
Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of August 30 to
September 06, 2022.

Table of Contents

Day of the Camel 2022: OCaml in Academia and Industry (online, 9 September 2022)
Advice for combining multiple monads
New OCaml meetup group in Toulouse (in French)
GADTs for tracking dimensions of multidimensional arrays?
ocaml-eris 1.0.0 - Encoding for Robust Immutable Storage (ERIS) (+ Using Zig 
code compiled to WebAssembly from OCaml)
OCamlverse updates
Diskuv OCaml 1.x.x; Windows OCaml installer no longer in preview
Does OCaml infer types between files?
Other OCaml News

Day of the Camel 2022: OCaml in Academia and Industry (online, 9 September 2022)


Roberto Blanco announced

  The Day of the Camel 2022 is a one-day hybrid workshop dedicated to
  the OCaml programming language and its industrial users.

  It comprises talks and discussions with members of the OCaml
  development team and companies using the language to solve complex and
  interesting problems.

  We will present a broad picture of the OCaml ecosystem and, more
  widely, of functional programming as a viable and powerful choice for
  building correct and reliable computer systems.

  The event is organized as part of an OCaml summer school at the
  University of Zaragoza, and sponsored by the OCaml Software

  Participation is free and open to everyone. For more details about the
  schedule, updates and links to the online seminar, see the website:


  9 September 2022, all times CEST (UTC+2)

  Morning - Language session

   09:15-10:00:  Welcome and reception                                     
                 Darío Suárez (CS Department Secretary, University of      
   10:00-11:00:  Gabriel Scherer (Inria) - The OCaml project and ecosystem 
   11:00-11:30:  Break                                                     
   11:30-12:30:  OCaml developers - Round table and Q&A                    

  Afternoon - Industry session

   14:30-14:55:  Ulysse Gérard (Tarides)                                      
                 <https://tarides.com/> - Building functional systems         
   14:55-15:20:  Nicolás Ojeda Bär (LexiFi)                                   
                 <https://www.lexifi.com/> - Modeling language for finance    
   15:20-15:45:  Javier Chávarri (Ahrefs)                                     
                 <https://ahrefs.com/> - Petabyte-scale web crawler           
   15:45-16:10:  Grant Passmore (Imandra)                                     
                 <https://www.imandra.ai/> - Automated reasoning as a service 
   16:10-16:30:  Break                                                        
   16:30-17:30:  Industry speakers - Round table and Q&A                      

  We look forward to seeing you there!

Roberto Blanco later added

  Quick correction: Paul-Elliot Anglès d’Auriac from Tarides will be
  presenting instead of Ulysse. :slight_smile:

Advice for combining multiple monads


Continuing this thread, Raphaël Proust said

  In [the Octez project] we have face a similar issue: we use both `Lwt'
  and `Result' pervasively.

  • We use dedicated syntax module for each monad (Lwt, result,
    Lwt+result) which export binding operators (`let*', `let+',
    `return', etc.).
  • We have a Stdlib supplement exposing monadic variants of all the
    Stdlib’s traversal functions (like `Lwt_list' but much more

[the Octez project] <https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos>

Some time ago

  Until not so long ago we used infix operators for bind. And we would
  mix different operators depending on what sub-monad a specific
  expression would be in. So we would have `>>=?' for Lwt+result, `>>?'
  for result-only, and `>>=' for Lwt-only. Plus we had a dedicated
  operator for when you use a result-only expression in an Lwt+result
  context: `>>?='. We don’t need the other specialised binder because
  Lwt-only and Lwt+result mix quite well: `(_, _) result Lwt.t' is just
  a specific case of `_ Lwt.t' so `>>=' just works.

  We also had a very flat namespace where all the operators as well as
  some helper functions (e.g., we had `error : 'err -> ('a, 'err)
  result' and `fail : 'err -> ('a, 'err) result Lwt.t') were exported by
  an `Error_monad' module which was opened everywhere (using `-open' as
  a build flag).


