Re: [CentOS] Where can I find the CentOS gpg keys?

2016-04-28 Thread Jay Leafey

On 04/28/2016 02:29 PM, Albin Otterhäll wrote:

Apparently I wasn't clear enough. I'm using Arch Linux (i.e. I haven't
access to the gpg key that comes with an installation) and would like to
verify the ISO I've downloaded. To-do that I need the key used to sign
the "sha256sum.txt.asc" file.

I need to import the CentOS Release 7 (and maybe additional keys) from a
keyserver or download the keyfile to be able do that.


CentOS mailing list

Open up a browser and go to:

The GPG keys used to sign the RPM packages are in that directory.  That 
may also be the key used to sign the checksum files.  Here;s what I did 
on my system to check:

[jleafey@icarus temp]$ gpg --import RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-7
gpg: key F4A80EB5: public key "CentOS-7 Key (CentOS 7 Official Signing Key) 
<>" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:   imported: 1  (RSA: 1)
[jleafey@icarus temp]$ gpg --verify sha256sum.txt.asc
gpg: Signature made Thu 10 Dec 2015 09:41:44 AM CST using RSA key ID F4A80EB5
gpg: Good signature from "CentOS-7 Key (CentOS 7 Official Signing Key) 
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg:  There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Primary key fingerprint: 6341 AB27 53D7 8A78 A7C2  7BB1 24C6 A8A7 F4A8 0EB5
[jleafey@icarus temp]$

The bit that says "Good signature" seems to indicate that it was OK.

Hope that answers your question!
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ssh freezes

2015-10-26 Thread Jay Leafey
>> On 10/26/2015 01:28 PM, Michael Hennebry wrote:
>>> All too often, my ssh session will freeze.
>>> I'm fairly certain the problem is at my end.
>>> Any suggestions on how to diagnose?

I can remember having this sort of issue a while back.  I believe it
turned out that our PIX firewall was being a bit too aggressive in
pruning what it thought were idle sessions.  Adding the following to my
~/.ssh/config file seems to have fixed it:

> ServerAliveInterval 15
> ServerAliveCountMax 3

The manpage for ssh_config describes these parameters and how they interact.

Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] (?) Mailman VERY slow with IPv6 (with work-around)

2015-09-16 Thread Jay Leafey
I recently stood up an EL7 box with Mailman for a few lists I run for
some friends.  My old install, on an EL6 system, ran with no issues for
several years but I was induced to upgrade by a "hardware casualty" on
the old system.  I was going to have to rebuild anyway, so why not take
it as an opportunity to try EL7?

The build went fine and I was able to migrate the lists over with no
issues, but once I got there just about everything to do with Mailman
operations were painfully slow.  For example, "list_lists" took 5
seconds of "real" time.  I was used to it taking _much_ less as I only
have about 6 lists.  This affected both the command-line Mailman tools
and the web interface.  My first inclination was to blame Python, but
other code executed just fine with it.

While testing I tried an strace of list_lists and found that it was
timing out on a read operation to a socket to the Avahi daemon
(/var/run/avahi-daemon/socket) while trying to resolve the link-local
IPv6 address.  Having flashbacks to Sendmail stalling on DNS issues I
decided to try fixing resolution first.

As a test I put the link-local address into my /etc/hosts file with a
localized name.  Running list_lists then took about 0.19 seconds "real"
time!  The web interface also changed from painfully slow to it's
previous behaviour on EL6.

I imagine just turning off IPv6 would work as well, but I have an actual
use case that is a lot easier with it turned on.  I don't know if
anybody else has seen this, but thought it might be handy for someone else.
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 7 on Dell Inspiron with ATI Radeon HD 6320 video card

2015-03-15 Thread Jay Leafey

On 03/15/2015 05:15 AM, Niki Kovacs wrote:


I'm currently installing CentOS 7 on a client's Dell Inspiron laptop.
Here's the video card:

# lspci | grep -i vga
00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
[AMD/ATI] Wrestler [Radeon HD 6320]

Most of the time, I either have to deal with Intel or NVidia graphic
chipsets. As far as I understand, I can choose either the free 'radeon'
driver or the proprietary 'fglrx' driver with this video card.

I'm not too worried about performance, since this will essentially be a
laptop for office productivity. On the other hand, I do worry about
driver stability. I vaguely remember having seen freeze problems with
these cards.

Which driver should I use for a most stable setup?



It sort of depends on your usage.  For normal desktop usage, the 
provided Radeon driver seems adequate and stable.  If you have any need 
for reasonable 3D performance, fglrx is a better proposition.

