Dear Casperite's

I am doing a basic pattern readout test on X64 ADC using ROACH-1. I select the defined patterns using a external Intel Galileo gen 2 board (For SPI communication). A basic BRAM based burst mode data acquisition is running on FPGA.

TDM data out from the ADC yellow block is signed 2's complement number(12.11) to ufix (12.0) convert to ufix(16.0) padding 4 zeros on MSB writing to the BRAM.

The length of the frame is (65536) and bit wide (16). A python code read the binary data and write the data into the hard disk.

IF I set the SPI address (0) : I am able to read the signal fed into the ADC,

When I set the SPI address (4) & (8) : I am reading the expected output with the msb(12th bit) inverted.

Is anyone experienced the same or correct me where its going wrong.



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