Re: Multiple Vulnerabilties Sambar Webserver

2002-04-03 Thread Steven M. Christey
Tamer Sahin [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: This vulnerability already discovered in January of this year. According to the vendor's security page (, this is a different issue. The

Re: [Full-Disclosure] iDEFENSE Security Advisory 09.18.2002: Security Vulnerabilities in OSF1/Tru64 3.

2002-09-19 Thread Steven M. Christey
KF asked: How is this different from what we disclosed? This advisory does not have specific details, besides the overflow through the NLSPATH environment variable, and it isn't clear whether NLSPATH affects *all* the

Re: Oracle Security Contact

2002-11-06 Thread Steven M. Christey
On the full-disclosure list, low halo asked: Could someone please give me the security contact address for Oracle Corporation? It seems as though their marketing department's Unbreakable slogan makes them think that its OK to bury their security advisories contact info deep within their site

Re: A technique to mitigate cookie-stealing XSS attacks

2002-11-08 Thread Steven M. Christey
For a small data point regarding the need to (somehow) address XSS vulnerabilities: according to CVE statistics, XSS issues are the second most frequently reported vulnerability type this year [1], behind buffer overflows (though new flavors of overflows help to maintain that #1 position.) Note:

RE: A technique to mitigate cookie-stealing XSS attacks

2002-11-13 Thread Steven M. Christey
While this thread has been focused on scripting languages and cookie theft, that's not the only issue to be concerned about with XSS. Being able to place arbitrary HTML into an intermediate web page is dangerous for other reasons (this is sometimes called HTML injection, but I view it as another

Re: MS02-064 fix time

2002-11-17 Thread Steven M. Christey
David Litchfield said: I warned MS of this back in on September 6th 1999 whilst 2k was still in BETA (See the bottom of the following mail) I wonder if this is the longest time it has taken for a fix to be made public after

Directory Traversal Vulnerabilities in FTP Clients

2002-12-11 Thread Steven M. Christey
___ Summary __ Title: Directory Traversal Vulnerabilities in FTP Clients Date: December 10, 2002 Author: Steve Christey ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Revision: 1.3 Product: Multiple FTP and web clients

An Alternate View of Recently Reported PHP Vulnerabilities

2003-04-04 Thread Steven M. Christey
Recently, there has been a bit of commentary on certain vulnerabilities that have been reported for the PHP language. Whether these issues should be blamed on PHP itself or not, they may be of some concern to PHP *application* developers and auditors. This is a bit pointless, IMHO. [snip] If

Re: Cross-Site Scripting in Unparsable XML Files (GM#013-IE)

2003-06-24 Thread Steven M. Christey
Matt Moore said: I also reported this to Microsoft - sometime around May or June 2002... I copied Steve Christey at Mitre on a couple of the emails I can confirm that on July 19, 2002, Matt CC'ed me on an email to the Microsoft Security Response Center in which Matt asked about when his

Re: TA-2003-06 Directory Transversal Vulnerability in iWeb Server

2003-06-27 Thread Steven M. Christey
There are so many variants to directory traversal vulnerabilities, especially in web servers and other software where encoding and canonicalization is such a factor, that I have seen a number of confusing cases such as this. It definitely helps when the researcher who discovers a new variant

On Interpretation Conflict Vulnerabilities

2005-11-03 Thread Steven M. Christey
In a post SEC-CONSULT-SA-20051021-0: Yahoo/MSIE XSS, Bernhard Mueller said: SEC-Consult believes that input-validation thru blacklists can just be a temporary solution to problems like this. From our point of view there are many other applications vulnerable to this special type of problem where

Format String Vulnerabilities in Perl Programs

2005-12-02 Thread Steven M. Christey
*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Format String Vulnerabilities in Perl Programs *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Author: Steve Christey Date: December 2, 2005 ** Table

Re: Re: [KAPDA::#16] - SMF SQL Injection

2005-12-12 Thread Steven M. Christey
substr(strtolower($_REQUEST['start']), 0, 1) So, the string is set to lower case, and then only the FIRST letter is used within the query. How can anyone exploit the database with a one character insertion? Of course this is within single quotes as well, so it cannot even be a command. This

Disclosure timelines from vendors - a promising practice?

