After I got off from the plane from my trip to South Carolina for a Dragonfly 
Society Meeting, I drove straight to take a walk from Wilson trail to Dryden 
side of the trail and back to the parking lot, (which used to be my lunch walk).

I did not find anything that was not reported I guess but they were all of 
interest to me.

I found that oriole was stealing sap from the Sapsucker holes, so were several 
butterflies including migrant Red Admirals, that have been passing in hundreds 
today. At the same spot, I heard, Least flycatcher, Common Yellow-throat, 
Warbling Vireo  and House wrens in their usual places. Yellow warbler, Am. 
Redstart and second pair of Orioles in their usual locations further down the 
trail. There were a few White-throated sparrows near the board walk and corral. 
 A Scarlet Tanager, Northern Parula,  Yellow rumped warblers and a Blue-headed 
Vireo on the east side of the Wilson trail. I also heard the Red-tailed Hawk 
calling. Then across in Dryden woods, I came across, Northern Water Thrush, A 
Pileated Woodpecker, an Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and other usual resident 
birds. Finally, as I was heading towards the parking the resident Am. Kestrel 
landed on the tall power pole calling excitedly.

In SC woods, I had quite a few exotic species such as Prothonotary, Swainson's, 
Yellow-throated, Pine. Northern Parulas (in huge numbers with numerous song 
variations) and Louisiana Waterthrush among warblers. Woodpeckers included 
beautiful, Red-headed and Pileated, and just I was about to call it a day a 
male RED-COCKADED WOODPECKER landed for a few minutes on the a in front of me 
just to say excchange news. Later in the evening lots of Night Hawks were 
Peenting and Chuck-wills widows were dueting and mostly sounded like 



Meena Haribal
Ithaca NY 14850


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