I have some problems with the TestSuite.

Controller functions:

        function admin_view($id = null) {
                if (!$id) {
                        $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid Article.', true));
                $this->set('article', $this->Article->read(null, $id));

        function admin_add() {
                if (!empty($this->data)) {
                        $this->data['Article']['text'] = 
                        if ($this->Article->save($this->data)) {
                                $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Article has 
been saved', true));
                                // $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index'));
                        } else {
                                $result = true;
                                $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Article could 
not be saved.
Please, try again.', true));
                        $result = $this->Article->findAll();
                $authors = $this->Article->Author->find('list');

Test file:

/* SVN FILE: $Id$ */
/* ArticlesController Test cases generated on: 2008-12-22 18:12:14 :
App::import('Controller', 'Articles');

class TestArticles extends ArticlesController {
        var $autoRender = false;

class ArticlesControllerTest extends CakeTestCase {
        var $Articles = null;

        function setUp() {
                $this->Articles = new TestArticles();

        function testArticlesControllerInstance() {
                $this->assertTrue(is_a($this->Articles, 'ArticlesController'));

        function testAddMargin() {
                $expected = 160;
                $result = $this->Articles->__addMargin(100, 0.6);
                debug('Expected: '. $expected);
                debug('Result: '. $result);
                $this->assertEqual($result, $expected);

        function testAdminArticleDetail() {
                $viewVars = $this->testAction('/admin/articles/view/1', array
('return' => 'vars'));

        function testAdminArticlesAdd() {
                $result = $this->testAction(
                        '/admin/articles/add', array(
                                'method' => 'post',
                                'data' => array('Article' => array(
                                        'headline_1'  => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit 
                                        'text'  => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, 
aliquet feugiat.'
                                'fixturize' => false,
                                'return' => 'render'
                $this->assertTrue(preg_match('/has been saved/i', $result));

        function tearDown() {

Now my Problem:

1. When I write another value than 'return' => 'vars',  I don't get an
output. So testAdminArticlesAdd() fails!

2. testAdminArticleDetail() don't fail, but when I click on 'Show
Passes', I get this error:
Missung Contoller - Error:  Test.phpController could not be found.

3. When I set 'fixturize' true, the testAdminArticlesAdd() test fails
because a table is missing. Not the article table, but a table which
has a relation to article.

4. // $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index')); Problem: I have try
out some solutions, but no one really works. Is there an example for a
working solution.

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