2005-12-14 Thread Steven M. Christey
I was just browsing the Red Hat bug report for the mod_imap XSS issue (CVE-2005-3352). In it, they included a disclosure timeline (possibly from Apache, this is not clear). I've only seen a handful of disclosure timelines by a vendor. But in my opinion, it should be more widely adopted by

Re: IMOEL CMS Sql password discovery

2005-12-14 Thread Steven M. Christey
Hello, IMOEL CMS has the weakness to download the plain text sql password in the setting.php file */* $setting['host']['username'] = 'sqlusername'; $setting['host']['password'] = 'sqlpassword'; *** so u can download the

Re: Fullpath disclosure in roundcube webmail

2005-12-17 Thread Steven M. Christey
I try this request in my mailbox http://.com/roundcube/?_auth=3Dcf559dcf52d8801ccd51cd1f3ba3eca08d1b0 bce= _task=3Dma%60il then roundcube shows this warning For the 3 people who might care about the distinction (e.g. vuln DBs who exclude path disclosure), this appears to be a custom error

Open Letter on the Interpretation of Vulnerability Statistics

2006-01-05 Thread Steven M. Christey
Open Letter on the Interpretation of Vulnerability Statistics --- Author: Steve Christey, CVE Editor Date: January 4, 2006 All, As the new year begins, there will be many temptations to generate, comment, or report on vulnerability

Re: Html_Injection in vBulletin 3.5.2

2006-01-10 Thread Steven M. Christey
This appears to be the same vulnerability as that reported to Bugtraq by trueend5 of KAPDA on January 1: BUGTRAQ:20060106 [KAPDA::#19] - Html Injection in vBulletin 3.5.2 URL: In fact, the text is exactly the same, as is

Re: Microsoft knew about the WMF flaw for years

2006-01-20 Thread Steven M. Christey
Throughout all this discussion, we should not forget that it was not just Microsoft, but other developers who appear to have implemented and preserved this same WMF functionality over the years, e.g. Wine. The problem might have originated with Microsoft's design choices way back when, but few

Blacklist defenses as a breeding ground for vulnerability variants

2006-02-03 Thread Steven M. Christey
David Litchfield recently provided a detailed description of a number of vulnerabilities in Oracle PLSQL Gateway. He showed how, each time the blacklist defense was modified, he was able to find a new variant that worked around the more restrictive blacklist. This type of pattern has emerged

Re: [myimei]MyBB 1.0.2 XSS attack in search.php

2006-02-08 Thread Steven M. Christey
The advisory says: Status: patched in 1.0.3 ... ?Solution??? No Patch available. (bug reported to vendor today) I'm confused. One part of this advisory says there's a patch available, one part says there isn't. (By the way, this is an example of the inconsistent property of security

On the 0-day term

2006-02-14 Thread Steven M. Christey
In the Internet Explorer dragdrop 0day thread, Gadi Evron said: In my opinion, this comes to prove 0days are USUALLY a myth (WMF being a good example of a real 0day), It's not necessarily that 0-days are a myth, it's that people have been using the term 0-day to mean two separate things: -

What is the state of vulnerability research?

2006-02-16 Thread Steven M. Christey
This is a series of open questions to people who consider themselves to be vulnerability researchers. Hopefully this will open a number of fruitful public discussions. 1) What is the state of vulnerability research? 2) What have researchers accomplished so far? 3) What are the greatest

Re: Internet Explorer Phishing mouseover issue

2006-02-23 Thread Steven M. Christey
The http-equiv and Gandalf examples are very similar, but I think there might be some important distinctions. 1) The http-equiv example (CVE-2004-1104) uses a BASE tag with an href attribute. In the form, the A tag has an href= without a value. The value of the BASE HREF is displayed on

Re: ArGoSoft FTP server remote heap overflow

2006-03-01 Thread Steven M. Christey
A buffer overflow in DELE was originally reported to Bugtraq by CorryL in March 2005, for ArGoSoft FTP (CVE-2005-0696): According to CorryL's disclosure timeline, no patch had been released by the disclosure date. So, is this a

Re: php create_function commond injection vulnerability

2008-09-29 Thread Steven M. Christey
There are two main takeaways from this advisory: 1) PHP application programmers can and will misuse this function (CVE-2008-4096, CVE-2007-5423), but most PHP code auditors probably don't check for it yet. So it's good for awareness. 2) Any language that has an equivalent capability for