Like you I've mostly dealt with nVidia or Intel video.  I had some 
painful initial issues with the fglrx driver, but once I became more 
accustomed to the quirks it was quite stable.  The wiki at elrepo was 
helpful.  This was on desktop systems, I know the portable chipsets 
used in the laptops are a bit different.

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Centos 6 - disabling IPv6 addressing

2015-03-09 Thread Jay Leafey

On 03/09/2015 12:52 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:

No change after running this and trying both:

system network restart

ifdown eth0; ifup eth0

Still having an IPv6 addr.

The box has been up for 140 days.  Would like to keep it running...

This box is really Redsleeve 6, which is the port of Centos 6 to arm.
The kernel I am using is the F19 kernel.  All of this MIGHT be
contributing to things not working as they would on a 'normal' Centos
box.  I am awaiting the start of the Centos7-arm work ;)

Hmm, I've used the information in this link in the past with good results:

Don't know how this would with with Redsleeve, but with both CentOS 6 
and RHEL 6 it works fine.  I was able to disable IPv6 on-the-fly without 
a reboot using the sysctl -w method.

Your Mileage May Vary!
Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Kickstart setup

2015-02-03 Thread Jay Leafey

On 02/03/2015 10:28 AM, Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:

Is there a way to use kickstart to boot a machine into a manual setup
process? Basically what I'm getting to is this, the machine doesn't not
have a CD drive in it (nor can I add one), but I can boot it via kickstart.
The install media is on the network. What I'd like to do is boot this
machine up and rather than have kickstart do everything for me as far as
installing the OS and packages, instead present me with a manual setup
(that I can get to via vnc) where I get to pick what I want or don't want
on the machine. After it's all done, I'm going to go through the anaconda
files and generate a base kickstart for all future installs. Does anyone
have an example kickstart file I can go off of to do that?

It sounds like you just want to do a VNC install.  There is a write-up 
in the RHEL installation guide on doing just that.  You can either have 
the installer accept incoming VNC connections for the session or have it 
connect to a listening VNC client via boot arguments.

The documentation says that you can just put vnc (or 
vncconnect={host}) in the kickstart file in the command section and 
proceed from there.  Here's a link to an article in Red Hat Magazine 
that has a pretty good overview:

As usual, YMMV!
Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Kickstart setup

2015-02-03 Thread Jay Leafey

On 02/03/2015 11:19 AM, Jay Leafey wrote:

The documentation says that you can just put vnc (or
vncconnect={host}) in the kickstart file in the command section and
proceed from there.  Here's a link to an article in Red Hat Magazine
that has a pretty good overview:

As usual, YMMV!

OK, not QUITE that simple after all.  The vnc or vncconnect entries 
have to be passed to the kernel via grub or syslinux/isolinux rather 
than in the kickstart file.  Your network install media would have to be 
altered to do this if you cannot add the options to the command line 

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Problems with deleting a reference in 389DS

2014-11-29 Thread Jay Leafey

On 11/28/2014 09:45 AM, Kevin Thorpe wrote:

Hi, I'm having problems deleting something from 389DS. At one point I had a
link to use an external LDAP server for authentication for a particular
client. I now need to delete this but I am having trouble.

Firstly I can't find this object in either the directory manager or

I can see the object using db2ldif:
but I can't delete with ldapdelete:
 [root@logger ~]# ldapdelete -D cn=Directory Manager -w mypassword -p
389 -h localhost -x dn=cn=bloggsco,dc=mycompany,dc=com
 ldap_delete: No such object (32)
 matched DN: dc=mycompany,dc=com

any ideas?

Just a thought, I don't think ldapdelete wants the DN in the form 
dn=cn=  Try to remove the dn= prefix from the DN.

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] trying to kickstart a vm guest from my datastore

2014-10-06 Thread Jay Leafey

On 10/06/2014 10:36 AM, Dan Hyatt wrote:

I have a new ESXi server (5.x), and trying to load some VM guests on there.
I have the guests configured, but when I try and boot from ISO image,
the graphics are so bad it is futile. No worries I normally use
kickstart anyways.

Because the ESXi (on the same network as my physical servers) cannot
talk to the PXE server. But works fine on the network (I can ssh/scp in
and out of the ESXi server). i am unable to kickstart from the network.
As this is a blade, there is not DVD access. But I have a kickstart
file, an iso image on my datastore.

