Today's topics:

* PRINTING DIAMOND SHAPE WITH LOOPS! - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Access to Wireless LAN ... - 3 messages, 2 authors
* Custom scrollbar thumb - 2 messages, 2 authors
* PCMCIA and COMM API - 1 messages, 1 author
* web.xml - 3 messages, 3 authors
* RMI, JINI or RMI/IIOP - 2 messages, 2 authors
* accessing RecordStore - 1 messages, 1 author
* render jsp to send in javamail - 1 messages, 1 author
* odds and evens numbers - 1 messages, 1 author
* Help with BigInteger addition - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Applets, Security and JVM Support - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Using GridBagLayout with JFrame - 1 messages, 1 author
* ArrayList problem - 3 messages, 3 authors

== 1 of 3 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 2:00 am
From: Paul Lutus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Jay Dean wrote:

> I need simple nested loops (either for, or while) code for a method to
> print a diamond shaped stars for n stars, where n is odd.
>   Example. n=9 would produce
>         *
>        ***
>       *****
>      *******
>     *********
>      *******
>       *****
>        ****
>         *
>  I have STRUGGLED with this for over three days in a row and my head
> aches!

Well, since you aren't really interested in learning this:

   void drawDiamond(int n)
      int q = n/2;
      for(int a = -q;a <= q;a++) {
         int b = (a < 0)?-a:a;
         int c = q-b;
         for(int d = 0;d <= q+c;d++) {
            System.out.print((d < b)?" ":"*");

n = 9:


We would gladly teach you how to fish, but you clearly want to be handed the
fish. So be it.

Paul Lutus

== 2 of 3 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 2:12 am
From: "Chris Uppal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Jay Dean wrote:

>    However, it is very *ridiculous* for a lot of helpers to *assume*
> that most questions are HOMEWORKS.

I would say that it's very sensible assumption.  Not only is it the assumption
made myself, but I would question the sense/experience of anyone who /didn't/
make it.

> You certainly don't know me, and
> can't tell me for sure that I am in school.

Exactly, that's why we have to assume what's most probable given incomplete

There have been before, and there will be again, cases where people post
requests for help with trivially simple exercises who are not looking for help
with schoolwork, but such cases are in the small minority.

BTW, please don't take offence at the phrase "trivially simple" -- it /is/
trivial for any working (or otherwise experienced) programmer, but everyone has
to start somewhere.

> Even if it were a homework,
> and you "help" a student it is the student who is "hurting"
> him/herself. If you can help somebody, help him/her. You have nothing
> to lose by doing that.

You may find this hard to believe, but /ALL/ of the responses you got were
genuine attempts to help you.  It may not have been the help you /thought/ you
needed, but they were all offering constructive advice in their own ways.

BTW, now that you've been given a complete solution (which I haven't bothered
to read) I advise you to see if you've learned anything from it.  I suggest you
close down your newsreader (so you are not tempted to "cheat") and then see if
you can solve the problem on your own.  You will almost certainly find it
easier to start with couple of simpler problems, first to print a simple


and then to print a backwards triangle:


    -- chris

== 3 of 3 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 5:43 am

Paul Lutus wrote:
> Jay Dean wrote:
>>I need simple nested loops (either for, or while) code for a method to
>>print a diamond shaped stars for n stars, where n is odd.
>>  Example. n=9 would produce
>>        *
>>       ***
>>      *****
>>     *******
>>    *********
>>     *******
>>      *****
>>       ****
>>        *
>> I have STRUGGLED with this for over three days in a row and my head
> Well, since you aren't really interested in learning this:
>    void drawDiamond(int n)
>    {
>       int q = n/2;
>       for(int a = -q;a <= q;a++) {
>          int b = (a < 0)?-a:a;
>          int c = q-b;
>          for(int d = 0;d <= q+c;d++) {
>             System.out.print((d < b)?" ":"*");
>          }
>          System.out.println();
>       }
>    }
> n = 9:
>     *
>    ***
>   *****
>  *******
> *********
>  *******
>   *****
>    ***
>     *
> We would gladly teach you how to fish, but you clearly want to be handed the
> fish. So be it.

Nice solution. The OP might be able to explain its workings to the 
lecturer though. Here's a more confusing version. I just wish I could 
justify some bitwise operations here.

   static void drawDiamond(int n) {
     for(int i = -n/2;i <= n/2; i++) {
       for(int j=0;j <= n-1-((i < 0)?-i:i);j++) {
         System.out.print((j < ((i < 0)?-i:i))?" ":"*");

TOPIC: Access to Wireless LAN ...