Re: [Full-disclosure] Universal Website Hijacking by Exploiting Firewall Content Filtering Features + SonicWALL firewalls 0day

2008-11-04 Thread Steven M. Christey
Adrian P said: Regarding the paper, well, it can be useful for people who want to find a similar issue in their firewall/proxy appliances. Don't you think? Aleph One's paper on stack smashing, Tim Newsham's on format strings, Shaun Clowes' on PHP issues - not to mention a bunch of others -

Re: histhost v1.0.0 xss and possible rmdir

2006-03-14 Thread Steven M. Christey
retard said: as you see line 19 raises suspision of the possibility of rming 0777 dirs i've tried it on on my personal server with no sucess, if someone knows of a way let me know. According to the PHP manual, rmdir only works on empty directories. Did you try to remove an empty directory? -

Re: Sudo tricks

2006-03-28 Thread Steven M. Christey
So, in other words, all you need in order to get root access is a rootkit, your shell script, and root access? Ummm... I don't get it. I was also confused by this. However, one guess is that by compromising an unprivileged account and creating command aliases to run trojaned su and sudo

Mis-diagnosed XSS bugs hiding worse issues due to PHP feature

2006-04-01 Thread Steven M. Christey
In a post-disclosure analysis [1] of a security issue announced by rgod [2], Siegfried observed that the reported XSS actually originated from a file inclusion vulnerability, in which the XSS was reflected back from an error message when the file inclusion failed: About the xss, it is an xss in

Re: On product vulnerability history and vulnerability complexity

2006-04-03 Thread Steven M. Christey
On Mon, 3 Apr 2006, Gadi Evron wrote: Looking at Microsoft's software of today, it is extremely well-written and professional. Far beyond that of most others. Finding vulnerabilities in them is extremely difficult. Most vulnerabilities you will find will be logical in nature and not easy. A

Re: FleXiBle Development Script Remote Command Exucetion And XSS Attacking

2006-04-09 Thread Steven M. Christey
Hello botan, I have some questions about this report. Web: This web site requires a login. Even the front page is not accessible. FleXiBle Development (FXB) Is this a product, service, or a single web site? There is very little information in Google. //Defining

Re: function *() php/apache Crash PHP 4.4.2 and 5.1.2

2006-04-12 Thread Steven M. Christey
Michal Zalewski asked: ...but how come there's no CVE entry for the bash script in my signature? To which I'll answer the underlying question, i.e. why assign a CVE identifier to what appears to be a non-vulnerability? 1) To clarify: while we changed the CVE naming scheme in October 2005 so

Re: Multiple vulnerabilities in Blur6ex

2006-04-13 Thread Steven M. Christey
The XSS issue in the shard parameter appears to be resultant from a more serious file inclusion vulnerability. This is the kind of diagnosis error that I have mentioned in the past [1]. Notice that the error message shows that it took the shard parameter and directly inserted it into a filename

Re: QuickBlogger v1.4 Cross-Site Scripting

2006-04-15 Thread Steven M. Christey
This is yet another case where XSS is resultant from a more serious issue. The primary issue here involves local file inclusion. retrogod-style attacks might be feasible by injecting PHP code into text-based data files within the application, then including those text files using this issue;

Re: CuteNews 1.4.1 = Cross Site Scripting

2006-04-20 Thread Steven M. Christey
Exploit:[XSS] This XSS is likely resultant from a more serious issue in which the $source variable is not being validated, so it is subject to attacks such as directory traversal. Given the program's assumption of

Re: Invision Vulnerabilities, including remote code execution

2006-04-26 Thread Steven M. Christey
sources/action_public/search.php line 1261 $this-output = preg_replace( #(value=[\']{$this-ipsclass-input['lastdate']}[\'])#i, \\1 selected='selected', $this-output ); ... an #e modifier is added and then %00 used which will be parsed as a null byte and truncate the string thus

Re: Instant Photo Gallery = Multiple XSS

2006-04-27 Thread Steven M. Christey
security curmudgeon mentioned: /portfolio.php?cat_id=[XSS] Based on source inspection of 1.0.2, this parameter is cleansed. line 31 of portfolio.php says: $catId = $dbFilter-db_clean_input($_GET['cat_id'], 'integer'); which looks like it's going to do input validation as an integer.

