Next Monday, November 14, at 7:30 p.m. will be the next monthly meeting of the 
Cayuga Bird Club. Jody Enck and other trip participants will be presenting, 
"Our Cayuga Bird Club trip to southern Ecuador".
 What was it like to go birding in southern Ecuador?Ecuador is a small country 
in northwestern South America (about the size of Nevada) with a bird list of 
over 1,600 species (Nevada has fewer than 500 species). In August 2022, ten 
birders traveled to southern Ecuador for two weeks of adventure. It was a 
country new to most of us, and it was filled with an awe-inspiring array of 
topography, habitats, and birds. Several participants, including Jody Enck, 
Stephanie Herrick, Deb Lynn, Robyn Bailey, and Paul Paradine, along with 
Ecuadorian guide, Edwin Perez will share their photos, insights, and 
impressions of the trip. Come hear what it was like to bird from sea level on 
the Pacific coast, dry thorn forest, wet cloud forest, and high-elevation 
paramo above 13,000 feet in elevation in the Andes. See photos of bird species 
we saw that have fewer than a couple hundred living individuals clinging on in 
special habitats protected by dedicated conservationists. Also, learn the 
perspectives of first-time visitors to South America, including non-birding 
spouses who came along on the trip. About the Speaker: Jody Enck started 
birding as a small boy growing up on a farm in Pennsylvania. Since then, he has 
continued to learn more and more about birds and the people who enjoy them. 
Jody especially loves bird-watching in his back yard to find out what the local 
residents are up to. He is also a closet lister, with more than 500 species 
seen in the U.S. and more than 1,150 seen worldwide. He has a background in 
wildlife biology and social science. In 2016, he founded the Sister Bird Club 
Network to link birders and bird clubs throughout the Western Hemisphere by 
raising awareness of the conservation needs of the neotropical migratory birds 
we all love. He is a past president and current chair of the conservation 
action committee for the Cayuga Bird Club. There will not be a speaker dinner 
this month, but come when the doors open at 7:15 for cookies and conversation. 
 Cayuga Bird Club meetings start at 7:30 pm on the second Monday of each month, 
September through June, and are open to the public. 
 Colleen Richards
Corresponding Secretary
Cayuga Bird Club


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