model association question

2009-06-18 Thread Jacob Everist
I have a project and I am trying to figure out the best way to associate my models and how to structure them. In particular, I have something like a polymorphic association situation. I want to have a table of transactions, that list the transfers of money from one user to another. The

Model association question

2008-07-03 Thread jhicks
OK, so I've got two tables: tasks and priorities. Many tasks can share the same priority. So is this a HABTM relationship? With HABTM, you usually have a join table but in my situation I don't need one. I just have a foreign key in my tasks table (priority_id) which points to the index of the

Re: Model association question

2008-07-03 Thread John David Anderson
I always remember it like this: If a table contains a foreign key, it's like a little label that another object has put on it... i.e. it belongsTo something else. hth/fwiw, John On Jul 3, 2008, at 1:38 PM, Jonathan Snook wrote: A priority hasMany tasks. A task belongsTo a priority.

Re: Model association question

2008-07-03 Thread francky06l
@Jonathan, yes it always a bit confusing the hasOne (in Cake).. because a Task hasOne priority, no matter if this priority is shared .. but for cake it'a a belongsTo .. :-) Even after using for few months (years)... hasOne always make me think twice (actually I use it very rarely).. On Jul 3,