Hi Guy,
I'm curious if you found a solution to the headless automount problem  
on centos?  I'm running into a similar problem, though I am not using  
VNC.  My machine is simply headless, with only network and power  
supplied, and I'm trying to trigger a bash script to run when a new  
device is added (like USB, DVD, CDROM, etc) using a custom udev rule.

Automount seems to only work for removable devices if a user is logged  
in locally on the console, not via ssh.  Something about the tty  
nature of the login seems to be affecting how udev handles these  
removable devices.  When a user is logged in locally, it fires the  
udev rules, and will run my udev rule which triggers other actions.  I  
can't get this to work without the local login though.

any ideas or pointers?


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