At my home lately a pair of Great Crested Flycatchers has been gathering nesting material. They make quite a noisy operation of it! Harrison says both sexes build, but it seems like one bird gets to do all the risky groundwork while the other stays posted in the relative safety of the trees, calling out encouragement, and no doubt keeping a sharp eye out for predators.

The young Ravens have been out of their nest (if there's anything left of it) for several weeks I guess. Last week they began following their parents in the direction of the L-P Preserve, demanding ever more loudly to be fed.

The first brood of Phoebes left their nest beneath my eaves a few days ago, to perch in the thin understory, looking like easy prey! Lots of black rat snakes about now, so better out of the nest than in it, I suppose. They're very quiet, compared to the recently fledged Ravens, whose raucous begging easily carries across the gulf from the razorback ridge over in the L-P Preserve.

The rash of bright sun brought out many red admirals last week, and now tiger swallowtails.

"Watching meanderings of swallowtail
following thistle-blossom pollen trail
sipping flower juice
in the sun profuse
between shadows seeping through
to April Grove"               -Chrysalis  (1967)


Geo Kloppel
Bowmaker & Restorer
227 Tupper Road
Spencer NY 14883

607 564 7026


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