Really I have two questions:
1. how do I test or troubleshoot WHY ESXi cannot reach the pxe server.
The mac addresses/ips/hostnames of the VM guests are in DNS and DHCP.
2. How do I kickstart a VM guest from the datastore kickstart file/iso


I can't say much about (1), but I do kickstart my VM installs all the 
time.  My approach might not work for you, but here goes.

I put all my ISO images on an NFS share from my workstation, which I 
then configure on my EXSi boxes as a datastore.  I then put my kickstart 
files in a directory reachable via http.

I configure the VMs using VSphere and power them on.  Since I don't have 
a PXE server configured it pauses there, so I open the console to the 
VM, point the CD drive to an ISO image on the datastore, and reboot the 
VM using send ctrl-alt-del, which then boots from the ISO image.  When 
the boot menu comes, up, I hit tab and append ks=http://{url to 
kickstart file} to the kernel line and continue from there.  The 
installation generally continues without much manual intervention from 
there, other than the Initialize Disk? messages.

There's a LOT more manual intervention here than I like, but there are 
constraints in my environment that will not allow me to stand up a PXE 
server.  I have been able to do this with the VSphere client on Windows 
(grumble!) and the web GUI via VCenter.

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Centos 7: Remove Gnome from GDM options

2014-10-04 Thread Jay Leafey

On 10/04/2014 03:55 PM, Frank Cox wrote:

When you click on the gear icon on the GDM login screen, it provides a list of 
the available desktop environments so you can pick between them.

Since I exclusively use Mate on this computer, how can I remove the other 
options from that menu?  Earlier today when I logged in the machine decided on 
its own that what I really wanted was Gnome Classic, so I had to log out to 
change it back to Mate, then log in again.

I would like to tell it to use Mate exclusively, with no other options to 
select by mistake.

Well, I haven't tried it, but I believe the available session types are 
stored in desktop files in /usr/share/xsessions.  You could move the 
ones you don't want to a different location and see how the picker in 
GDM behaves... a bit like swatting a fly with a hammer, but as long as 
you can move them back it should be OK.  I found mention of this in an 
Ubuntu-oriented forum somewhere, don't recall where.

Here's what that directory on my C7 box, with MATE installed, looks like:

[root@megamind gdm]#  ls /usr/share/xsessions
gnome-classic.desktop gnome.desktop
gnome-custom-session.desktop  mate.desktop
[root@megamind gdm]#

I would try moving all of the .desktop files elsewhere temporarily and 
see if that changes the available desktop list.

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Starting the gotour server on CentOS 6

2014-04-18 Thread Jay Leafey

On 04/18/2014 12:13 PM, Evan Rowley wrote:

Hey CentOS folks!

I have an interesting issue with starting a server on a CentOS 6 KVM guest.
The server (service) in particular is gotour, which is a web application
created by Google and their Golang developers, intended to teach users the
basics of using the Go programming langauge.

When starting gotour, the program claims to be binding to port 12049, but
the VM doesn't seem to be serving anything on that port. Upon checking the
netstat output, I see a process bound to port 12049.

It is definitley possible that the problem is with Go itself, but I'd like
to rule out the possibility that something on an out-of-the-box CentOS 6
image might be preventing the server from working.

Here is some of the output:

[appengine@centos6-paas-dev gotour]$ gotour
2014/04/17 22:04:33 Serving content from
2014/04/17 22:04:33
I appear to be listening on an address that is not localhost.
Anyone with access to this address and port will have access
to this machine as the user running gotour.
If you don't understand this message, hit Control-C to terminate this
2014/04/17 22:04:34 Please open your web browser and visit

[root@centos6-paas-dev ~]# netstat -pnaevZ
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address
State User   Inode  PID/Program nameSecurity Context
tcp0  0*
LISTEN 505224898 9331/gotour

[appengine@centos6-paas-dev gotour]$ getenforce

Any ideas?

Is that port open in your host firewall?  A quick check with iptables 
should tell you.  If 'iptables -L -n | grep 12049' doesn't return 
something then it might need to be opened up in the firewall.

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] yum fails in FIPS mode

2013-10-30 Thread Jay Leafey

I guess my Google-fu wasn't up to this one!

I have a system running CentOS 5.9 32-bit running in FIPS mode that I 
would like to update.  Unfortunately, it fails when attempting to run 
yum update.  I've disabled all the repositories except for base and 
updates and still get the same issue, an error carping about an 
algorithm forbidden by FIPS.  Here's what I see:

[root@ctsi1 proc]# yum --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=updates,base update
Loaded plugins: downloadonly, fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base:
 * updates:
digest.c(151): OpenSSL internal error, assertion failed: Digest update previous 
FIPS forbidden algorithm error ignored
[root@ctsi1 proc]#

My searches seem to indicate that FIPS doesn't like MD5, which I thought 
was pretty much essential to verifying the packages, but I saw no 
documented work-arounds.