Re: Recent Oracle exploit is _actually_ an 0day with no patch

2006-04-28 Thread Steven M. Christey
The recent Oracle exploit posted to Bugtraq ( is actually an 0day and has no patch. The referenced exploit seems to use GET_DOMAIN_INDEX_METADATA with a TYPE_NAME that references an attacker-defined package with a (modified?) ODCIIndexGetMeta

Dynamic Evaluation Vulnerabilities in PHP applications

2006-05-03 Thread Steven M. Christey
-- Dynamic Evaluation Vulnerabilities in PHP applications -- Following is a brief introduction to a growing class of serious vulnerabilities in PHP applications. They can allow execution of

Re: ISA Server 2004 Log Manipulation

2006-05-05 Thread Steven M. Christey
There is a Log Manipulation vulnerability in Microsoft ISA Server 2004, which when exploited will enable a malicious user to manipulate the Destination Host parameter of the log file. ... We were able to insert arbitrary characters, in this case the ASCII characters 1, 2, 3 (respectively) into

Re: ISA Server 2004 Log Manipulation

2006-05-09 Thread Steven M. Christey
You can insert the 'tab' value and possibly break 3rd party log analyzers. OK, this makes sense - if ISA supports tab-separated format, then tab is a special character within such a log file, and attackers should be prevented from injecting it (by filtering, quoting, whatever...) Other

Re: Phil's Bookmark script admin By-pass

2006-05-09 Thread Steven M. Christey
google dork : Phil's Bookmark This doesn't return anything except copies of the original Bugtraq post and a reference to a person's web site. Searching for Phil's Bookmarks found a lot of sites by people named Phil who listed their favorite bookmarks. Is there an actual product here? Or was

Re: tseekdir.cgi--Local File Include

2006-05-10 Thread Steven M. Christey
foud by: BoNy-m Also apparently found by durito in September 2004, as identified in the Turbo Seek product. /tseekdir.cgi?id=1055location=/etc/passwd%00 This is the same exploit vector as what was reported in Secunia SA12500 and BID 11163:

Re: Oracle - the last word

2006-05-11 Thread Steven M. Christey
David Litchfield said: When Oracle 10g Release 1 was released you could spend a day looking for bugs and find thirty. When 10g Release 2 was released I had to spend two weeks looking to find the same number. This increasing level of effort is likely happening for other major widely audited

Re: mybb v1.1.1(rss.php) SQL Injection Exploit

2006-05-25 Thread Steven M. Christey
Foud By: Brh CrAzY CrAcKeR $comma = - ; ... $title .= $comma.$forum['name']; ... $comma = , ; This code snippet sets the $comma variable to static values, so it doesn't look like the attacker can control them. Example: /rss.php?...$comma=[SQL] Given the previous code snippet, how can

Re: Destiney Rated Images Script v0.5.0 - XSS Vulnv

2006-05-26 Thread Steven M. Christey
Webmaster at destiney said: I pasted the following example XSS code into both form fields, and saw no evidence of XSS vulnerabilities: DIV STYLE=background-image: url(javascript:alert('XSS')) According to the XSS cheat sheet at, STYLE attributes in DIV tags are

Re: my Web Server v-1.0 Denial of Service Exploit

2006-06-02 Thread Steven M. Christey
str0ke asked: Is this the same vulnerability? Well, let's see. Short answer is probably not because they don't seem to be the same product. The most recent disclosure points to MY Web Server at, which links to source code in a ZIP

Re: Re: # MHG Security Team --- PHP NUKE All version Remote File Inc.

2006-06-02 Thread Steven M. Christey
include(../../../mainfile.php); include($phpbb_root_path.'common.'.$phpEx); ... in mainfile.php at lines 54-56 ... import_request_variables('GPC'); Oh, OK - now that makes sense. This looks like one aspect of the globals overwrite problem as originally documented by Stefan Esser in the

Re: # MHG Security Team --- MyBloggie 2.1.1 version Remote File Include Vulnerabilit

2006-06-06 Thread Steven M. Christey
nukedx said: This is not vulnerable,PHP-Nuke having a special in their files and when includes mainfile.php it overwrites the global variables and it caused to make an arbitrary file inclusion. But in MyBloggie there is no common vulnerability like it. In the source code for 2.1.1, many files

Re: Squirrelmail local file inclusion

2006-06-06 Thread Steven M. Christey
Paul Schmehl said: This is the second bug I've seen in the past week that requires register_globals to be on. Yet register_globals has been off by default for the past four years. But after a disclosure of a PHP issue with a functioning exploit, many sites are regularly hacked soon afterward.

