Our radar at Binghamton had very impressive radar returns of migrating
birds early  this morning.  I suspect a lot of arriving breeders and a
continuation of the later passerine migrants. Of interest, despite decent
southerly winds across much of the southern U.S east of the plains, the
radar returns are pretty much lacking or very light from roughly Delaware
to West Virginia to Illinois and points south. This looks to be the end of
the passerine spring migration and its approaching our area. I suspect by
the end of the week it will be largely over for us.

Yesterday I still had Blackpoll Warblers pretty much all over and, as I
write this, I have one singing really close!  Migrant blackburnian,
magnolia and black-throated green warblers are still around too. I haven't
seen any yellow-rumped warbler migrants lately just a few breeders here and
there. Red-eyed vireos are still increasing on their breeding grounds in
Broome as they arrived very late this year. I am waiting for my first
Philadelphia vireo (we have had a couple reports down here already). I
still haven't gotten the yellow-bellied flycatcher yet( I don't believe we
have had one reported in Broome yet).  I did have my first black-billed
cuckoo the other day and I am hearing one distant this morning from my
patio. Cedar waxwings have poured into the region the past few days with
flocks all over now.

Shorebird migration continues pretty much on schedule this spring as we had
our first semipalmated sandpiper yesterday. Is this because they don't rely
on arboreal insects which come out with leaves?

Some observations on numbers. This year, rose-breasted grosbeaks, gray
catbirds, eastern towhees, common yellowthroats, chestnut-sided warblers,
and veeries seem especially common. Ovenbirds are all over like usual. I
also have more wood thrushes than recent years. I have noticed increases in
black throated blue warblers too. Since many of these species like
undergrowth and edges I wonder if it is due to the loss of many ash trees?
We are seeing significant mortality in Broome County and lots of
undergrowth as a result. I wonder if this trend will continue. Our hemlocks
continue to be healthy despite the hemlock woolly adelgid.

Birds that I feel are scarcer than recent years,  house finch!  Its getting
hard to find this species locally. They are around but not like they used
to be.

Anyway its time to get birding  for the day. I hope many of you can get out
and enjoy the summery weather today. Tomorrow its over for me, back to



Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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