  We have changed a few things.

  • We use binding operators (`let*' and such) which are exported by
    dedicated syntax modules.
    • [`Lwt_syntax'] is essentially our local version of `Lwt.Syntax'
    • [`Result_syntax'] is for the result-monad
    • [`Lwt_result_syntax'] is for the combination monad
    • (We also have [`Option_syntax'] and [`Lwt_option_syntax'], but we
      don’t use those as often.)
  • Our Lwt+result monad syntax includes dedicated binding operators for
    Lwt-only and result-only expressions
    • [`let*!'] is for Lwt-only (mnemonic: you must(!) wait for the
      promise to resolve)
    • [`let*?'] is for result-only (mnemonic: there may(?) be a value
      there or maybe an error)
    • Same for the `Lwt_option_monad' syntax module
  • Internally, we recommend to only open those locally. So you start
    your function by `let open Lwt_result_syntax' (or whichever monad
    you are actually using there).
  • We have [an extensive Stdlib supplement] with many of the monadic
    variants of the provided traversors baked in. E.g., [`List.map_s']
    is the Lwt-only equivalent of `List.map', [`List.map_e'] is the
    result-only, and [`List.map_es'] is the Lwt+result.
    • We also have concurrent variants (e.g., [`List.map_p'] and
      [`List.map_ep']) for the traversals where it makes sense.
    • We have [a consistent semantic] regarding error management across
      all those traversors.
    • We have [several modules: `List', `Map', `Set', `Seq', etc.]

  One thing I didn’t mention is that we actually have a specialised
  `result' called `tzresult': `'a tzresult = ('a, tzrerror trace)
  result' where `tzerror' is a custom error type and `trace' is a
  data-strucutre holding several errors. Traces (of errors) allows us to
  combine errors in different ways. The first way is you can add an
  error to a trace to add higher-level context about the lower-level
  error. The second way is for errors that happen concurrently (e.g.,
  you evaluate concurrently several Lwt+result expressions and more than
  one fails). This ability to combine concurrent errors gives us a
  semantic for [`and*'] in the Lwt+result syntax module.

  There are several downsides to our current approach, but all in all it
  works well enough.
  • Even for functions of modest size, it’s not always immediately
    visible which monad you are located in. This is even worse when you
    are viewing just a chunk of a diff.
  • Some parts of the Stdlib don’t lend themselves to our monadification
    (e.g., `Seq') or require a bit of boilerplate because they don’t
    expose internal representations (e.g., [`Map'’s monadic traversors]
    are largely implemented in terms of `Seq').
  • The Stdlib supplement is a lot of code with a lot of tests and a lot
    of comments. It’s just a large volume of low-complexity code to deal

  There are also some very pleasant upsides:
  • The separate monad syntax modules encourages you to write each
    function with the smallest monad that it needs. This in turns
    • encourages you to split your function into smaller components
      which are more easily testable,
    • makes the type of functions informative: an `Lwt.t' function is
      very likely to actually be doing I/O at some point down the line,
      and a `result' function is very likely to actually return `Error'
      in some situations.
  • The Stdlib supplement makes it quite easy to adapt code for one
    monad to another.

  For more complete information, you can check [the Error-monad








[an extensive Stdlib supplement]






[a consistent semantic]

[several modules: `List', `Map', `Set', `Seq', etc.]


[`Map'’s monadic traversors]

[the Error-monad tutorial]


  There are a few things we want to change. Albeit we have no urgent
  need to do so.
  • Remove some legacy helper functions that are still hanging around.
  • Organise the namespace better.
  • Generate a lot of the code and doc of Lwtreslib automatically.
  • Improve traces (currently, for mostly historical reasons, we use

Daniel Bünzli replied

        We use dedicated syntax module for each monad (Lwt,
        result, Lwt+result) which export binding operators
        (`let*', `let+', `return', etc.).