Re: BUGTRAQ:20060611 ThWboard 3.0 = SQL Injection

2006-06-13 Thread Steven M. Christey
Exploit:[SQL] The same program and parameter were already reported to Bugtraq by Qex on April 19 for version 3 beta 2.84 (CVE-2006-1926). - Steve

Re: Shoutpro 1.0 Version - Remote File Include Vulnerability

2006-06-13 Thread Steven M. Christey
# if ($path){ # $ips = file($path/lists/bannedips.php); # } else { # $ips = file(lists/bannedips.php); # } # if (in_array($REMOTE_ADDR,$ips)) { # echo($bannedmessage); # die; There might be a terminology problem here. I don't see how this can be used to execute code. Yes, the file() call could


2006-06-14 Thread Steven M. Christey
This post appears to have some errors. What PHP version, environment, and operating system did you use to test this? Did you use a real web site, or did you just look at the source code? When a variable is used in a require or include statement, you must make sure that the variable can be

Re: Amr Talkbox talkbox.PHP - Remote File Include Vulnerabilities

2006-06-15 Thread Steven M. Christey
SpC-x said: # Amr Talkbox talkbox.PHP - Remote File Include Vulnerabilities ... # if ($lang == eng) { # include ($direct/lang_eng.txt); # } elseif ($lang ==ita) { # include ($direct/lang_ita.txt); However, looking at the source code as available on

Re: PHP security (or the lack thereof)

2006-06-17 Thread Steven M. Christey
Darren Reed said: From my own mail archives, PHP appears to make up at least 4% of the email to bugtraq I see - or over 1000 issues since 1995, out of the 25,000 I have saved. Do you mean the PHP interpreter? Or applications written in PHP? I'm not sure how many vulnerabilities were in

Re: aXentForum II XSS vuLLn

2006-06-22 Thread Steven M. Christey
The same executable (viewposts.cfm) and parameter (startrow) was reported by r0t at 13:49 June 15, 2006, probably Finland time: In fact, the Bugtraq post contains the following text, which is exactly the same as r0t's blog entry

Re: MS Excel Remote Code Execution POC Exploit

2006-06-23 Thread Steven M. Christey
* Advisories: * * There are at least three separate Excel issues that were published in the past week. These references suggest that it's the zero-day exploit from last Friday

Re: [ECHO_ADV_34$2006] W-Agora (Web-Agora) = 4.2.0 (inc_dir) Remote File Inclusion

2006-06-27 Thread Steven M. Christey
Successful exploitation requires that register_globals= Off . That seems very strange, doesn't it? Especially if you look at the source code. Let's start with search.php, one of the vulnerable vectors: ?php ... require (; and in require (; ...

Re: LAMP vs Microsoft

2006-07-12 Thread Steven M. Christey
Researcher fads, differences in vendor disclosure practices, and vulnerability database editorial policies will heavily influence vulnerability statistics, to the point where comparing them is not very informative (at least, you're not getting the whole picture). You also have the challenge of

Re: XSS in JAB Guest Book

2006-12-07 Thread Steven M. Christey
function invalideregtest($input) script just check $topic by invalideregtest function I think this function just *tries* to check inputs, but doesn't succeed. Did you do any live testing using $topic ? We should expect to see more erroneous cleansing/checking functions as programmers attempt

Re: The newest Word flaw is due to malformed data structure handling

2006-12-14 Thread Steven M. Christey
Alexander Sotirov said: Descriptions of vulnerabilities, especially ones that are found in the wild, should include enough information to allow researchers to uniquely identify the new vulnerability and differentiate it from all other bugs, both known ones and 0days. I say this periodically,

Re: OpenPinboard = Remote File Include

2007-01-09 Thread Steven M. Christey
Remote file inclusion does not seem possible - the only relevant code is this: require_once(languages/$language.php); Since the languages/ string will always appear first, you can't inject an http://; or similar to the front of the string, so remote file inclusion is not possible. OK, so we

Re: Vendor guidelines regarding security contacts

2007-01-12 Thread Steven M. Christey
On Fri, 12 Jan 2007, Ben Bucksch wrote: Steven M. Christey wrote: The US Department of Homeland Security's Vulnerability Disclosure Framework document here: *cough* Full Disclosure Policy (RFPolicy) v2.0

Re: Oracle Buffer Overflows in DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM_INTERNAL

2007-01-25 Thread Steven M. Christey
Which Oracle Vuln# does this map to? There are 2 substantial discrepancies with the most likely candidate. According to the Jan 2007 CPU: the only issue related to sys.dbms_capture_adm_internal is DB09.

