
Now that you know spring actually is coming, remember, Spring 
Ornithology starts March 30!  Still lots of space. Here's my blurb 
(please share with friends or family ANYWHERE).

--Sandy Podulka


Would you like to learn more about birds and their lives?  Consider 
taking the Cayuga Bird Club's Spring Ornithology with Steve Kress, 
held Tuesday evenings March 30 to May 18 via Zoom. Even if you are a 
seasoned birder, your future birding experiences will be enriched by 
this course, by exploring beyond finding and identifying birds.  Have 
a Tuesday night conflict? Classes are recorded for viewing or 
reviewing at your convenience.

This course is perfectly timed to help people identify spring 
migrants and better understand bird behavior. Each meeting features a 
group of migratory birds that are at the peak of their spring 
migration, with discussions about bird song, migration, courtship, 
family life, conservation, and how to create a bird-friendly habitat 
on your own property.

Dr. Kress, well known for his entertaining and engaging teaching 
style, illustrates each presentation with stunning photos and bird 
song recordings. Although the course focuses on birds of the 
northeastern U.S, most of the identification, behavior, and 
conservation tips are relevant to people everywhere.

Dr. Kress served for many years as Director of the Audubon Seabird 
Restoration Program and Hog Island Audubon Camp in Maine, and has 
written numerous books, articles, and online courses about birds and 
wildlife conservation. The course fee is $125 per household. Details 
and registration 


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