== 1 of 3 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 2:02 am
From: "Marco Cavaliere" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Hi everybody, I'm new to java programming, so be patient! :-)

I'm start to programming java one mounth ago, and I'm try to programming
a  smart-client for WLAN access, basically I need to change the ESSID
for my Wireless lan CARD, and of course, I need also to retrive the list
of all ESSID that the card detect, is it possible do it with java?

In linux I plan to use the commands: iwlist and iwconfig ...  but in
windows I've no idea!

Any suggest?

Posted via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG

== 2 of 3 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 2:04 am
From: Paul Lutus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Marco Cavaliere wrote:

> Hi everybody, I'm new to java programming, so be patient! :-)
> I'm start to programming java one mounth ago, and I'm try to programming
> a  smart-client for WLAN access, basically I need to change the ESSID
> for my Wireless lan CARD, and of course, I need also to retrive the list
> of all ESSID that the card detect, is it possible do it with java?


> In linux I plan to use the commands: iwlist and iwconfig ...  but in
> windows I've no idea!

You cannot do this without calling native methods. This is not a Java issue.

Paul Lutus

== 3 of 3 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 2:43 am
From: "Marco Cavaliere" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

"Paul Lutus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> > I'm start to programming java one mounth ago, and I'm try to programming
> > a  smart-client for WLAN access, basically I need to change the ESSID
> > for my Wireless lan CARD, and of course, I need also to retrive the list
> > of all ESSID that the card detect, is it possible do it with java?
> No.
> You cannot do this without calling native methods. This is not a Java issue.

Bad to hear this!
So the only way to make it is to use external commands? that are able to
set up the network proprieties.
If I've understood well!

Posted via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG

TOPIC: Custom scrollbar thumb

== 1 of 2 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 2:04 am
From: Paul Lutus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Ste M wrote:

> Hi all,
> i'm writing an application using UIManager and metal theme.
> I'd like to use a bitmap to have a custom scrollbar thumb, but how can i
> do it ?

Java programming?

When you have some code, post it.

Paul Lutus

== 2 of 2 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 2:14 am
From: "Chris Uppal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Paul Lutus wrote:

> > i'm writing an application using UIManager and metal theme.
> > I'd like to use a bitmap to have a custom scrollbar thumb, but how can i
> > do it ?
> Java programming?
> When you have some code, post it.


This has to be in the running for some kind of "Most Useless Response of the
Week" award.

    -- chris


== 1 of 1 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 2:57 am
From: JScoobyCed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Christian Marko wrote:

> Hi!
> Does anyone have experiences with the COMM API and the usage of the
> PCMCIA port? With the COMM API the PCMCIA ports should also be found,
> or not?
> I have a PCMCIA port on my notebook, but this port won't be found, by
> the appropriate class of the COMM API. As i read in other posts, the
> port should be found. Can anyone help me?
> Regards
> Chris

I would hardly believe the PCMCIA port could be found by the COMM API:
"The Java Communications API contains support for RS232 serial ports and 
IEEE 1284 parallel ports" (

What about a JScooby snack Shaggy ? ... Shaggy ?!

TOPIC: web.xml

== 1 of 3 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 2:59 am
From: "vivienne wykes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Hi All,

I have a working shopping cart using jsp/java beans. I am confused as to
what the purspose of the web.xml file does in the great scheme of things.

Could anyone give me a short simple explanation of its purpose or point to
where I might find a simple explantion on the web. I am familliar with Java
and OO concepts.



== 2 of 3 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 4:25 am
From: Sudsy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

vivienne wykes wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a working shopping cart using jsp/java beans. I am confused as to
> what the purspose of the web.xml file does in the great scheme of things.

