
Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of March 14 to 21,

Table of Contents

Js_of_ocaml 5.1
Petrol 1.2.0 release - Postgres Support + User-extensible types
Docfd: TUI fuzzy document finder 0.2.3
OCamlot - Activitypub server written in OCaml
new versions of VS Code extensions Alcotest and Expect and Inline tests, now on 
Open VSX too
Autofonce, a modern runner for GNU Autotests suites
Release of piece_rope 0.9.0

Js_of_ocaml 5.1

  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-js-of-ocaml-5-1/11662/1>

Hhugo announced

  I’m pleased to announce the release of js_of_ocaml 5.1. It should soon
  be able available in opam.

  Js_of_ocaml is a compiler from OCaml bytecode to JavaScript. It makes
  it possible to run pure OCaml programs in JavaScript environment like
  browsers and Node.js.

  This release includes many significant changes. Here are some of the
  notable ones:
  • Js_of_ocaml now understands most `es6' features (but `import' and
  • JavaScript files generated by js_of_ocaml are now UTF-8 encoded.
  • Change the memory representation of OCaml strings to use JS ones.
    String still represent sequences of bytes and only contains
    codepoints in the range `[0-255]'.
  • Improved support for OCaml 5 effects, performing partial CPS
    transformation to significantly improve perfs (see
  • Various improvements to make the compiler faster.
  • Separate compilation only link compilation units that are needed,
    similar to `ocamlc', and generate much smaller js files

  See the [Changelog] for other changes.


Petrol 1.2.0 release - Postgres Support + User-extensible types


Kiran Gopinathan announced

  I’m pleased to announce the latest release of Petrol - [A high level
  typed SQL API for OCaml] (in the process of being published to opam).

  This latest release is exciting as it now adds Postgresql support
  (previously Petrol only supported Sqlite3).

  Petrol makes using SQL from OCaml a breeze:
  │ open Petrol
  │ open Petrol.Sqlite3
  │ (* define a new schema *)
  │ let schema = StaticSchema.init ()
  │ (* declare a table *)
  │ let example_table, Expr.[name; age] =
  │     StaticSchema.declare_table schema ~name:"example"
  │     Schema.[
  │         field "name" ~ty:Type.text;
  │         field "age" ~ty:Type.int
  │     ]
  and here’s how you write queries:
  │ (* create a query *)
  │ let insert_person ~name:n ~age:a db =
  │     Query.insert ~table:example_table
  │         ~values:Expr.[
  │             name := s n;
  │             age := i a
  │          ]
  │     |> Request.make_zero
  │     |> Petrol.exec db
  Petrol compiles down to Caqti queries under the hood, and comes with a
  nifty migration system built-in, so you can seamlesly update your
  database tables without disrupting end users:
  │ (* declare a table with a migration for a new [age] column in version 1.2.0 
  │ let t, Expr.[id;age;url] =
  │    VersionedSchema.declare_table db ~name:"person"
  │      Schema.[
  │        field ~constraints:[primary_key ~name:"bookmark_id" ()] "id" 
  │        field "age" ~ty:Type.int;
  │        field "url" ~ty:Type.text;
  │      ]
  │      ~migrations:[v_1_2_0, [
  │        Caqti_request.Infix.(Caqti_type.unit ->. Caqti_type.unit)
  │          {sql|ALTER TABLE person ADD COLUMN age INTEGER DEFAULT 1000|sql}
  │      ]]

  This and more is explained in the documentation, along with a nifty
  quick-starter guide:

  I’ve spent some time tuning the documentation to make it easy to pick

  You may also want to check out the tests to see it in action:

  Previous discussion:

[A high level typed SQL API for OCaml]

Docfd: TUI fuzzy document finder 0.2.3


Darren announced

  I’m happy to share Docfd, an interactive TUI tool finding the text
  file you need quickly.

  • [Repo]
  • [Statically linked binary]

  (Will submit to opam when time frees up a bit.)

[Repo] <https://github.com/darrenldl/docfd>

[Statically linked binary]

Screenshots and interface

  Searching `left is' in the repo root


  Searching `[github]' in the repo root


  The TUI is divided into three sections:
  • Left is the list of documents which satisfy the search constraints
  • Top right is the preview of the document
  • Bottom right is the ranked content search result list
  • Bottom bar is the search interface


  Docfd operates in modes, the initial mode is `NAVIGATION' mode

  • Scroll down the document list
    • `j' or down arrow
    • Scroll down with mouse wheel when hovering above the area
  • Scroll up the document list
    • `k' or up arrow
    • Scroll up with mouse wheel when hovering above the area
  • Scroll down the content search result list
    • `Shift~+~j' or ~Shift~+Down arrow
    • Scroll down with mouse wheel when hovering above the area
  • Scroll up the document list
    • `Shift~+~k' or ~Shift~+Up arrow
    • Scroll up with mouse wheel when hovering above the area
  • Open document
    • `Enter'
      • Docfd tries to use `$VISUAL' first, if that fails then Docfd
        tries `$EDITOR'
  • Switch to `CONTENT SEARCH' mode
    • `/'
  • Exit Docfd
    • `q' or `Ctrl+c'

  • Content search field is active in this mode
  • `Enter' to confirm search constraints and exit search mode


  • Docfd is focused on typical desktop use, so simplicity of components
    is often favoured over strict performance
    • That being said, the in-memory index and search should still be
      performant enough
  • No on-disk index is built

OCamlot - Activitypub server written in OCaml


Kiran Gopinathan announced

  I’m pleased to announce the release of a project that I’ve been
  working on, on-and-off for a while now: an activitypub server in OCaml
  — OCamlot.