Re: Oracle Buffer Overflow in DBMS_LOGREP_UTIL.GET_OBJECT_NAME

2007-01-25 Thread Steven M. Christey
Any Oracle database user with EXECUTE privilege on the package SYS.DBMS_LOGREP_UTIL can exploit this vulnerability. Exploitation of this vulnerability allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code. This statement is inconsistent with Oracle's CPU, which states that DB08 (CVE-2007-0274) has

Re: Ipswitch WS_FTP Server 5.04 multiple arbitrary code execution vulnerabilities

2007-02-02 Thread Steven M. Christey
Michal, iFTPAddU is for adding users, and iFTPAddH is for adding virtual hosts. These sound like administator-level controls. Presumably, the same admin already had the access to install WS_FTP in the first place. So, it doesn't seem like these cross any privilege boundaries, so they don't

Re: local Calendar System v1.1 ( Remote File Include

2007-02-07 Thread Steven M. Christey
On Mon, 29 Jan 2007, Simple Nomad wrote: On Mon, 2007-01-29 at 13:00 -0600, Gadi Evron wrote: How can we all automate the testing process for fake vulns in and list them as such without overburdening OSVDB, CVE, Milworm and SecuriTeam? How about letting them get posted to bugtraq as ppl

Re: Web Server Botnets and Server Farms as Attack Platforms

2007-02-13 Thread Steven M. Christey
Interesting paper, Gadi. Some thoughts: 1) It seems obvious that RFI is equivalent to remote code execution, but it's worth repeating. 2) A PHP exploit is much easier to write than a shellcode exploit. Plus, with the file inclusion, the payload is not limited in size, and you have a

Argument injection issues

2007-02-14 Thread Steven M. Christey
In a Solaris telnet vulnerability thread, Casper Dik said: It's not still in Solaris; it's the first time it occurred in Solaris; it is stupid it did but it's a typical programming error: passing unchecked arguments to a program without escaping special characters. The emerging terminology for

Re[2]: Solaris telnet vulnberability - how many on your network?

2007-02-22 Thread Steven M. Christey
Cromar Scott said: I know that my initial reaction was haven't I seen this before? but the above two are what I found in my notes when I looked back. There are at least 20 FTP server implementations that have had buffer overflows with a long USER command. HTTP GET directory traversals are

Re: iDefense Security Advisory 02.22.07: IBM DB2 Universal Database DB2INSTANCE File Creation Vulnerability

2007-02-24 Thread Steven M. Christey
A few notes on this advisory and IBM's IY94817. 1) The real IY94817 document (not the stub) requires registration to even access in the first place, which is an unfortunate practice that too many vendors undertake. The URL was also broken for some time. Now that I've registered, I

Re: [Full-disclosure] PHP import_request_variables() arbitrary variable overwrite

2007-03-13 Thread Steven M. Christey
Stefano Di Paola said: 1. I search on google for import_request_variables advisories (nothing found) 2. I search on in changeLog for fixes (nothing found). I can see why you weren't able to find anything. However, there have been a number of disclosures that are probably related - but

Re: Microsoft Windows Vista/2003/XP/2000 file management security issues

2007-03-14 Thread Steven M. Christey
3APA3A said: I. There is no symlinks under Windows. Symlink attacks are not possible. I'm not a Windows expert, but... There have been some past vulnerabilities where an attacker could upload a shortcut (.lnk) file and access files outside of the intended directory. In cases of FTP servers or

Re: Remote File Include In Script PHP Photo Album

2007-03-14 Thread Steven M. Christey
Hasadya Raed: from versions ( and Beta 0.4.1-beta9 and beta8 ( 1) There is no file named common.php 2) There is no string db_file in any file Are you sure that your report is correct? - Steve