The DTD itself contains documentation. You can find it here:
To wit:
> The web-app element is the root of the deployment descriptor for
> a web application

== 3 of 3 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 6:17 am
From: "William Brogden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

On Wed, 25 Aug 2004 09:59:27 GMT, vivienne wykes  

> Hi All,
> I have a working shopping cart using jsp/java beans. I am confused as to
> what the purspose of the web.xml file does in the great scheme of things.
> Could anyone give me a short simple explanation of its purpose or point  
> to
> where I might find a simple explantion on the web. I am familliar with  
> Java
> and OO concepts.
> regards
> Viv

web.xml is the deployment descriptor for web applications
download the servlet specification from:

for a highly detailed explanation of the configuration options

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:


== 1 of 2 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 3:00 am
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Buu Nguyen) 

Hi everyone,

Our company is gonna develop a distributed Java project with thin
Swing UI. We are considering the technology to use. In the course of
performance, which technology, in the 3 RMI, JINI and RMI/IIOP, is
better? It's best if someone can tell which is the commonly used
technology in our case?

Thanks and regards!

== 2 of 2 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 4:28 am
From: Sudsy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Buu Nguyen wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Our company is gonna develop a distributed Java project with thin
> Swing UI. We are considering the technology to use. In the course of
> performance, which technology, in the 3 RMI, JINI and RMI/IIOP, is
> better? It's best if someone can tell which is the commonly used
> technology in our case?

If you'll ever need to communicate with legacy applications then you'll
probably want to go for IIOP. It lets you speak CORBA. RMI is fairly
straight-forward but limits you to Java (in most cases). Don't know
nuthin about JINI, sorry...

TOPIC: accessing RecordStore

== 1 of 1 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 3:14 am
From: JScoobyCed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Marcin wrote:

 > Hi,
 > I have a Nokia 6100 phone and I'm develoiping application that stores
 > data via RecordStore class. The problem is I would like to have those
 > data on my PC (i.e. via infrared link).
 > Ideas:
 > 1) Use infrared API - probably not possible :(

Why not. Using an IR to Serial application on your PC, and the JCA (Java 
Comm API) you can exchange data between your phone and a computer.

 > 2) not to use RecordStore but other class (if exists) that allows me
 > to create file (in Gallery folder maybe?). The I could access the file
 > from Nokia PC Suite.

No. You are restricted to access data created by the JVM. You can't 
access directly to the File System of your phone.

 > 3) Access file there RecordStore records are stored (RMS.rms?) - but
 > how?

I am not sure about that.

I would go for a IR 2 Serial emulation on your PC, and communicate with 
the IR RFCOMM serial connection (provided it is working on the 6100).
Another way would be to have a (web-)server on the PC and connect it 
through a (Http)Connection.

What about a JScooby snack Shaggy ? ... Shaggy ?!

TOPIC: render jsp to send in javamail

== 1 of 1 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 3:29 am

Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just wondering if anyone knew of a way to render the output of a jsp
> page without printing it to the browser and then send that html as a
> message through javamail... i.e. An invoice part of a web app that
> allows you to either see your invoice through the browser or have it
> sent to you via email. The invoice is presented to the browser as a
> jsp page. I would like to send that same jsp page, after it has been
> rendered, via email. I am trying to accomplish this in a Struts
> application, so I would probably have an ActionServlet try and
> accomplish this and then forward the user to a confirmation page.
Can't you just call your JSP from anywhere in your application and
fetch the result using Isn't that easier? You can
just call a servlet or JSP which first calls the JSP to fetch
the HTML, mail it and then redirect to that JSP.


TOPIC: odds and evens numbers

== 1 of 1 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 3:48 am
From: Joona I Palaste <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Liz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled the following:
> "Paul Lutus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Liz wrote:
>> > Hay, forget double, how about String?? "42" is an integer.
>> > Do we need "isEven(String a);
>> That would be presumptuous, since a string is not a number at all.

> It is a place to put the integer, just like double is a place to put the
> integer.
> ncest pas?

By that logic, we would need Math.isEven() and Math.isOdd() methods for
every class that contains an int or double field.

/-- Joona Palaste ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ------------- Finland --------\
\-- --------------------- rules! --------/
"The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the day they
start making vacuum cleaners."
   - Ernst Jan Plugge

TOPIC: Help with BigInteger addition

== 1 of 3 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 4:37 am
From: Bert Sierra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

OK --

Most of the Java API makes sense to me, but there are aspects of the 
java.math.BigInteger package that have me stumped.  Any help would be 

In one piece of code, I was trying to add two BigIntegers, as follows:
   BigInteger a = ...something...
   BigInteger b = ...something...
   BigInteger c = a.add(b);

What I quickly discovered was that in some cases the result was returned 
by destroying the value in a, and in other cases by destroying the value 
in b.  I couldn't see a pattern that would explain this behaviour, and 
unfortunately in the code I was working with I needed consistent 

The Sun API doc was fairly vague, claiming only that add(val) would 
return a BigInteger whose value is (this + val)  [see 
va.math.BigInteger)>].  It wouldn't explain any side effects of the 
addition on the original arguments -- whether the addition would recycle 
the objects used, or would result in a new BigInteger being created.