I've done a yum clean all (at least THAT works!) and it had no effect. 
 I get the same error on yum repolist, just in case you were 
wondering.  Grasping at other straws, I checked the system time, which 
is correct (using NTP anyway).

Anybody got any ideas about how to work around this?  I would really 
rather NOT reboot in non-FIPS mode to update the system, then reboot in 
FIPS mode, but if that's the only solution that's what I'll do.

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Is X79 Motherboard supported by latest Centos 5.9 version?

2013-08-25 Thread Jay Leafey

On 08/25/2013 11:13 AM, Steve Brooks wrote:

[2] I am still confused how given the kernel reports as being

  2.6.18-348.12.1.el5 #1 SMP

  and not a PAE kernel.. Why am I seeing

   MemTotal:  3574676 kB


As I recall, as of EL6 they no longer ship separate SMP and/or PAE 
kernels for i386.  They're all SMP- and PAE-enabled out-of-the-box.

I just looked in 
and there is ONLY one kernel package provided.  There are kernel-debug, 
-header, -firmware, -devel and -doc packages, but no -SMP or -PAE packages.

I believe it stated as much in the EL6 release notes, at least for the 
initial release.  But I've slept since then...

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] sda and sdb reverse order with an external USB drive

2013-07-04 Thread Jay Leafey

On 07/04/2013 10:46 AM, Joseph Hesse wrote:


I am using 64 bit CentOS 6.4 on an i7 laptop with one sata drive and a
CD drive.
I installed CentOS by manually partitioning sda as:
sda1 as /boot, sda2 as swap, sda3 as /.
The booted system works great.

When I insert an external USB drive, formatted as ext3, the hard drive
on the laptop and the
USB drive are either sda or sdb, depending upon the order on which I
insert the USB drive
and boot the system.  Please see the two mount commands below for each
of these situations.

This seems to work in either order except for the fact that I don't want
my USB drive to automount.

What I want is that after I insert the USB drive in a running system and
wait 15 seconds, I want to
mount the USB drive with the command # mount /mnt.  To accomplish this
I added a line to /etc/fstab but it didn't work.
When I uncomment the last line in fstab (see below) the computer hangs
and doesn't boot.  I was successful with this strategy on a
similar laptop with Fedora 18 but not my current one.

Thank you,
Joe Hesse

I have had similar issues in the past.  The take-away is that you cannot 
depend on device names being stable, it depends on the order in which 
devices are enumerated at boot time.

In my case, an eSATA drive shows up as the first device if it is turned 
on when the system boots.  It apparently enumerates as sda and the rest 
of the drives are bumped up one drive letter.  The system boots OK, but 
the drive letters are different.

When I want to mount the external drive I use LABEL=.  When I 
formatted the external drive I specified a filesystem label and rather 
than specifying /dev/sdb1 in my fstab I used LABEL=fslabel.  That 
way it doesn't matter what device name comes up, it mounts the 
filesystem by that label.  The label can be added after-the-fact using 
tune2fs or the appropriate tool for the on-disk format.  You can also 
use UUID=uuid if you prefer to use UUIDs.  See the mount manpage 
for more information.

Of course, I could be wrong about what you are trying to accomplish, but 
I think it might be applicable.  YMMV!

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] What is the recommended method to obtain Pan 0.136+ (with SSL) for Centos 6?

2013-05-14 Thread Jay Leafey

On 05/09/2013 01:31 PM, Rock wrote:

I'm really no good at compiling unless all I have to do is
issue the make command. So, maybe I'll have to hold off on
compiling Pan 0.136 with stunnel...

I was able to take the source RPM mentioned earlier and update it to 
build 0.139.  The result has some quirks I was not used to, like 
remembering the last newsgroup I used, but it does work OK, including 
SSL.  You can find the specfile I used at:

My build was under CentOS 6 (6.3 to be precise) 64-bit, I haven't tried 
any others.  You will have to download the pan sources, but that 
shouldn't be too hard.  Use rpmbuild (rpmbuild -bb pan.spec) and it 
should create a usable RPM, assuming you have the prerequisites 
installed.  If not, rpmbuild will tell you what you need to install.

No warranty is expressed or implied, no assurance of usability is 
provided, etc.  Like any open-source project, if you break it you own 
both pieces.  All I know is that it works for me.

