definitely tickled me. Jim A poet who didn't

Re: Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

2008-07-18 Thread Jim Sharkey
On Jul 17, 2008, at 11:22 AM, William T Goodall wrote: Anyone not watching this? Why yes. Yes I have been. It's funny as hell. Jim ___

Re: Hello

2008-06-12 Thread Jim Sharkey
Jon Gabriel wrote: William T Goodall wrote: xponentrob wrote: Not much has changed round here, but I am involved in protesting a criminal cult that calls itself a religion. You just need to widen your scope a bit :-) And, it's like I never left. :D I believe it's vital to have at least a

Re: A videogame that will make William happy

2008-06-09 Thread Jim Sharkey
Charlie Bell wrote: Andrew Crystall wrote: Played Planescape:Torment? No. Should I? Yes. Yes you should. Jim ___ Join Excite! - The most personalized portal on the Web! ___

Re: Portal (was Re: A videogame that will make William happy)

2008-06-07 Thread Jim Sharkey
Rceeberger wrote: I've been having fun on the achievement servers, at least the ones that are not under constant attack by purist trolls. BTW Jim.what servers do you play? I may try to meet up with you to play a bit. A lot of really good players, but

Re: Portal (was Re: A videogame that will make William happy)

2008-06-07 Thread Jim Sharkey
Martin Lewis wrote: There is a Flash adaption: My understanding is that Portal was originally a Flash game and the Valve guys liked it so much they hired them people who created it to make a game with their engine. Jim

Re: A videogame that will make William happy

2008-06-07 Thread Jim Sharkey
Andrew Crystall wrote: Played Planescape:Torment? PS:T is a masterpiece. Finest RPG I ever played. It took over my life from the moment I started it up until I finished it. I must have played that game 6-10 hours a day, obsessing over every detail. Jim The Nameless Maru

Portal (was Re: A videogame that will make William happy)

2008-06-06 Thread Jim Sharkey
Dave Land wrote: I just finished Portal with my son: it's a fun, short puzzle game, kind of a first-person-shooter where you don't shoot anything living. I'm sure that would ruin it for Call of Duty or GTA fans. The Orange Box was the best game purchase I have made in at least five years, and

Re: Portal (was Re: A videogame that will make William happy)

2008-06-06 Thread Jim Sharkey
Ronn! Blankenship wrote: Jim Sharkey wrote: The other part of its awesome is TF2, which as I once mentioned in my LJ is just about the most fun you can have at your computer while still wearing pants. :-) You have your computer in your bathroom too? If I did, you can be sure I'd be playing

Re: A videogame that will make William happy

2008-06-06 Thread Jim Sharkey
David Hobby wrote: Google has no hits for declared the cake to be a lie, and hits without the quotes don't really produce a clear picture. In Portal, a disembodied female voice assures you that if you pass all the puzzles, there will be cake at the end. But you find evidence that not all is


2008-05-09 Thread Jim Sharkey
Julia Thompson wrote: Jim Sharkey wrote: Alberto Monteiro wrote: PS: oops, I used nazi, muslims and name-calling in the same post. Am I going to get banned? :-) No, just shunned. Or tarred and feathered. We have to have a vote. I don't like tarring and feathering, it sounds more painful than


2008-05-08 Thread Jim Sharkey
Alberto Monteiro wrote: PS: oops, I used nazi, muslims and name-calling in the same post. Am I going to get banned? :-) No, just shunned. Or tarred and feathered. We have to have a vote. Jim ___ Join Excite! - The most

RE: wtg

2008-05-05 Thread Jim Sharkey
jon louis mann wrote: Alberto wrote: The acceptable justification for the disappearance of the slave daughter and the appearance of the children/grandchildren was that the slave daughter had joined a religious fanatical sect. So, all this happened because people are tolerant of religious

RE: Courage in facing death

2008-04-20 Thread Jim Sharkey
Please accept my condolences for you loss. Jim ___ Join Excite! - The most personalized portal on the Web! ___

