Monday, Aprill 11, will be the next monthly meeting of the Cayuga Bird Club. 
Tim Gallagher will be giving his presentation, "The Peregrines of Taughannock 
Gorge" starting at 7:30 pm

 Zoom meeting registration:
 After a 74-year absence, Peregrine Falcons finally returned to nest at 
Taughannock Gorge in 2020. The gorge is arguably the most famous falcon nest 
site in the world, thanks to a famous picture taken by world-renowned Cornell 
ornithologist Arthur Allen in the 1920s.

A lifelong falcon fanatic, Tim Gallagher was only 12 years old when he first 
saw Allen's exquisite picture of an adult Peregrine perched on a branch in 
front of Taughannock Falls while her chicks lie on their nest ledge nearby. 
When he first came to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in 1990 to be interviewed 
for the position as editor-in-chief of Living Bird, he asked if someone would 
take him to Taughannock Falls. He spent the entire afternoon at the gorge, 
imagining what it would be like if Peregrines still nested there. Well, he only 
had to wait 30 years. Gallagher will present the entire saga of the Taughannock 
Peregrines from their discovery by world-famous bird artist (and former Cayuga 
Bird Club President) Louis Agassiz Fuertes in 1909; the factors that led to the 
abandonment of the eyrie in 1946; Professor Tom Cade's failed effort to 
reintroduce captive-bred peregrines there in the 1970s; and their triumphant 
return in 2020.Tim Gallagher is an award-winning author, wildlife photographer, 
and magazine editor. He is the former editor-in-chief of Living Bird, the 
flagship publication of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Tim got his first field 
guide at the age of eight, and he's been hooked on birds ever since. His 
lifelong interest in wilderness exploration has taken him twice to Greenland, 
where he made two open-boat voyages up the coast to study nesting seabirds and 
falcons, and to the hinterlands of Iceland, where he climbed lofty cliffs to 
learn more about the spectacular Gyrfalcon, the world's largest falcon. He is 
the author of several books, including Parts Unknown: A Naturalist's Journey in 
Search of Birds and Wild Places; The Grail Bird: Hot on the Trail of the 
Ivory-billed Woodpecker; Falcon Fever: A Falconer in the 21st Century; Imperial 
Dreams: Searching for the Imperial Woodpecker in the Wild Sierra Madre; Wild 
Bird Photography; and Born to Fish.Cayuga Bird Club meetings start at 7:30 pm 
on the second Monday of each month, September through June, and are open to the 
public. Each virtual meeting will begin with the speaker's presentation, 
followed by clubbusiness. at 7:30 pm.
 Colleen RichardsCorresponding SecretaryCayuga Bird Club

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