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Why is my default DISPLAY suddenly :3.0?

2013-04-28 Thread Jay Leafey

On 04/26/2013 07:06 PM, Keith Keller wrote:

On 2013-04-26, Joakim Ziegler wrote:

Sorry, brain fart, I'm running CentOS 6.3, not Fedora. The weird thing
is that this changed after a reboot. I haven't done any updates that
seem relevant lately either.

And yes, I know :0.0 shouldn't be depended on, but it seems weird that
it'd change like that for no good reason.

Agreed.  You might take James' advice and check the X logs.  If you're
lucky, if the issue is a couple of failures to start X, the successful
start won't have written over the previous logs.  (I'm not sure how
you'd be able to tell if you were unlucky and X had to restart a few
times but overwrote the log.)


I've seen this from time to time.  It always seems to happen when I 
change run levels without a reboot.  That makes me think it may have 
something to do with an earlier post, when an old X session does not 
exit completely before the new one.

In any case, it seems to have little impact on how it all works.

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Does CentOS support dual graphics cards with 2 monitors each?

2013-03-28 Thread Jay Leafey

On 03/28/2013 05:08 PM, Alfred von Campe wrote:

I have a user who wants to have 4 monitors attached to his CentOS 6.4 system.  
I know that you
can't use both on-board video and a PCI video card at the same time, but what 
about two PCI
video cards?  The system seems to recognize them as shown by the lspci -v 
output below, but
I can't get Xorg to use the second card.  Has anyone done this?  If so, what is 
the trick to
get it to work?


It appears you are running the open-source nouveau drivers.  I'm running 
dual monitors, albeit on a single nVidia card, but I'm using the nVidia 
packages from the elrepo repository.  Look at for more details.

Just my $.02
Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CUPS halts when no Internet

2013-03-04 Thread Jay Leafey

On 03/04/2013 07:52 PM, Juan De Mola wrote:

The logs only show LPD backend failed.

I have tested restarting networking, re enabling printers, restartig the
service. The only way to print is sending release commands from the CUPS
web interface.

The telnet login screen also become slow when the Internet goes down.
CentOS mailing list

Hmmm... this sounds like common issues that crop up when you are having 
DNS resolution issues.  Are the name servers for your network on the 
other end of the ADSL connection?  If so, you might be able to resolve 
some of the issues by editing the hosts file to make sure the local 
systems are resolving even when the name servers are unavailable or 
running a local caching nameserver.

Just a thought!
Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Bind - built in root hints?

2013-02-20 Thread Jay Leafey
A LONG time ago an older (at the time, I think I've caught up) sysadmin 
told me to use dig to update the file.  Periodically he would 
run dig with no arguments and compare the output to the existing 
/var/named/ file and copy it over the old one if anything had 

Maybe it's a bad habit, but I still do it.  I haven't had any adverse 
issues with it for about 15 years now.  Your mileage may vary!

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Setting up bind - location for includes

2013-02-15 Thread Jay Leafey

On 02/15/2013 10:44 AM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:

I am setting up bind this time around (just rebuilt my test machine via
Kickstart) without chroot.

I have a fair number of includes for named.conf; I have two views and
other odds and ends.  My thoughts are to make a directory; /etc/named.d
to put all these includes into instead of 'dirtying' up /etc.  This way
the only files I replace/add to /etc are named.conf and rndc.key (I
would like to work the latter around to also be in named.d, but this
impacts rndc itself).

Thoughts on this?  Anyone else have a well segmented named.conf file?

That's my line of thinking too.  I normally have a pretty skeletal 
named.conf file, with all the heavy-lifting going on in files included 
from directory /etc/named.d.  It seems to me that a more modular 
approach minimizes the impact of fat-fingering and generally makes it 
easier to change out chunks of configuration as needed. 
(named-checkconf is your friend!)

Just for reference, at my place of employment I'm running a hidden 
master server and two separate sets of slaves for internal and external 
access for about 60 separate forward and reverse zones.  The named.conf 
file basically consists of a single options stanza followed by a 
series of include statements.  The includes themselves have other files 
that they include, the tier depth is about four levels deep at most.

So far (knock on head) this has worked out fine for the last 8 years or 
so.  Before that I was attempting to use a monolithic named.conf file 
and found it an absolute bear to maintain.  Smaller pieces means smaller 
problems, once you've got the overall framework.