RE: April Fool's 2008

2008-04-03 Thread Jim Sharkey
Julia Thompson wrote: Jim Sharkey wrote: Workshop Aggro Maru I get nervous around the word aggro, as *actual* aggro, or drama, often follows. :) Actual aggro is *supposed* to follow! The whole point of Workshop aggro is to quickly drop large mechanical beasties and beat some poor sucker's

RE: April Fool's 2008

2008-04-02 Thread Jim Sharkey
Julia Thompson wrote: Highlights a Ninjas vs. Pirates Magic: The Gathering expansion I was terribly disappointed when I realized what day it was. I think a Pirates vs. Ninjas duel set like their Elves vs. Goblins one would have been pretty kickass!

Re: 'Lost'

2008-03-21 Thread Jim Sharkey
William T Goodall wrote: Jim Sharkey wrote: ABC and the Lost crew agreed to end the series around episode 100 Which probably has something to do with the way the plot has been moving forward at a greatly accelerated pace this season. Absolutely. Getting an official end date for the series

RE: The Postman

2008-03-21 Thread Jim Sharkey
Pat Mathews wrote: Hehehe. It's a shame that strip is going away, as I understand it. Jim Kevin Costner Always Rings Twice Maru ___ Join Excite! - The most personalized

Re: 'Lost'

2008-03-21 Thread Jim Sharkey
Julia Thompson wrote: Ronn! Blankenship wrote: Or chuck it and watch Law and Order instead . . . *Very* good plan, IMO! :) Not sure I agree. I've seen so many LO episodes over the past 10+ years that the twist is almost always obvious and it kind of ruins the show for me. And the mini-sermon

Re: Apologies

2008-03-20 Thread Jim Sharkey
William T Goodall wrote: Jim Sharkey wrote: OK. S, Mormonism and Catholicism then. :-D At 2% and 24% of the US population maybe not a close analogy. A closer religious analogy for the US would be nonreligious/secular (13.2%) and Christian (76.5%). It's your whimsy and keen sense

Re: 'Lost'

2008-03-20 Thread Jim Sharkey
Ronn! Blankenship wrote: One thing not unique to that show is that most viewers will not appreciate it when things happen which may be subplots or may be integral to the main plot but because it's an open-ended series Nope. It has an end. ABC and the Lost crew agreed to end the series around

Re: Apologies

2008-03-19 Thread Jim Sharkey
William T Goodall wrote: Nick Arnett wrote: Hmmm... the cult of Macintosh. It is like a religion with many people, you know. Creepy sometimes. Calling Mac users a cult is like calling atheists a religion. One of those rhetorical devices where you turn the turn the truth upside down. Microsoft

Re: Apologies

2008-03-19 Thread Jim Sharkey
William T Goodall wrote: Apple's market share (14% of US retail in February) is more than large enough to be mainstream and has been for the last couple of years. Microsoft's market share peaked a few years ago. The question is how far and how fast it will decline. OK. S, Mormonism and

Re: Br*n: The Latest In Dolphin Technology

2008-03-17 Thread Jim Sharkey
Lance A. Brown wrote: Was wondering if this was some new kind of rickrolling... Fairly similar, but far more insidious. Exposing people to stealth CoS links is worse than :-p Jim Hole of terror Maru ___ Join Excite! -

RE: Celebrating 31 years of even more juvenile humor!

2008-03-11 Thread Jim Sharkey
Ronn! Blankenship wrote: On this day in 1977, astronomers discovered rings around Uranus. When I was a kid, there was always at least one spoilsport teacher who would insist it was pronounces yur-eh-nuss. Jim Scottie, I need your help to wipe out the Klingons Maru

Re: Gary Gygax

2008-03-05 Thread Jim Sharkey
I haven't slung dice in a while now, for various reasons, but this news seems to call for it. The red boxed set I got some 27 Christmases or so ago led me on a path of gaming and good times I wouldn't trade for anything. Jim Jesus saves; he takes half damage Maru