  [Brr] uses the same approach for its futures which are used to FFI
  with JavaScript promises (these are not called promises because they
  don’t directly map on JavaScript promises as those have a [non-monadic
  semantics] which would break OCaml type safety).

  Basically you have [futures], [future results] and [two syntaxes] to
  choose from depending on your context.

[Brr] <https://erratique.ch/software/brr>

[non-monadic semantics]

[futures] <https://erratique.ch/software/brr/doc/Fut/index.html#futs>

[future results]

[two syntaxes]

Rahul asked and Raphaël Proust replied

        I quite like the trace idea - I wish I’d thought of this
        for our codebase, but it would require too many changes in
        the calling code to adopt now. We just use `string' for
        the error type in our codebase and I’m not entirely
        satisfied with the “just pick the first error / fail fast”
        semantics I proposed for [`and*' in `Lwt_result.Syntax'].
        Another choice might even have been to parametrize the
        `Syntax' module over desired behavior of how to combine
        concurrent errors, but we decided against it to avoid
        having to invoke a functor repeatedly all over the code
        (we’re already quite verbose - we don’t do global opens,
        and try to be explicit, e.g: `let open Lwt_result.Syntax
        in' - to know exactly which monad we’re talking about).

  Implementation details on our side:
  • We do have [a functor for Tracing] which is parametrised by an
    implementation of trace.
  • We only initialise it once in the production part of our code-base.
    We also initialise another time for some tests.
  • We provide examples for trace implementations including [a version
    that gives you the left-most error].

  I’d say that `string' is quite manageable for error management. If you
  want to structure it a bit more you can mash strings together a bit.
  Something like

  │ val trace : string -> ('a, string) result -> ('a, string) result
  │ let trace high_msg = function
  │   | Ok v -> Ok v
  │   | Error low_msg ->
  │     (* indent all of the local errors *)
  │     let low_msg = "\t" ^ String.concat "\n\t" (String.split '\n' low_msg) in
  │     (* layout high error and low error *)
  │     Error (Printf.sprintf "%s\n%s" high_msg low_msg)
  │ val parmash : ('a, string) result list -> ('a list, string) result
  │ let parmash rs =
  │   let rec loop acc = function
  │     | (Ok v) :: xs -> loop (v :: acc) xs (* accumulate Oks *)
  │     | (Error msg) :: xs -> loop_err [msg] xs (* Switch to err loop on first 
Error *)
  │     | [] -> Ok (List.rev acc) (* just return accumulated Oks *)
  │   and loop_err acc = function
  │     | Ok _ :: xs -> loop_err acc xs (* Discard Oks *)
  │     | Error msg :: xs -> loop_err (msg :: acc) xs (* Accumulate Errors *)
  │     | [] -> match acc with
  │         | [] -> assert false
  │         | [msg] -> Error msg (* single error: return as-is *)
  │         | _ :: _ :: _ as msgs ->
  │             (*multiple errors: pretty-print with separators *)
  │             Error ("|" ^ String.concat "\n|" (List.rev msgs))
  │     )
  │   in
  │   loop [] rs

  Or something along those lines. And then `and*' calls `parmash' on the
  resolved promises to make line-separated `|'-prefixed error messages.

  Basically you end-up just doing the printing of the trace in advance.
  And it’s heavier than to carry a `type trace = Nest of string * string
  trace | Par of string trace list | Leaf of string' and do the printing
  only once. Plus you can’t have fine control over the printing like
  hbox and vbox. But it might be acceptable if the errors are truly the
  exceptional case and you don’t have too many levels of them.

[`and*' in `Lwt_result.Syntax']

[a functor for Tracing]

[a version that gives you the left-most error]

New OCaml meetup group in Toulouse (in French)


David Declerck announced

  [this post is about a new French-speaking OCaml meetup group in
  Toulouse, thus the remainder of the text will be in French]

  Bonjour à tous les cameleux toulousains !

  Ma collègue @rjbou et moi-même mettons en place un [meetup group
  OCaml] à Toulouse.

