The History Daily - Clayton Anti-Trust Act

2004-10-15 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith October 15, 2004 on this day: In 1914 the U.S. Congress passed the Clayton Anti-Trust Act. This legislation was hailed by labor leaders as a great victory for the working classes. This act

The History Daily - Battle of Hastings

2004-10-14 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith October 14, 2004 on this day: In 1066 William Duke of Normandy defeated the Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Hastings. William landed his army on the English coast near Hastings and in a day

The History Daily - White House Construction

2004-10-13 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith October 13, 2004 on this day: In 1792 construction began on the White House. As the residence of the U.S. president, this mansion is one of the best known icons of American culture. In its

The History Daily - Boer War

2004-10-12 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith October 12, 2004 on this day: In 1899 the Boer republics of South Africa declared war on England. Transvaal and the Orange River Free State, frustrated by British pressure and aggression

The History Daily - Battle of Tours

2004-10-11 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith October 11, 2004 on this day: In 732, Frankish leader Charles Martel defeated a Muslim army at the Battle of Tours in France. In the seventh century Arab tribes, united under the new

The History Daily - First Chief Justice

2004-09-24 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith September 24, 2004 on this day: In 1789 George Washington appointed John Jay as the first chief justice of the United States. The U.S. Constitution calls for a Supreme Court

The History Daily - Cold War Tensions

2004-09-23 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith September 23, 2004 on this day: In 1949, U.S. president Harry Truman announced that the Soviet Union had exploded an atomic bomb. Once the U.S.S.R. became a nuclear power Cold War tensions

The History Daily - Suleiman The Magnificent

2004-09-21 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith September 21, 2004 on this day: In 1520 Suleiman I (The Magnificent) was crowned sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Suleiman was a strong and capable leader who sought to aggressively expand the reach of his empire

The History Daily - Battle of Valmy

2004-09-20 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith September 20, 2004 on this day: In 1792 the French revolutionary army defeated the Allied invaders at the Battle of Valmy. Paris was in revolt and on August 10 the Deputies of the Assembly voted to suspend

[nothing] The History Daily - U.S. Constitution

2004-09-17 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith September 17, 2004 on this day: In 1787, The Philadelphia Convention adopted the United States Constitution. In the spring of 1787 fifty-five delegates from twelve states met in Philadelphia to draft a new

[nothing] The History Daily - American Legion

2004-09-16 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith Correction: Yesterday I listed the date as September 16. However, the information was correct for September 15. September 16, 2004 on this day: In 1919 the U.S. Congress chartered the American Legion

[nothing] The History Daily - Civil Rights Bombing

2004-09-15 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith September 16, 2004 on this day: In 1963, during the American Civil Rights Movement, a bomb planted by members of the Klu Klux Klan exploded outside of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church

[nothing] The History Daily - Hadrian's Wall

2004-09-13 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith September 13, 2004 on this day: In 122 A.D. Roman emperor Hadrian began construction of a defensive was across northern Britain. For 200 years the Romans imposed peace on the largest

[nothing] The History Daily - First Sewing Machine

2004-09-10 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith September 10, 2004 on this day: In 1846 Elias Howe received a patent on the first sewing machine. Howe was an amateur machinist who had worked in textile mills as a young man. The machine

[nothing] The History Daily - First Computer Bug

2004-09-09 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith September 9, 2004 on this day: In 1945, at Harvard, computer engineers experienced the first known computer bug while working on a Mark II Aiken Relay Calculator. This computer glitch

[nothing] The History Daily - First Computer Bug

2004-09-09 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith September 9, 2004 on this day: In 1945, at Harvard, computer engineers experienced the first known computer bug while working on a Mark II Aiken Relay Calculator. This computer glitch

[kahsdadhfahsdgfkghasdfkghdfkhgasdkhgadsfkhgasdfk] The History Daily - St. Augustine Founded

2004-09-08 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith September 8, 2004 on this day: In 1565 Spanish soldiers under the command of Pedro Menendez de Aviles established a settlement that would become St. Augustine, Florida. This was the first

[kahsdadhfahsdgfkghasdfkghdfkhgasdkhgadsfkhgasdfk] The History Daily - McKinley Assasinated

2004-09-06 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith September 6, 2004 on this day: In 1901 a twenty-eight year old unemployed worker fatally shot U.S. president William McKinley while the president was visiting the Pan-American Exposition

[kahsdadhfahsdgfkghasdfkghdfkhgasdkhgadsfkhgasdfk] The History Daily - Frederick Douglass

2004-09-03 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith September 3, 2004 on this day: In 1838, at about age 20, Frederick Douglass escaped from slavery disguised as a sailor. Douglass soon settled in New York City where he became active

[kahsdadhfahsdgfkghasdfkghdfkhgasdkhgadsfkhgasdfk] The History Daily - Great London Fire

2004-09-02 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith September 2, 2004 on this day: In 1966, in London, the baker of King Charles II forgot to extinguish his oven, and a fire soon started that eventually destroyed eighty percent of the city

[kahsdadhfahsdgfkghasdfkghdfkhgasdkhgadsfkhgasdfk] The History Daily - Great Northern War

2004-08-30 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith August 30, 2004 on this day: In 1721, the Great Northern War ended with the Treaty of Nystad. In 1699 Russia, Poland, and Denmark allied against Sweden. They expected a quick victory

[kahsdadhfahsdgfkghasdfkghdfkhgasdkhgadsfkhgasdfk] The History Daily - Battle of Dresden

2004-08-27 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith August 27, 2004 on this day: In 1813 Napoleon won the Battle of Dresden. After his disastrous defeat in Russia in 1812, Napoleon raised another army and rejected peace proposals from

[kahsdadhfahsdgfkghasdfkghdfkhgasdkhgadsfkhgasdfk] The History Daily - Cro-Magnon Man

2004-08-26 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith August 26, 2004 on this day: In 1909 Swiss paleontologist Otto Hauser discovered a near complete skeleton of a cro-magnon man in a rock deposit in France. Although this was not the first

[kahsdadhfahsdgfkghasdfkghdfkhgasdkhgadsfkhgasdfk] The History Daily - Stamp Act Protests

2004-08-25 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith August 25, 2004 on this day: In 1765, in America, a mob demolished the home of Massachusetts lieutenant governor Thomas Hutchinson. In an effort to raise revenue, the English Parliament

[kahsdadhfahsdgfkghasdfkghdfkhgasdkhgadsfkhgasdfk] The History Daily - NATO Established

2004-08-24 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith August 24, 2004 on this day: In 1949 the North Atlantic Organization (NATO) went into effect. This organization grew out of European fears of Soviet military aggression and was part

[kahsdadhfahsdgfkghasdfkghdfkhgasdkhgadsfkhgasdfk] The History Daily - Gary Powers Convicted

2004-08-19 Thread The History Daily
The History Daily - An Entertaining Look Back By Trevor Smith and Charles Smith August 19, 2004 on this day: In 1960 American spy plane pilot Francis Gary Powers was convicted of spying by the U.S.S.R. At this time the Cold War weapons race was at a fever pitch. U.S