Shortly before noon on Tuesday, Miyoko Chu and I saw a ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK above 
the Wilson Trail North in Sapsucker Woods, near the Sherwood Platform.  The 
very presence of the hawk was a nice surprise given the somewhat atypical 
location.  What's more, the bird graced us for more than thirty seconds with a 
sequence of circles and rapid glides, directly overhead.  

I would call this bird a dark morph because of the solidity of color of its 
head, body, and wing linings, but against the gray sky these parts appeared 
notably warm brown, except for the round black carpal patches, like an Old 
World buzzard or kite.  The tail had a white base and fine alternating white 
and black bars above the dark terminal band.

Seeing this rufous buteo made me wonder whether the Red-shouldered Hawk is back 
in Sapsucker Woods this winter.  I looked in eBird and found a credible report 
from December 17, 2010.  Welcome back, hawk! 

Also, I heard from Mary Winston that one Pine Siskin visited the feeder garden 
this morning.  (The most recent Sapsucker Woods siskin report in eBird is from 
November 10.)

The EASTERN SCREECH-OWL continues to roost regularly in our nest box on 
Simsbury Drive. In past years, the owl has reliably appeared the hole of the 
box every day for an hour or more before dusk, and also somewhat often at other 
times throughout the day in all weather.  In contrast, this year the owl tends 
to appear only for a few minutes at first light, bask by day only in very sunny 
weather, and otherwise rest in the box unseen past nightfall.  The owl also 
sometimes has an unfamiliar demeanor when it does appear.  Most notably, the 
owl tends to bask, asleep, with its head bowed far forward, like an overworked 
student resting his forehead on an open textbook. Given all this, I speculate 
that that this owl is different from the one here in 2007-09, or if the same, 
it has become more retiring with age.  Comparison of photos is inconclusive.

Mark Chao


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