Re: [Bogus] Lazarus Guestbook (admin.php)Remote File Include Expliot

2007-03-16 Thread Steven M. Christey
Tom Walsh said: So... either it is patched in the version I am looking at (unlikely) or this is a bogus report (like god knows how many others). In this case, it looks legitimate for OLDER versions. See informal analysis below. The cause was dynamic variable evaluation, which is one of the

Re: CORE-2008-0126: Multiple vulnerabilities in iCal

2008-05-28 Thread Steven M. Christey
On Tue, 27 May 2008, security curmudgeon wrote: No mention of CVE-2008-1035 in the [CORE] advisory other than the header CVE name reference. BID seems to have split the three vulnerabilities, but given two of them the same CVE. CVE does not have descriptions open yet. The descriptions are

Re: [Full-disclosure] Vim: Insecure Temporary File Creation During Build: Arbitrary Code Execution

2008-07-25 Thread Steven M. Christey
On Fri, 25 Jul 2008, [UTF-8] Jan Miná�^Y wrote: The commands do not have to be written there between (1) and (2), they can be in the file long before the ./configure was started -- just because the script does care whether it can write to the file at all. So unlike stated in the

Re: how to request a cve id?

2008-07-28 Thread Steven M. Christey
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 CVE requests can be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or to me directly. My PGP key is below, or accessible from the MIT public key server. Alternately, you can request them from Candidate Numbering Authorities (CNAs) which include the security teams at Red

Re: Podium CMS - Cookie Manipulation Exploit

2007-05-09 Thread Steven M. Christey
Hello, Pardon me for being dense, but what exactly does cookie manipulation mean in this context? What is the vulnerability? Looking at the following exploit code: input name=id size=75 value=meta+http-equiv='Set-cookie'+content='cookiename=cookievalue' The (apparent) injection of a META

Re: Dansie Cart Script Exploit Reported

2007-06-06 Thread Steven M. Christey
This advisory is an incomplete cut-and-paste from of a post to Bugtraq in April 2000 by Joe at BLARG.NET: Back Door in Commercial Shopping Cart CVE-2000-0252 BID:1115 XF:dansie-shell-metacharacters(4975) - Steve

Re: PHP parse_str() arbitrary variable overwrite

2007-06-13 Thread Steven M. Christey
Nice find, although it's not really clear to me whether this is intended functionality or not. I assume it's not intended by Hardened-PHP and Suhosin, at least :) You didn't mention this, but even if register_globals is disabled, this seems to work, at least in my PHP 4.4.4. Try the code below

Re: Windows Oday release

2007-06-13 Thread Steven M. Christey
Joanna Rutkowska said: Dear all, this is not a 0day, it is a public release of a responsibly disclosed vulnerability. Yes, indeed it *seems* so: The kinds of discrepancies you list are an almost daily occurrence with many

Re: New Include Redirect Bug XSS All vBulletin(r) v 3.x.x

2007-06-22 Thread Steven M. Christey
Scott MacVicar said: There is a much more significant issue than executing an XSS if you can upload a file to a remote site... XSS could be put into an image that's allowed to be uploaded, then directory traversal could be used to reference that image. The image data could be very small and

Re: PHPCentral Login Script Remote Command Execution Vulnerability

2007-08-15 Thread Steven M. Christey
Magnus Holmgren said: [the superglobals] shadow everything - you cannot define your own $_SERVER array, nor can it be overridden with HTTP GET or POST values. If that were possible, using the superglobals would be useless; all scripts would be vulnerable unless register_globals is off. This

Re: Skype Network Remote DoS Exploit

2007-08-20 Thread Steven M. Christey
The outage being experienced by Skype was apparently due to massive simultaneous reboots and reconnects after systems installed their Windows patches. from The disruption was triggered by a massive restart of our users'

Re: Vulnerabilities digest

2007-08-22 Thread Steven M. Christey
On Tue, 21 Aug 2007, 3APA3A wrote: 6. Ivan Nl ( reports vulnerabilities in Linkliste 1.2, Butterfly online vistors counter 1.08, mcLinksCounter 1.2, My_REFERER 1.08. Original messages in English are available from

n.runs, Sophos, German laws, and customer safety

2007-08-28 Thread Steven M. Christey
The n.runs-SA-2007.027 advisory claims code execution through a UPX file. This claim is inconsistent with the vendor's statement that it's only a theoretical DoS: A corrupt UPX file causes the virus engine to crash and Sophos

