Alright, I'm finally getting my act together and am working towards  
creating a site for Capistrano. I've got a domain set up and we're  
all ready to go...except we have no site. :)

It's no problem at all for me to throw something together, but I'm  
definitely not a designer. I purposefully went very minimal on my  
blog for that very reason. If anyone on this list has some design  
chops and would like to try their hand at the Capistrano site, please  
email me (off list, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) and include a description of  
what you would do for the site, and a link to a few sites you've  

Related to that, it'd be nice to have a Capistrano logo. I'll make  
that a separate challenge. I'll collect any logos emailed to me, and  
in a few weeks I'll choose from among them. Ideally, I'd love for the  
logo to be in some vector format, so that we can resize it as needed.  
(For the record, all I've got at my disposal are Inkscape and GIMP,  
so if you send me a file that neither of those can read, I won't be  
able to view it.)

Let's try and have a logo and website ready to go by March 1!

In the same vein, I've decided to give docbook a try for the  
Capistrano documentation. Why? Because I want to be able to put the  
documentation under version control, and because I want to be able to  
maintain docs for each released version. I hate hate HATE xml, but  
there is no denying that it excels when you use it for what it was  
originally designed for. :) If anyone would like to help write the  
"getting started" manual, please email me offlist (address above) and  
I'll ping you when I've got the outline minimally fleshed out.  
Knowledge of docbook would be a plus, but is not necessary. For now,  
I'm just using the XSL stylesheets that docbook provides, but they  
are ugly as sin and eventually I'd love for some XSL guru to  
volunteer to design a prettier version. :) But I'll wait until we  
have a website design first, since that'll form the basis for other  

So, any takers?

- Jamis

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