RE: Brin: Life after People

2008-03-01 Thread Jim Sharkey
Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro wrote: Life After People will air on 2008-03-10 21:00 on brazilian's tetrahydrocanabiol oops... The History Channel. I just finished Cormac McCarthy's _The Road_. I've had as much life after people as my psyche can handle for a few days. :-p Great book, by

RE: I do love me some xkcd

2008-02-20 Thread Jim Sharkey
Lance A. Brown wrote: I got linked to that on a forum I'm active on. The number of people I am 'Net-acquainted with to whom that cartoon applies staggers the imagination, and I can include myself on that list every now and again too. :-) Jim

RE: Wal-Mart and more

2008-02-20 Thread Jim Sharkey
Dan M wrote: However, since I try to be polite, I will refrain from that until I can devote a day or two per post honing my responses down to strict, yet unspecified, page limitations or I am told that I am allowed to write long posts. Passive-aggressiveness aside, I personally wouldn't want

RE: Wal-Mart

2008-02-14 Thread Jim Sharkey
Nick Arnett wrote: Confession: I take our daughter to Wal-Mart (her choice, not mine) and pay for her insulin. She can't get insurance and they do have the lowest price. But at least insulin isn't being produced in sweat shops, as far as I know. And I'm tempted by all the cheap stuff they

Re: Paging Jim

2008-02-02 Thread Jim Sharkey
Robert Seeberger wrote: Been meaning to send you this: Basically, Portal is a game about a gun that shoots vaginas. Rob, I clearly owe you a beer for sharing this with me. I would never have realized the Portal gun was shooting space-bending vaginas

RE: Paging Jim

2008-01-31 Thread Jim Sharkey
Julia Thompson wrote: My off-list e-mails to you are bouncing, your e-mail provider doesn't like my e-mail provider or something. :( Just wanted to say, I'll check it out next week and may pass along info to other friends. That's odd. I have your address on my safe list, and have for some

RE: CoS in the news

2008-01-24 Thread Jim Sharkey
Because I love you guys, I give you the CS orientation video: It's pretty funny stuff. Jim

Re: Portal (was RE: Fundamentalist Wisdom)

2008-01-22 Thread Jim Sharkey
Robert Seeberger wrote: I couldn't play TF because my PC had a crappy Nvidia 5200 card You need to upgrade then, because TF2 is a complete blast! At least, assuming you can find non-a--holes to play with, anyway. If you get yourself up and running, let me know. My forum has a great server.

Portal (was RE: Fundamentalist Wisdom)

2008-01-21 Thread Jim Sharkey
Robert Seeberger wrote: Jim Sharkey wrote: William T Goodall wrote: Evolution is a lie So is the cake. I was going to have a party and invite all your friends. I'm glad at least someone knew that one. Despite its brevity, I think Portal ought to be game of the year. It was fun, darkly

RE: Fundamentalist Wisdom

2008-01-20 Thread Jim Sharkey
William T Goodall wrote: Evolution is a lie So is the cake. Jim Aperture Science Maru ___ Join Excite! - The most personalized portal on the Web! ___

Re: US Doomed

2008-01-16 Thread Jim Sharkey
Charlie Bell wrote: It's really quite scary that dominionists and other theocrats are so close to the real power in the States, and that reality-based thinking is under such attack. You know, my wife's family consists almost entirely of fairly devout Catholics. Yet not one of them has ever,

Re: US Doomed

2008-01-15 Thread Jim Sharkey
Charlie Bell wrote: Plenty of room Down Under... Sure, nestled in right next to the various and sundry venomous arthropods, the sharks, the jellyfish and various other natural dangers. Still, I think I'd prefer those over Huckabee. :-) Jim ___

Re: Take that, Iowa!!

2008-01-11 Thread Jim Sharkey
Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro wrote: Jim Sharkey wrote: _Scientific American_ is saying grass as a source of ethanol has the potential to be vastly more efficient than corn. Pretty cool stuff, I think. But still less efficient than sugarcane :-P Probably true, but I'd wager grass is a lot

Soda (was Re: Take that, Iowa!!)