Just my $.02!
Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Setting PS1 for ordinary users

2012-10-10 Thread Jay Leafey

On 10/10/2012 04:43 PM, Nux! wrote:

On 10.10.2012 19:52, wrote:

I have loked in/etc/profile.d and /etc/bashrc and I cannot see what
condition is triggering the different behaviour.

I'd guess whether there's a ~/.bashrc. I've got mine set the way I
it; I don't remember a ~/.bashrc being automagically created for new

New users' homedirs are populated from /etc/skell if you use useradd,
which do contain a .bashrc (and more).

Another way (there is ALWAYS another way!) to do this for new accounts 
is to modify the /etc/default/useradd file and set the SHELL= line to 
use the shell you want.  The unaltered file on my C6.3 box contains 

Of course, that doesn't help on existing accounts.

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] kmod-nvidia?

2012-07-20 Thread Jay Leafey

On 07/20/2012 10:32 AM, wrote:

Now that he's up, which was my highest priority, I'm back to looking
around. I did a yum clean all, then yum --enablerepo=elrepo list
\*nvidia\*, and see
  * elrepo:
so this was what the mirrorlist came up with. That there's something
screwy there.

So I just pointed my browser there, and found elrepo there under
distributions/elrepo. Anyone got any ideas why it finds that it's there,
but yum doesn't see the actual repo (and yes, the kmod-nvidia packages are


Here's what the same operation looks like on my box:

[jleafey@megamind ~]$ sudo yum list \*nvidia\*
Loaded plugins: downloadonly, fastestmirror, priorities, refresh-packagekit,
  : security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base:
 * elrepo:
 * epel:
 * extras:
 * rpmforge:
 * updates:
1314 packages excluded due to repository priority protections
Installed Packages
nvidia-x11-drv.x86_64 295.59-1.el6.elrepo@elrepo
Available Packages
kmod-nvidia-173xx.x86_64  173.14.31-1.el6.elrepo elrepo
kmod-nvidia-96xx.x86_64   96.43.20-1.el6.elrepo  elrepo
nvidia-x11-drv-173xx.x86_64   173.14.31-1.el6.elrepo elrepo
nvidia-x11-drv-173xx-32bit.x86_64 173.14.31-1.el6.elrepo elrepo
nvidia-x11-drv-32bit.x86_64   295.59-1.el6.elrepoelrepo
nvidia-x11-drv-96xx.x86_6496.43.20-1.el6.elrepo  elrepo
nvidia-x11-drv-96xx-32bit.x86_64  96.43.20-1.el6.elrepo  elrepo
[jleafey@megamind ~]$

Just a thought, have you tried flushing yum's metadata?  I have run 
across a couple of instances where yum seems to get a bit... retentive 
and won't retrieve new metadata for one or more repositories.  I usually 
run yum clean metadata or yum clean all, then re-try the operation. 
 Unless it is something *I* have boogered badly it usually works.

Of course, YMMV!
Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] (?) Dual-monitor wallpapers on CEntOS 6

2012-06-07 Thread Jay Leafey
I've recently set up two workstations running CentOS 6, one with an 
nVidia card and the elrepo drivers and one with an ATI Radeon card with 
the elrepo fglrx drivers.  Both work well, but one aspect of the systems 
works different from CEntOS 5 on those systems:  I cannot get a 
wallpaper image to span the two monitors.  I have tried both with and 
without xinerama and there is no difference in this regard.  The 
specified wallpaper is displayed on both monitors.

Has anybody else run across this or a solution?  I freely admit, this is 
a trivial issue.  It's strictly an aesthetic matter and I'm curious as 
to why it doesn't work the same.  Just wonderin'

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] (?) Dual-monitor wallpapers on CEntOS 6

2012-06-07 Thread Jay Leafey

On 06/07/2012 04:08 PM, wrote:

For the nVidia one, are you using the nVidia X server setting applet?


Yes, I am.  I used the nvidia-xconfig program to set the initial display 
configuration.  I believe I used the options --twinview 
--dynamic-twinview when I ran it.  Here's the relevant sections from 

Section Device
Identifier Device0
Driver nvidia
VendorName NVIDIA Corporation
BoardName  GeForce 8400 GS

Section Screen
Identifier Screen0
Device Device0
Option TwinView 1
Option TwinViewXineramaInfoOrder DFP-0
Option metamodes DFP: nvidia-auto-select +0+0, CRT: 
nvidia-auto-select +1920+0
SubSection Display
Depth   24

As you can see, I've got one monitor on the DVI connection and one on 
the VGA.  Both monitors are the same resolution, 1920x1080.