In the end, I had to augment my code to make copies of the original 
BigIntegers prior to the addition, as shown below.  I don't like the 
fact that I'm creating additional objects, but it's necessary because I 
can't figure out how add() [and subtract() and multiply()] operates:

   BigInteger a = ...something...
   BigInteger b = ...something...
   BigInteger acopy = new BigInteger( a.toByteArray() );
   BigInteger bcopy = new BigInteger( b.toByteArray() );
   BigInteger c = acopy.add(bcopy);

Seems like an awful lot of work to safely add two integers!!

TIA for any advice....

== 2 of 3 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 4:52 am
From: Michael Borgwardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Bert Sierra wrote:
> In one piece of code, I was trying to add two BigIntegers, as follows:
>    BigInteger a = ...something...
>    BigInteger b = ...something...
>    BigInteger c = a.add(b);
> What I quickly discovered was that in some cases the result was returned 
> by destroying the value in a, and in other cases by destroying the value 
> in b.

That's impossible unless your Java implementation is very broken.
More likely, your code is broken.

> The Sun API doc was fairly vague, claiming only that add(val) would 
> return a BigInteger whose value is (this + val)  [see 
> <
> va.math.BigInteger)>].  It wouldn't explain any side effects of the 
> addition on the original arguments -- whether the addition would recycle 
> the objects used, or would result in a new BigInteger being created.

There is no vagueness. The very first word of the API doc for BigInteger
is "Immutable". A BigInteger, once created, will not change, ever.
So there *are no* side effects. There are, however, cases where the
object returned will be one of the two objects that were added (if the
other one is 0).

Try to write a program as simple as possible that demonstrates this
"destruction" of the arguments to the addition operation. You'll
either find what part of your code is broken, find that you can't
reproduce this behaviour outside the rest of your code (where there's
something broken), or we'll be able to point out what your doing wrong
immediately after seeing this program.

Of course, all of this assumes that it is in fact not your Java
implementation that's broken, but Sun's releases are very unlikely
to contain such an obvious violation of the API contract.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 5:11 am
From: Rogan Dawes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Bert Sierra wrote:

> OK --
> Most of the Java API makes sense to me, but there are aspects of the 
> java.math.BigInteger package that have me stumped.  Any help would be 
> appreciated.
> In one piece of code, I was trying to add two BigIntegers, as follows:
>    BigInteger a = ...something...
>    BigInteger b = ...something...
>    BigInteger c = a.add(b);
> What I quickly discovered was that in some cases the result was returned 
> by destroying the value in a, and in other cases by destroying the value 
> in b.  I couldn't see a pattern that would explain this behaviour, and 
> unfortunately in the code I was working with I needed consistent 
> behaviour.

That shouldn't happen. BigIntegers are immutable - that is, it cannot be 
changed, just like normal Integer, or the other Number classes.

> The Sun API doc was fairly vague, claiming only that add(val) would 
> return a BigInteger whose value is (this + val)  [see 
> <
> va.math.BigInteger)>].  It wouldn't explain any side effects of the 
> addition on the original arguments -- whether the addition would recycle 
> the objects used, or would result in a new BigInteger being created.

Yes, the return value of the various operations is a new BigInteger 
instance, that holds the result of the operation that was performed. The 
arguments (a and b) are not modified.
> In the end, I had to augment my code to make copies of the original 
> BigIntegers prior to the addition, as shown below.  I don't like the 
> fact that I'm creating additional objects, but it's necessary because I 
> can't figure out how add() [and subtract() and multiply()] operates:
>    BigInteger a = ...something...
>    BigInteger b = ...something...
>    BigInteger acopy = new BigInteger( a.toByteArray() );
>    BigInteger bcopy = new BigInteger( b.toByteArray() );
>    BigInteger c = acopy.add(bcopy);
> Seems like an awful lot of work to safely add two integers!!
Seems to me like you are doing something wrong.

> TIA for any advice....

Check your code more carefully. You'll surely find your mistake.