  It’s wildly incomplete, and currently only the bare-bones minimum to
  be a considered an activitypub server, but it’s coming along nicely.

  Currently it supports:

  • profiles, custom profile pictures, about
  • likes, reposts
  • replies

  and that’s all.

  Some screenshots:

  • Feed
  • Writing replies:
  • Listing users:
  • Profile page:
  • Post replies

  Now, the things that this community would care about:

  • The server is implemented using dream:
  • The underlying database is Postgres (or Sqlite), accessed from OCaml
    using Caqti + [Petrol]:
  • Ingesting and producing activitypub entities is done using the
    decoders library:
  • Rendering is all done server-side using tyxml:

  Seeing as there has been some interest in this community recently
  about activitypub integration in OCaml, I figured this might be

  I have an instance running on over at <https://ocamlot.xyz> – as a
  warning, I’ve done most of my testing locally using pleroma, so there
  may be some slight issues interacting with other server
  implementations at the moment.

  Also would be happy to field any questions regarding navigating the
  activitypub spec as well. I plan to write up my experiences somewhere
  at some point in the future.


new versions of VS Code extensions Alcotest and Expect and Inline tests, now on 
Open VSX too


Roland Csaszar announced

  I’ve just updated both VS Code testing extensions, as of now they are
  available at the Open VSX Registry too.

  Bugfixes: The Opam environment of the project’s root is used, so the
  Dune executable in the sandbox of the project directory is used by
  default if such a sandbox exists. Otherwise the environment of the
  current Opam switch. If Dune does not work (a call of `dune --version'
  fails), an error message box is displayed.

Expect & Inline PPX

  • [VS Marketplace]
  • [Open VSX]
  • [GitHub]

[VS Marketplace]

[Open VSX]


Alcotest & Inline Alcotest

  • [VS Marketplace]
  • [Open VSX]
  • [GitHub]

[VS Marketplace]

[Open VSX]



  • Add error message window if `dune' does not work in a workspace.

◊ Bugfixes

  • Use the current Opam environment to be able to use local executables
    like `dune'.

◊ Internal Changes

  • Add tests to check the parsing of `opam env'.

Autofonce, a modern runner for GNU Autotests suites


Fabrice Le Fessant announced

  I am not sure it might be helpful to the OCaml community, as we
  already have well integrated test frameworks, but here is a tool I
  wrote in OCaml to work with GNU projects: `autofonce' is a modern
  runner for testsuites created for the GNU Autoconf tools.

  Compared to Autoconf tools, its main features are:
  • improved terminal output
  • automatic parallel execution
  • promotion of tests results to fix tests
  • extended syntax
  • filtering by keywords, numbers and ranges
  • execution from any project directory

  A typical Autoconf test looks like:
  │ # Start of a test, and the name that will be displayed
  │ AT_SETUP([Example test])
  │ # can be used to select tests to run:
  │ AT_KEYWORDS([example test autofonce])
  │ # create a file ~file~ with its content
  │ AT_DATA([file], [
  │ content of file
  │ on multiple lines
  │ ])
  │ # call some command, check its exit code, stdout, stderr
  │ AT_CHECK([cat file], [0], [stdout of my command], [stderr of my command])
  │ # you can do more, ignore some results, run more tests in case of failure, 
  │ # end of the test

  I personally like the syntax better than the one of `cram' tests,
  though there is some weird escaping issues with brackets (see the
  section in the doc).

  Compatibility with Autoconf is only partial, as it uses a grammar
  interpretation of what should actually be `m4' macros, but it was good
  enough to run the full GnuCOBOL testsuite after a few fixes (that
  actually improved the testsuite).

  The package is on Opam, but sources, documentation and static binaries
  are available from Github:


Release of piece_rope 0.9.0


Humza Shahid announced

  I’m not sure how useful this is to others, but I published my first
  open source package to opam which can be used by anyone interested in

  It is the same data structure used for editing text in VS Code [1] and
  AbiWord [2], with a few modifications to make it persistent and

  It provides some nice features on top which include:

  • Serialising and deserialising the structure to a file for persistent
  • Translating between offsets of different Unicode encodings (UTF-8,
    UTF-16 and UTF-32) for interaction with external systems and
  • There is a computationally expensive function to rebuild the
    structure, optimising it for memory usage and performance. (The idea
    was to use this in a GUI app when the user is inactive and
    rebuilding in that case - the core structure is fast but the
    perfectionist in me wanted it to be as fast and lean in memory as

  There are some similar packages others may find useful like Zed which
  are a more battle-tested implementation of a
  similar-but-not-quite-the-same data structure as this is a new

  Feel free to comment or open issues for any bugs you find during
  usage. Hopefully someone else out there will find this useful too.

  • [1]
  • [2] <http://e98cuenc.free.fr/wordprocessor/piecetable.html>


  If you happen to miss a CWN, you can [send me a message] and I’ll mail
  it to you, or go take a look at [the archive] or the [RSS feed of the

  If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe

  [Alan Schmitt]

[send me a message] <mailto:alan.schm...@polytechnique.org>

[the archive] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>

[RSS feed of the archives] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>

[online] <http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/>

[Alan Schmitt] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/>

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