
I'm new to CakePHP and actually I'm creating my first app with it. 
I'm trying to find out how to add a drop down list with the data of a column 
of another table. I mean, I have an add view for a students table, the 
students is related to a people table and people table is related to 
countries, I want to add the drop down list of countries to add a new 
student, but the student doesn't have direct relation to countries but does 
it have with people and people with countries. ¿What is the best way to do 
I'm using CakePHP 1.2

I could display a list of genders (geneders is related with the students 
table) with the following code:

Alumno = Student
Genero = Gender
Persona = Person

*In the add.ctp:*

echo $form->input('genero_id', array('empty' => '(choose one)', 'label' => 

*In the student model:*

var $belongsTo = array(
'Genero' => array(
'className' => 'Genero',
'foreignKey' => 'genero_id'
'Persona' => array(
'className' => 'Persona',
'foreignKey' => 'persona_id'

*In the add function of student_controller:*

function add() {
// Se establece la lista de Generos,
// disponibles que se pueden seleccionar al crear un
// nuevo Alumno
$this->set('generos', $this->Alumno->Genero->find('list', array(
'fields' => array('Genero.abreviacionGenero')


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