Dear Casperities,

I can't remember if I published anything officially, but I finally
installed my desktop with OS Ubuntu 18.04LTS to work with the current
toolflow and the planned new toolflow. I am about 6 months behind
publishing this, but I can now say that the toolflow for SKARAB and the Red
Pitaya builds fine using Ubuntu 18.04LTS.

I had a few issues with the Python Numpy and Odict wheels failing to
install properly using the pip install,  but this is not needed. Thanks to
my colleague, Morag Brown for providing this info on the wheel installs.

"No issues on 18.04. Python wheels are just an easier way that pip tries to
install things. If it can't build the wheels properly then it defaults to
doing a standard package installation - so as long as it's not complaining
that the packages aren't working, you're good to go :slightly_smiling_face:

I hope this helps!

Kind regards,


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