My counts were different from Chris's I will type in only those which I saw 
more than Chris observed. I walk from southwest-end of the orchard so I may see 
somethings differently than others.

Tennessee 10+ individuals
Cape May 3 females and 2 males at least
Chestnut sided at least 3
Blackpolls 10+
Philadelphia Vireos 2
Scarlet Tanager 1

Also yesterday there was a Raven flying over the orchard that was chased by a 
Fish Crow! This is the second time I am hearing and seeing Fish Crow in this 
area. I wonder if it has taken residence in Six Mile Creek. And the raven was 
seen for the first time this year, but a colleague of mine told that she has  
been seeing and hearing the Raven on Eastern Heights road often this year.


[] On Behalf Of Christopher T. 
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 11:35 AM
Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Hawthorn Orchard: 15 May 2015

Just a quick note from today's visit. I didn't devote as much time actively 
birding today as I have on past days. But, it was a nice morning nonetheless. 
Others may post additional birds which I did not see or hear.

Again, if you visit the Hawthorn Orchard, please submit your sightings into<> for the "Hawthorn Orchard" hotspot - even if you 
only report a handful of birds seen or heard, every checklist is valuable 
toward preservation of this site.

Hawthorn Orchard, Tompkins, US-NY
May 15, 2015 8:25 AM - 9:45 AM
Protocol: Traveling
1.0 mile(s)

Comments:     I didn't spend as much time searching and quantifying birds this 
morning as in past; Tennessee Warblers and Blackpoll Warblers seemed reduced in 
numbers, or just not singing as much today as yesterday. Others heard at least 
two Mourning Warblers earlier, as well as a flock of Swainson's Thrushes.
27 species

Merlin  1     Heard calling one of the two individual breeding birds which 
continue to be present opposite Mitchell Street from Hawthorn Orchard. If you 
drive up Mitchell Street from the City of Ithaca, look at the row of (blue?) 
spruce trees on the left side of the road immediately after the white house 
adjacent to the East Lawn Cemetery. A couple of spruces in along that row has 
an obvious dead branch sticking out. This is their preferred perch. I've seen 
the birds perched there while driving by in the afternoon and have seen them 
copulate on that branch a few times during AM birding (as visible from a couple 
spots in the Hawthorn Orchard).
Red-eyed Vireo  2
American Crow  1
House Wren  1
Gray-cheeked Thrush  1     Likely individual heard giving repeated soft NFC's 
in dense undergrowth at top of slope just North of the NE corner; in area 
nearby where others observed several (a flock of) Swainson's Thrushes earlier 
in the morning. This happened shortly after another birder had been reviewing 
the calls of Gray-cheeked Thrush; I suspect this unintentional "playback" may 
have triggered a response from this bird. My initial reaction was: "is that 
your audio playing?" When the response was "no", I realized that I was hearing 
a softly calling GCTH. The bird repeated at least 10-12 times, then ceased 
altogether. An attempt for visual confirmation was not made.
Swainson's Thrush  1     One individual actively calling "drip" notes in top of 
hawthorns, just SW of NE corner.
Wood Thrush  1
Gray Catbird  5
Tennessee Warbler  6     fewer Tennessee Warblers today.
Common Yellowthroat  3
American Redstart  3     adult males
Cape May Warbler  1     female
Northern Parula  2     This is new for me this year. Two adult males singing 
and foraging together just SW of the NE corner.
Magnolia Warbler  12     Evenly distributed and actively vocal today.
Bay-breasted Warbler  5     3 adult males and at least 2 females; mostly in the 
general NE corner area and to SW of NE corner.
Yellow Warbler  2
Chestnut-sided Warbler  2
Blackpoll Warbler  3     Definitely seemed to be fewer birds today.
Black-throated Blue Warbler  2     Likely two individuals. One singing 
repeatedly at length in area just North of NE corner; one singing farther to 
the SW of the NE corner.
Canada Warbler  1     male singing to SW of NE corner.
Song Sparrow  2
Northern Cardinal  4
Indigo Bunting  1     Singing in area just SW of NE corner.
Brown-headed Cowbird  1
Baltimore Oriole  2
House Finch  1
House Sparrow  3

View this checklist online at
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Christopher T. Tessaglia-Hymes
Field Applications Engineer
Bioacoustics Research Program, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca, New York 14850
W: 607-254-2418   M: 607-351-5740   F: 607-254-1132

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