
On Nov 25, 2008, at 12:09 PM, Damien Doligez wrote:

Dear OCaml users,

We are closing in on version 3.11.0. A Release Candidate is now available. If there are no show-stoppers in this RC, then 3.11.0 will be officially
released next week.

The release candidate is available here:
< http://caml.inria.fr/pub/distrib/ocaml-3.11/ >
(look for 3.11.0+rc1)

I have a question about the behavior of camlp4orf (and family) in 3.11.0. Now with the availability of native dynlink, it seems like camlp4orf and camlp4orf.opt can load external modules inside the core. If one looks at their respective help:

<file>.(cmo|cma) Load this module inside the Camlp4 core
<file>.cmx       Load this module inside the Camlp4 core

This is a feature I've been looking for to speedup compilation times. However, if I try the native version, here is what I get:

samson:src andres$ camlp4orf.opt poyExtension.cmx
Error: don't know what to do with poyExtension.cmx
Use option -help for usage

Is the usage different for the camlp4*.opt preprocessors?



As usual, we need a few brave souls to try and install it on their
favourite architecture and report the result to me.

Happy hacking,

-- Damien Doligez for the OCaml team.

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