Rogan Dawes

*ALL* messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED] will be dropped, and added
to my blacklist. Please respond to "nntp AT dawes DOT za DOT net"

TOPIC: Applets, Security and JVM Support

== 1 of 2 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 5:51 am


We currently have a signed applet, which is split into two different
The first supports MS JVM, and is compiled to a CAB file, the other supoprts
SUN (v 1.4.1 something) and compiled to a JAR.

The main problems we have had (and why we split development) is the way the
permissions work when checking for permission to make a socket connection.

The MS version uses the old chestnut:


To see if we have permissions to make a socket connection.

Now, when I try and run the SUN version in anything over 1.4.2 I get
permission problems, although the earlier SUN JVMs work. Remember that the
JAR file is actually signed.

What I need to do is a consolidation of versions so that we have one JAR for
all versions (obviously coded for the lowest JVM supported, but working for
all). We do not use any third party solutions so it should be just our code
that changes.

Can anyone shed any light on the permissioning for sockets and signed
applets for later versions of JVMs?


== 2 of 2 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 7:00 am
From: "Mickey Segal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

"SPG" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> What I need to do is a consolidation of versions so that we have one JAR
> all versions (obviously coded for the lowest JVM supported, but working
> all). We do not use any third party solutions so it should be just our
> that changes.

Even if you keep your code at Java 1.1 and use one version of your source
code you will need at least two different archive files for a signed applet,
CAB for MS JVM and JAR for Sun or Macintosh OS X.  In addition, if you want
to support Macintosh OS 9 you will need another JAR file, signed with Sun's
old signing method.

TOPIC: Using GridBagLayout with JFrame

== 1 of 1 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 6:16 am
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (KingKongBundy) 

Thomas Fritsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...

Thanks  - the inset statements took care of the problem.  I wanted to
use the GBL for general practice, but the suggestion to use
BorderLayout above also worked and was a lot simpler. Besten Dank!!

TOPIC: ArrayList problem

== 1 of 3 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 6:21 am
From: jacov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

HI, i have a problem with an ArrayList of data: this is a snippet of my
//code begin
ArrayList data =  new ArrayList;
Vector _v = returnAVector();                                    
for (int j = 0; j < _v.size(); j++) {
//code end


The problem is that the arrayList contains only the first element
repetead as many times (actually the list size)
Any hint is highly welcome


== 2 of 3 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 6:36 am
From: Michael Borgwardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

jacov wrote:

> HI, i have a problem with an ArrayList of data: this is a snippet of my
> problem:
> //code begin
> ArrayList data =  new ArrayList;
> Vector _v = returnAVector();                   
> for (int j = 0; j < _v.size(); j++) {
>     data.add(_v.elementAt(j));    
> }
> //code end

First, the loop is unnecessary, replace it with data.addAll(_v);
But why do you copy the data anyway? If you need an ArrayList, create
one directly.

Second, the error is not in the code you posted but in the method
returnAVector(). Most likely you do not add different objects to the
Vecor but instead add the same one many times.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date:   Wed,   Aug 25 2004 6:48 am

On Wed, 25 Aug 2004 15:36:00 +0200, Michael Borgwardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>jacov wrote:
>> HI, i have a problem with an ArrayList of data: this is a snippet of my
>> problem:
>> //code begin
>> ArrayList data =  new ArrayList;
>> Vector _v = returnAVector();                   
>> for (int j = 0; j < _v.size(); j++) {
>>     data.add(_v.elementAt(j));    
>> }
>> //code end
>First, the loop is unnecessary, replace it with data.addAll(_v);
>But why do you copy the data anyway? If you need an ArrayList, create
>one directly.
>Second, the error is not in the code you posted but in the method
>returnAVector(). Most likely you do not add different objects to the
>Vecor but instead add the same one many times.

Yeah, that's my conclusion too.

I created this snippet around the sample and (of course) it works fine : 

//code begin

private void test()
        ArrayList data = new ArrayList();
        Vector _v = returnAVector();
        for (int j = 0; j < _v.size(); j++)

private Vector returnAVector()
        Vector v = new Vector();
        return v;

private void showResults(ArrayList a)
        for (int j = 0; j < a.size(); j++)
                System.err.println("result (" + j + ") : " + a.get(j));

//code end

Output :

  result (0) : 111
  result (1) : 222
  result (2) : 333


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