Oddly, it only shows one Monitor section in the file, the one for the 
DVI connection.  I believe this is an artefact of the dynamic-twinview 
option, the second monitor appears to be detected on-the-fly.

Any thoughts?
Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] (?) Dual-monitor wallpapers on CEntOS 6

2012-06-07 Thread Jay Leafey
A bit more Googling found the answer:  it is a regression caused by a 
fix in Gnome to fix a reported problem where some individuals found it 
too difficult to create dual-monitor wallpapers.  Apparently there are 
some patches available to the control-center package that will add a 
spanning option to the desktop background control, but Red Hat NAKed 
the change for 6.1.  Apparently this is available in Fedora 12, but the 
option is missing in RHEL 6.  See for the response.

I may try to rebuild the control-center RPM with the patches when I get 
some time.  I'll post here if I make any progress.

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] SPF Record questions

2012-02-18 Thread Jay Leafey

On 02/18/2012 12:16 PM, Jonathan Vomacka wrote:

On 2/18/2012 12:53 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:

A great resource is  It has a lot of information on 
formatting SPF records and a tool that will help you test your rules.

Hope that helps!
Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] LDAP encryption, not sure.

2012-02-15 Thread Jay Leafey

On 02/15/2012 08:20 PM, Fajar Priyanto wrote:

Basic question...
What's the different between TLS and SSL in LDAP? I googled no clue yet.

A plain-old LDAPS (LDAP over SSL) connection starts off from the very 
beginning as an SSL connection on port 636.  When using LDAP and TLS, 
the initial (unencrypted) connection is made to port 389 and the SSL 
connection is negotiated on-the-fly.  Logically, the unencrypted 
connection is made initially, then the client and server start up an SSL 
handshake if both ends support it.

The LDAP-over-SSL (LDAPS) method as been deprecated and the preferred 
method is LDAP and TLS.  The TLS method is no less secure as the only 
thing that goes over the wire unencrypted is the SSL handshake.

Just my $.02
Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] School cloud solution

2011-11-06 Thread Jay Leafey

On 11/05/2011 09:43 PM, Doug Coats wrote:

I understand what google docs offers but it comes with the need for an email 
address that i can not make students have, the inability for me to control who 
has access to which files, and no way to get teachers access without each 
student configuring that on their own.  My teachers have enough to worry about. 
 They will not use a solution that is more difficult then what we already use.  
Any solution has to be a clear upgrade with advantages for it to be adopted.
Sent from my ASUS Eee Pad

How about OpenGoo, AKA Feng Office? 
(  It purports to provide a 
Google Docs-like experience but can be self-hosted.  The community 
edition might give you a lot of what you want.

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Migration Assistance

2011-09-05 Thread Jay Leafey
I've used the instructions at to move an RHEL system to 
CentOS with reasonable results.  Of course, YMMV.  It sounds like you 
have the added complication of a virtual-to-physical, I can't say much 
about that as it is not something I have done.  Physical-to-virtual (w 
VMware) yes, but not v2p.

Good luck!
Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] PKA help

2011-08-03 Thread Jay Leafey

On 08/03/2011 12:51 PM, Todd wrote:

Hi All,

I was able to create a public key for one of my servers that I log into

Now I want to do this for a few more servers (where I use the same user
id) and my user id on my laptop is the same as the servers.

I also want to use PKA for other users accounts on the servers (for
website editing and SFTP transfers) where my id on my laptop does NOT
match the user on the server.

I dont see at all how to make these changes as I already have an id_rsa

So as an example:

my user id on my laptop is: jtsm and the user id i want to log into the
server as is: wwwdata

Can anyone shed some light on how to setup multiple PKA on a single
laptop with a single user account connecting as multiple user accounts
to the server?


Since you've already generated an SSH key pair, you can add the public 
portion of your key to the authorized_keys file for each of the accounts 
to which you will be connecting.  For example, say I have two accounts 
on a server, jleafey and webapps.  All I would need to do is to 
concatenate the public key ( to the .ssh/authorized_keys file 
for each of those accounts.  I would then specify the username when I 
connect, i.e. ssh webapps@server or ssh jleafey@server.

This is very easy to do if you are using the OpenSSH client.  If you are 
using Putty under Windows there is a configuration entry where you can 
specify the username under which you are connecting.

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] managing a rack full of centos servers

2011-07-19 Thread Jay Leafey
I usually use SSH keys in conjunction with ClusterSSH 
(, I have been using the 3.27 version 
with good results.  It makes managing batches of servers a bit easier, 
allowing the execution of the same command across multiple systems at 
the same time.