  S’inspirant des meetups “OUPS” à Paris, nous avons souhaité créer un
  événement similaire à Toulouse. L’objectif de ces meetups est de
  rassembler des personnes aux profils variés, qu’ils soient
  utilisateurs débutants ou chevronnées d’OCaml (développeurs,
  chercheurs…), ou qui souhaitent simplement découvrir ce langage. Les
  orateurs sont invités à présenter un sujet *qui leur plaît*, qu’il
  s’agisse d’une nouvelle librairie ou un nouvel outil, les nouvelles
  fonctionnalités du langages, des travaux de recherche, un bout de code
  *amusant* (liste non exhaustive)… Ces meetups se termineront par des
  discussions autour d’une collation et/ou un apéritif (sponsorisés par

  Le premier meetup devrait se tenir fin septembre / début octobre. La
  date exacte et le programme seront communiqués sous peu. N’hésitez pas
  à vous inscrire dès maintenant dans le [groupe] pour ne manquer aucune
  information !

  Les meetups se dérouleront à [l’ENSEEIHT] (2 Rue Charles Camichel,
  31000 Toulouse), que nous remercions chaleureusement pour la mise à
  disposition de ses locaux.

  Nous projetons d’ores et déjà d’organiser ces événements
  approximativement tous les deux mois. N’hésitez pas à venir présenter
  un sujet qui vous tient à coeur !

[meetup group OCaml] <https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/ocaml-toulouse/>

[OCamlPro] <https://www.ocamlpro.com>

[groupe] <https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/ocaml-toulouse/>

[l’ENSEEIHT] <https://www.enseeiht.fr>

GADTs for tracking dimensions of multidimensional arrays?


Deep in this thread, Markus Mottl said

  Lennart Augustsson has recently developed a Haskell library called
  [Orthotope] for dealing with multidimensional arrays. It can reflect
  shape and dimension information in types. You can also watch a [video
  presentation] about Orthotope.

  There is likely no way to translate this to OCaml without significant
  type system extensions, but some of the concepts and ideas might
  inspire similar work.

[Orthotope] <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/orthotope>

[video presentation] <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtc_j8Hnzac>

ocaml-eris 1.0.0 - Encoding for Robust Immutable Storage (ERIS) (+ Using Zig 
code compiled to WebAssembly from OCaml)


pukkamustard announced

  I’m pleased to announce an initial release of ocaml-eris - an OCaml
  implementation of the Encoding for Robust Immutable Storage ([ERIS]):
  <https://codeberg.org/eris/ocaml-eris/releases/tag/v1.0.0> (also
  available on [OPAM]).

  ERIS defines an encoding of arbitrary content into a set of uniformly
  sized, encrypted and content-addressed blocks as well as a short
  identifier that can be encoded as an URN. The content can be
  reassembled from the blocks only with this identifier. ERIS allows a
  form of content-addressing that is optimized for transport over
  networks and allows content to be made available robustly.

  ERIS is application and transport agnostic. A very similar encoding
  (ECRS) is used in [GNUNet] for file-sharing. Applications include
  [transporting small pieces of RDF data] or [distributing Guix
  substitutes]. Possible transports include [HTTP], [IPFS], CoAP and

  ERIS is [formally specified] and implementations for other language
  exist (and are being developed).

  The OCaml ERIS implementation allows:

  • Streaming encoding: Allows large content to be encoded while only
    keeping a minimal amount in memory.
  • Random-access decoding: Decode small pieces of large content while
    de-referencing a minimal amount of blocks.
  • Cross-platform support: See section below.

