On Mon, Feb 13, 2006 at 11:37:30PM +0100, Øystein Johansen wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm forwarding this to the list, as automake and autoconf and that stuff
> isn't my strongest field.... Hopefully someone else can help you out.
> There's probably something going on since both you and Matja gets the
> same error.
> - -Øystein


you could try the following:

1) mv m4 m4.tmp

2) mkdir m4

2) aclocal-1.9 -I m4

This  will probably tell you that you miss specific functions as
indicated by a "required" complaint. Based on this info move only the
relevant .m4 files from m4.tmp to m4 and repeat 2) until it hopefully

3) run ./configure


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