2008-01-11 Thread Jim Sharkey
Julia Thompson wrote: 1) Where do you order Dublin Dr. Pepper? I just order it from here: 2) Mexican Coke. I've heard its praises sung before, but I'm in NJ, so... Some high-end US soda bottlers are making their stuff with cane sugar. They did an article

Re: Take that, Iowa!!

2008-01-11 Thread Jim Sharkey
Lance A. Brown wrote: Being able to grow switchgrass on marginal land not suitable for other, more traditional, crops is one of its benefits. To me that certainly seems like one of its biggest benefits. It's grass; it doesn't require nearly the same kind of care that more traditional food

Re: Take that, Iowa!!

2008-01-11 Thread Jim Sharkey
Ronn! Blankenship wrote: I, too, have issues with all those cellulouses who yakity-yak constantly, oblivious of where they are driving . . . Hang up and ferment, you cellulouses! We're having an energy crisis here! Oh, the costs of an extra u. :-( Jim

Take that, Iowa!!

2008-01-10 Thread Jim Sharkey
I'm sure some of you knew this, what with your big brains and all, but I found it interesting: _Scientific American_ is saying grass as a source of ethanol has the potential to be vastly more efficient than corn. Pretty

RE: A Family Tragedy

2007-12-19 Thread Jim Sharkey
My sincere condolences to you and your family, Rob. Jim ___ Join Excite! - The most personalized portal on the Web! ___

Re: Nothing to do?

2007-12-13 Thread Jim Sharkey
Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Wed, 12 Dec 2007, Ronn! Blankenship wrote: And then there are those of us who would be sniped. :) I could see myself falling victim to that as well. Though maybe not for a physics problem. That one

Pratchett has Alzheimer's

2007-12-12 Thread Jim Sharkey I'll warrant we've got a fan or two on board here, so I thought I'd share the sad news. Alzheimer's has to be one of the truly awful scourges of our ability to live longer. Yet, as a fan of the man's work, I can't help but want to make jokes, even

Re: Germany moves to ban Scientology

2007-12-11 Thread Jim Sharkey
Ronn! wrote: Other people make a hobby out of constantly complaining about religion. It's more of a lifestyle choice than a hobby, I think. :-p Jim ___ Join Excite! - The most personalized portal on the Web!

RE: Don't drink and drive: Smoke marijuana and drive

2007-11-28 Thread Jim Sharkey
Alberto Monteiro wrote: Stoned drivers are safe drivers Two decades of research show that marijuana use may actually reduce driver accidents. I can't be the only one who thought this was going to be a Bill Hicks routine,

RE: Need an artist?

2007-10-24 Thread Jim Sharkey
Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro wrote: These guys scare the hell out of me. Me too, but not for the same reason. It scares me that that boy has prettier hair than my wife! Jim Metal Gods Maru ___ Join Excite! - The most

RE: Hybrid Cars: An unexpected complaint

2007-10-05 Thread Jim Sharkey
Horn, John wrote: My experience here is that many cyclists appear not to realize they are subject to the same rules of the road as motorists. That's been mine as well. Too many cyclists in my area grew up with the bike as a toy rather than as a mode of transportation and used it accordingly.

Brin: Tame rats and foxes?

2007-10-05 Thread Jim Sharkey
I apologize if this is something that's been posted before (the article is over a year old) but I saw this on a forum I frequent and thought it might be of interest: It's about a group of scientists

Hybrid Cars: An unexpected complaint

2007-10-03 Thread Jim Sharkey
Apparently, they're too quiet:; The National Federation for the Blind is complaining that when the cars are running on solely electricity, blind people cannot hear them and it could be dangerous as they cross the street. I'm

Re: Feeling a k'chu-non :-(

2007-08-28 Thread Jim Sharkey
Charlie Bell wrote: You're losing content somewhere in these posts. Silly rabbit. Content-free posts are what we're best at around here. Jim Fat free, content free Maru ___ Join Excite! - The most personalized portal on the

Brin: Financial waste in Iraq

2007-08-27 Thread Jim Sharkey
Rolling Stone has a long article on wasteful spending and outright thievery by civilian contractors in Iraq: I know it's not exactly news that people are swindling the government. It's the government's complicity in it

RE: culture list

2007-08-15 Thread Jim Sharkey
jon louis mann wrote: i just tried to sign up and this was my reply: List server report: Unknown list server command: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Recipient: Culture List listserver [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unknown list server command: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Oh that? That's just how they keep us Brin-L riff-raff out.