Re: ATutor 1.5.3 Cross Site Scripting

2006-07-22 Thread Steven M. Christey
The mentioned SQL injection vulnerability is not possible. Please remove it. Could you explain this further? In 1.5.3, edit_forum() in has the following: $sql= UPDATE .TABLE_PREFIX.forums SET title='$_POST[title]', description='$_POST[body]' WHERE

Re: HYSA-2006-008 myBloggie 2.1.3 CRLF SQL Injection

2006-07-27 Thread Steven M. Christey
--==CRLF injection==-- GET /mybloggie/ HTTP/1.0 Accept: */* User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0) Host: Cookie: PHPSESSID=op0-11{}};q, or something like that Connection: Close This demonstration code does not contain any carriage return / line feed sequences. What is the

Re: Xss in MttKe-php v2.6

2006-07-31 Thread Steven M. Christey
Xss in MttKe-php v2.6 What product or web site is this? A Google search returns mostly references to the original post. - Steve

Re: Do world's famous companies take care of their security?

2006-07-31 Thread Steven M. Christey
There was discussion last week in the Full-Disclosure about XSS vulnerabilities in reply to XSS vulns in PayPal and Gadi Evron suggested creation of a separate mailing list for just XSS vulnerabilities. This is definitely a growing gap in our current knowledge. I don't think it's being tracked

Re: Calendarix = 0.7 (calpath) Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability

2006-08-14 Thread Steven M. Christey
Carsten Eilers said: Take a look at the top of # adjust the '$calpath'. # hardcode it if detection does not work and comment out the remaining # code. # # $calpath = C:\\PHP\\calendarix\\demo\\ ; $calpath = dirname(__FILE__) ; When doing post-disclosure analysis

Re: [VulnWatch] Re: Concurrency-related vulnerabilities in browsers - expect problems

2006-08-17 Thread Steven M. Christey
Some interesting work. For those who haven't made the connection yet - concurrency issues probably go far beyond just web browsers. It's a safe bet that *any* software that's multi-threaded, multi-process, event-based, or asynchronous could have these sorts of issues. Traditional data

Re: AW: JetBox cms (search_function.php) Remote File Include

2006-08-30 Thread Steven M. Christey
Frank Reissner said: //comments function phpdigSearch(){ Line: 423 ?php include $relative_script_path.'/libs/htmlheader.php' ? ... } Please explain us how that should be exploited. While this statement appears to be in a function declaration, there would be nested ?php

Re: ZoneX 1.0.3 - Publishers Gold Edition Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability

2006-09-07 Thread Steven M. Christey
This vulnerability is not that dangerous because, firstly, if you want to exploit it, you must have exact file tree and correct name of the malicious script because that variable is never used alone but always in concatanation with script name and generic extension In a typical PHP exploit

Buffer overflow term considered overloaded

2006-09-23 Thread Steven M. Christey
In Re: IE ActiveX 0day? to Bugtraq on September 18, Alexander Sotirov asked: What is your definition of memory corruption? How can a buffer overflow not be a memory corruption error? The term buffer overflow continues to be too general for the variety of issues out there. Array index/offset

Re: WebspotBlogging = 3.0 Remote File Include Vulnerabilities

2006-10-03 Thread Steven M. Christey
These vectors were previosuly reported in June 2006 (CVE-2006-2860) by Kacper in a milw0rm post (, for version 3.0.1. Www.Site.coM/[Path]/inc/ This appears to be a mis-spelling of - Steve

Re: WikyBlog = v1.4 (WN_BASEDIR) Remote File Inclusion Exploit

2006-10-06 Thread Steven M. Christey
There are some important errors in this post that appear to stem from incomplete editing of a previous advisory for an unrelated product, webnews (CVE-2006-5100). The subject line says 1.4, but the version referenced at the end of the post is 1.2.3, which is dated October 2, 2006; so there

Re: net2ftp: a web based FTP client :) = Remote File Inclusion

2006-10-09 Thread Steven M. Christey
securfrog said: i guess you should learn some PHP before posting on bugtracks ... net2ftp: a web based FTP client :) = Remote File Inclusion === you should try your PoC before posting , there's no remote file include in that code ... You are probably looking at recent versions, which don't

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