On 21 Dec 2009, at 21:53, Doug Pensinger wrote:

> I saw Avatar last night in the Imax/3D format.  It was by far the most
> awesome audio/visual experience I've ever had.  The story was fair to
> good, but the eye candy was spectacular.  I wouldn't have thought I
> could get vertigo while sitting in a comfortable arm chair.  Cool; see
> it and pay the extra for Imax.
> Doug

I don't think I'll get to see that until 2010. My favourite of the films I did 
get to see in 2009 was 

_Let The Right One In_

And other movies I rated highly were (in the order I saw them)

_Slumdog Millionaire_


_Anything For Her_


_District 9_

_Fish Tank_

_The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus_

Lists Maru
William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk 
Blog : http://blog.williamgoodall.name/

“Babies are born every day without an iPod. We will get there.” - Adam Sohn, 
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