In case, like me, you were wondering where that odd word comes from...

prothonotary warbler

Syllabification: (pro·thon·o·tar·y war·bler)
Definition of prothonotary warbler


  • a North American warbler, the male of which has a golden-yellow head, breast, and underparts.
    • Protonotaria citrea, subfamily Parulinae, family Emberizidae


late 18th century: named with reference to the saffron color of the robes worn by clerks to the pope (see Protonotary Apostolic)


Syllabification: (pro·ton·o·tar·y)

(also prothonotary)
Definition of protonotary

noun (plural protonotaries)

chiefly historical
  • a chief clerk in some courts of law, originally in the Byzantine court.


late Middle English: via medieval Latin from late Greek prōtonotarios, from prōtos 'first' + notarios 'notary'
prothonotary (n.) Look up prothonotary at
also protonotary, mid-15c., "principal clerk of a court," from Late Latin prothonotarius, from Greek protonotarios "first scribe," originally the recorder of the court of the Byzantine empire, from protos "first" (see proto-) + Latin notarius (see notary). The -h- appeared in Medieval Latin


Chris Pelkie
Research Analyst
Bioacoustics Research Program
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Road
Ithaca, NY 14850

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