[ERIS] <http://purl.org/eris>

[OPAM] <https://opam.ocaml.org/packages/eris/>

[GNUNet] <https://gnunet.org/>

[transporting small pieces of RDF data] <https://openengiadina.net/>

[distributing Guix substitutes] <https://issues.guix.gnu.org/52555>

[HTTP] <https://eris.codeberg.page/eer/eer-001/>


[Sneakernets] <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sneakernet>

[formally specified] <http://purl.org/eris>

Cross-platform support

  ERIS requires two cryptographic functions:

  • Blake2b (with keying support)
  • ChaCha20 (IETF variant as defined by [RFC 8439])

  Multiple implementations are provided for various platforms. Users can
  choose the implementation by using one of following packages (same
  trick as used by `digestif'):

  • `eris.crypto-monocypher': Uses the [Monocypher] cryptographic
    library via the [ocaml-monocypher] bindings. This implementation
    works well on the Unix platform and is selected by default.
  • `eris.crypto-zig': Uses the cryptographic primitives provided in the
    [Zig] standard library. This implementation works on the Unix
    platform and requires the Zig compiler installed.
  • `eris.crypto-wasm': Uses the cryptographic primitives provided by
    the Zig standard library compiled to WebAssembly. This
    implementation can be used with [js_of_ocaml] and requires the Zig
    compiler installed. The WASM code is bundled using [Crunch] so users
    do not need to worry about provisioning or loading WASM.

  `eris.crypto-zig' is an example of how Zig code can be used from
  OCaml. `eris.crypto-wasm' is an example of how Zig code compiled to
  WebAssembly can be used from OCaml.

  One large appeal of using Zig is that the entire build infrastructure
  is much smaller than compared to using something like [Emscripten]. it
  is also possible to guarantee reproducible and boot-strappable builds
  (using [Guix]).

[RFC 8439] <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8439>

[Monocypher] <https://monocypher.org/>

[ocaml-monocypher] <https://inqlab.net/git/ocaml-monocypher.git/>

[Zig] <https://ziglang.org/>

[js_of_ocaml] <https://ocsigen.org/js_of_ocaml/>

[Crunch] <https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-crunch>

[Emscripten] <https://emscripten.org/>

[Guix] <https://guix.gnu.org/>

OCamlverse updates

  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ocamlverse-updates/9665/3>

Deep in this thread, Yotam Barnoy announced

  Note: ocamverse has now moved to [ocamlverse.net](ocamlverse.net).

Diskuv OCaml 1.x.x; Windows OCaml installer no longer in preview


jbeckford announced

Diskuv OCaml 1.0.1 Release

  This is mostly a bug fix. It is available at
  and the full release notes are at

  Summary of changes:

  • The installer now checks whether files are in use when overwriting a
    previous installation just like the uninstaller already did.
  • Fix Dune shim so `dune build' works consistently on Windows.
  • Fix detection of Jane Street package versions so `ppx_jane'
    dependencies like `fieldslib', and other JS packages, are pinned to
    versions like `v0.14.0' (etc.). Also pin transitive dependencies of
  • MSYS2 variables are available as Opam global variables. The list is
    [here]. For example, `opam var --global msystem' is `CLANG64' and
    `opam var --global mingw-package-prefix' is
    `mingw-w64-clang-x86_64'. They will become useful when Opam depext
    functionality is added for MSYS2.
  • Fix version in Add/Remove Programs that was `dev' instead of `1.0.1'


Does OCaml infer types between files?


Deep in this thread, Yawar Amin said

  Yes, OCaml decouples compilation of modules from each other. I
  collected some thoughts on that here:

Other OCaml News

From the ocaml.org blog

  Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at [the ocaml.org

  • [Tarides Goes on Holiday!]

[the ocaml.org blog] <https://ocaml.org/blog/>

[Tarides Goes on Holiday!]


  If you happen to miss a CWN, you can [send me a message] and I’ll mail
  it to you, or go take a look at [the archive] or the [RSS feed of the

  If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe

  [Alan Schmitt]

[send me a message] <mailto:alan.schm...@polytechnique.org>

[the archive] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>

[RSS feed of the archives] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>

[online] <http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/>

[Alan Schmitt] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/>

caml-news-weekly mailing list

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