Hello everyone,

I have two models

MOTIVE  var $hasMany = array('Comment');
COMMENT var $belongsTp=array('Motive');

I want to make comments on motives so I added comment() function into
Motive controller and in views/motive/view.php I added following form:
        echo $form->create('Motive',array('action' => 'comment'));
        echo $form->hidden('Comment.motive_id',array('value'=>
        echo $form->input('Comment.author');
        echo $form->input('Comment.text',array('type'=>'textarea'));
        echo $form->end('Send');

In comment() function of Motives controller i have:
if (!empty($this->data)) {
                $this->Session->setFlash(__('Posted!', true));

                $this->Session->setFlash(__('Error!', true));



I also added validation to my comment model:
        var $validate = array(
                        'author' =>
                        'text' =>
array('rule'=>VALID_NOT_EMPTY,'message'=>'Blank field!')

I don't have comments_controller and I don't wanna use it. I want to
use comment() function in motives_controller so my form action sends
request to Motive/comment

Validation does work but it doesn't show messages text next to field
in form.
So, if I leave author field in comment blank I'll get error because it
couldn't be saved:
  $this->Session->setFlash(__('Error!', true));

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