Re: [Catalyst] post processing filter in Catalyst apps

2017-02-22 Thread Rajesh Kumar Mallah
Hi , Certain caching proxies can be configured to ignore query params, that is why we feel altering the path to be more robust. The templates do not have anything in them that modify the paths, all is of course in the catalyst app (Controller) itself so I am not really understanding the issue

Re: [Catalyst] post processing filter in Catalyst apps

2017-02-22 Thread Hartmaier Alexander
Hi, if you want to do this for to use caching but still force the files to get downloaded on a new app version I'd suggest appending a query parameter, we use ?v=[% constants.version %] which is set in the view: __PACKAGE__->config( CONSTANTS => { version => $Our::App::VERSION },

Re: [Catalyst] post processing filter in Catalyst apps

2017-02-20 Thread Rajesh Kumar Mallah
Dear Dimitar, the verXXX change everytime there is git commit. I was able to solve my problem completely for development environment. For production i would serve static from from apache or lighttpd with a rewrite rule that would strip off the version numbers. Embedding version number in urls

Re: [Catalyst] post processing filter in Catalyst apps

2017-02-19 Thread Rajesh Kumar Mallah
Hi , I was able to do so in Controller/ sub end : Private { my ($self, $c) = @_; $c->forward('render') unless $c->res->output ; $c->fillform($c->stash->{fillindata}) ; my $body = $c->response->{body}; $body =~ s#/static/#/static/ver8291/#g ;