After leaving Myers Point and walking around Salt Point, Jay, Livia, Paul & I split up. I went to Cornell's Edwards Lake Cliff Preserve. The mowed trails through the brush offered singing FIELD and SONG SPARROWS, NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD, NORTHERN FLICKER, NORTHERN CARDINAL, and BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD. 

As soon as I peeked over the rim into the forested ravine of Gulf Creek I saw a HERMIT THRUSH fly off to hide, and I heard the persistent song of a LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH. It was fortunate for me that it kept singing, because it took me the better part of an hour to catch a glimpse of it. My lucky time was when it moved from the lower gorge past me to patrol the upper portion of its territory. Also in this woods were BROWN CREEPER, DARK-EYED JUNCO, and EASTERN PHOEBE. I had heard that the Eastern Hemlocks here have Hemlock Woolly Adelgids, and indeed the fallen twigs were heavily infested. 

On my way out I met Suan Yong. As the rain began and we were about to leave we saw and heard a BROWN THRASHER near the entrance. 

--Dave Nutter
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