Re: So Austin

2007-08-13 Thread Jim Sharkey
Doug wrote: Robert wrote: Yesterday I was moving, packing boxes into a Uhaul, lifting furniture and all that for over 10 hours. I'll bet. I was humping sod all morning Saturday, and digging in the mud in the afternoon. Boy, those sound *way* more fun than my day yesterday, spent drinking beer

RE: Deathly Hallows - no spoilers

2007-07-21 Thread Jim Sharkey
Gautam Mukunda wrote: It's amazing, wonderful, deeply moving, and not just everything I hoped for, but far more. Yes, it was an excellenet capstone to the series. There were a couple of parts that were underwhelming, such as the epilogue, but for the most part it was a great read. I got to

RE: this is really cute

2007-07-05 Thread Jim Sharkey
jon louis mann wrote: I saw that around the same time as I saw the videos of Paul Potts. Pretty cool. Jim ___ Join Excite! - The most personalized portal on

Re: Straczynski Fan Update

2007-06-23 Thread Jim Sharkey
Bryon Daly wrote: I thought Rising Stars and Midnight Nation were great, also. I've never been a big Spiderman fan, though, so I haven't bothered with any of that stuff from him. Has he done anything comic-wise besides those? Fantastic Four and Supreme Power. The latter was OK, since it

Re: Straczynski Fan Update

2007-06-22 Thread Jim Sharkey
Bryon Daly wrote: Jim Sharkey wrote: The Sharkey family is going to SDCC this year, so I'll try and keep my ears and eyes open for this announcement. Please report back here on any pin your ears back announcements! Will do! Though I suspect that any juicy information will be posted

RE: Straczynski Fan Update

2007-06-21 Thread Jim Sharkey
Mauro Diotallevi wrote: And there are still at least two, and possibly three major announcements yet to be made at Comic Con, which regardless of whether one is a TV or movie fan, an SF fan or a comics fan...are gonna pin people's ears back. The Sharkey family is going to SDCC this year, so

RE: Most unlikely tenor of all

2007-06-18 Thread Jim Sharkey
For those of you who enjoyed that prior link, Paul Potts won the whole shootin' match and will be performing for the Queen: I may check out the links to the other finalists at some point. Jim ___ Join

Re: Most unlikely tenor of all

2007-06-16 Thread Jim Sharkey
Vilyhem wrote: Well, once the seaside inn has a stage, I want Alvin to put on an all hoon production of H. M. S. Pinafore. Then because of their double-jointed doubled joints per limb, their wrists that can rotate 270 degrees, and their toe hooks that can let them fight off balance, the second

Re: Most unlikely tenor of all

2007-06-15 Thread Jim Sharkey
Robert Seeberger wrote: I have to agree. Not just because the performance was great and greatly unexpected (coming from such a mundane looking fellow), but mostly because of the shock induced into the two leading assholes on television. I thought the female judge was going to climb on top of

Re: Most unlikely tenor of all

2007-06-14 Thread Jim Sharkey
Dave Land wrote: Returning to an earlier thread, lucky for him he's a guy. Not only because it makes singing tenor a whole lot easier, but a woman who was equally attractive and equally talented wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell. Very true! I imagine that a woman 30-40 pounds

Most unlikely tenor of all

2007-06-13 Thread Jim Sharkey
Apparently, Britain really does have talent... I just had to share, because if you look at this guy, you'd expect him to be a guy you'd share a pint with at the pub, maybe help you out with some plumbing, something like that. Not what you get, and

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