on 6-5-2008 11:17 AM MHR spake the following:
On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 2:56 AM, William L. Maltby
On Wed, 2008-06-04 at 23:27 -0400, Scott R. Ehrlich wrote:
I am trying to install Oracle client 10g (10.2.0) on a 64-bit CentOS 5.0

'rpm -q make gcc glibc etc' reveals some packages as "not installed", yet
a yum install <package name> consistently returns Nothing to do. Yum list
available <package name> yields nothing needed.

If rpm -q <list of packages> lists some that are "not installed" but every
variant of yum install and yum list I've tried and googled claiims nothing
more needs to be installed, either the OS is misreporting (I doubt that)
or I'm missing something that is not easily being revealed, or that I
haven't used in a long time and outright forgetting.
A common error is to not give the correct name to rpm. Try

  rpm -qa | grep <part of the pkg name>

I often forget to add such trivial stuff as ".i386" to the package name.

Ditto for yum. Just do a yum list all into some file and then view the

Also, yum list all into a file might be useful. It shows installed and

I have a couple of aliases you might find useful for this:

alias rg='rpm -qa | grep -i'
alias yg='yum list | grep -i'

They're not terribly efficient, but I don't use them that often,
either.  Also, I have a setting in my .rpmmacros (or .rpmrc) file at
home that specifies to list the machine type along with the file name
- I can't remember it (or find it) right now, but I got it here, so
someone knows....

(Figures that I wouldn't have it here....)


%_query_all_fmt %%{name}-%%{version}-%%{release}.%%{arch}
in your .rpmmacros file

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