Thank you for the patched version.
I have tried compiling and I got the following error:
glpkcc.cpp: In function 'int glpk(int, int, int, double*, int, int*,
int*, double*, double*, char*, int*, double*, int*, double*, int*,
int, int, int, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*,
glpkcc.cpp:297: error: 'insist' no se declaró en este ámbito

   mex: compile of 'glpkcc.cpp' failed.
I'm not sure how this translates from Spanish.

I don't know if this will help, but the command I used to compile was
the following:
/opt/Matlab/bin/mex -I /usr/include/glpk.h  -I /usr/include/glplib.h
glpkcc.cpp /usr/lib/libglpk.a


On 3/29/07, Andrew Makhorin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Please see a patched version of glpkcc.cpp attached.

The original version was downloaded from:

The patched version must work with glpk 4.15 and further versions.

Glpk 4.15 distribution can be ftp'ed from <>
or from some mirror ftp sites; see <>.

Note: I do not have matlab and therefore could not test the code.
So if you will find any errors, please report.

Andrew Makhorin

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