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] 5.6 - SRPM's

2011-04-11 Thread Jay Leafey
I got frustrated with having to edit my repo files every time an update 
came along to the release package, so I looked for a better way.  What 
I found was, which 
gave me the clues I needed to have my local repositories added to the 
mirror list dynamically.  I hacked the script a bit to make it work with 
CentOS and fit my situation a bit better, but it's written in Perl so it 
should not be too hard to figure out.

Once set up, all you need to do is point the DNS name to your local server.  I've used manual /etc/hosts 
entries and DNS, both work just fine.  I've been using it for a couple 
of years now with good results.

As always, YMMV.
Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Best way to extend pv partition for LVM

2011-04-02 Thread Jay Leafey

Kai Schaetzl wrote:
I've replaced disks in a hardware RAID 1 with larger disks and enlarged 
the array. Now I have to find a way to tell LVM about the extra space.

It seems there are two ways:
1. delete partition with fdisk and recreate a larger one. This is 
obviously a bit tricky if you do not want to lose data, I haven't 
investigated further yet.
2. create another partition on the disk, pvcreate another pv and then add 
it to the existing volume group with vgextend
3. a possible third way: increase the partition size. According to Google 
most if not all disk tools want to resize a file system as well and since 
there is no file system they will fail. I'm not sure about the status with 
this for the tools that come with CentOS (fdisk, parted, other?)

No. 2 seems to be the easy way. Any objections?
One I thought of:
What does happen when I use No. 2 and I add new lvs? Can it happen that 
new lvs get spanned over both pvs or can I assure that a pv gets created 
using only one of the pvs? (I would prefer the latter, it doesn't matter 
if I use a few MB because of the ineffectiveness of allocation.)

Thanks for recommendations.



I ran into the same circumstances a while back and, after a lot of 
consideration and testing, I chose door #2.  It's the most expedient way 
to do it if you have no other resources available, but it does have some 
inefficiencies involved in it.

You COULD use option #1, but it requires some additional resources and a 
LOT of shuffling.  Specifically:

- add an extra disk to the volume group (pvcreate, vgextend)
- move the extents off of the old PVs onto the new PV using pvmove
- drop the PVs from the old disks out of the VG
- delete the PVs from the old disks
- repartitioned the old disks
- created PVs on the old disks
- added the new/old PVs to the VG
- move the extents from the temporary PV to the new/old PVs
- remove the temporary disk from the VG, delete the temporary PV

WAY too much shuffling and moving parts to suit me.  The system never 
has to shut down, but performance can truly go into the dumper while 
pvmove is shuffling bits.

I was originally thinking option #3 would be the best (i.e. most 
efficient) way, but on a test system I tried several times to extend the 
partitions to include the extra space and failed miserably.  Like you, I 
got stalled at the point of trying to extend the partitions.  parted 
seems to refuse to do so unless there is a supported filesystem on the 
partition, which does not seem to include LVM.

If anybody has some hints about how to work around parted's reluctance 
to merely extend an arbitrary partition, I'd really like to know!  I 
know I could use fdisk to delete the old partition and recreated it at a 
larger size, but that scares the bejesus out of my timid soul, having 
had power failures during critical operations on more than one occasion.

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Load balancing...

2011-03-03 Thread Jay Leafey
I've used round-robin DNS with good success, but I added some additional 
tweaks using Heartbeat to manage the actual addresses.  A typical case 
is where you have two systems that will be used to offer a service.

Each machine has it's own IP address, but in addition there are a pair 
of IPs for the SERVICE that are managed by Heartbeat.  The round-robin 
DNS entry points to the service addresses, not the primary addresses 
of each node.

When one node goes down, Heartbeat on the other node causes it to take 
over the failed node's service address.  This minimizes the time where 
the resolved address points to a dead node. so the window for failure is 
narrowed significantly.  We've used this for DNS server, LDAP servers, 
and simple web servers with good results.

This is NOT an absolute fail-proof way of doing it, but it's easy to 
implement and is good enough in many cases.  We've had some situations 
where Heartbeat didn't detect node failure quickly, but overall we've 
gotten acceptable results.

Your mileage may vary!
Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Ken Olsen od DEC, 1927-2011

2011-02-08 Thread Jay Leafey

Les Bell wrote:

Raymond Lillard wrote:

The statement is generally quoted without context as it is here.

Correct. Olsen is also famous for saying People will get tired of managing
personal computers and will want instead terminals, maybe with windows.
(by which he meant, a windowing graphical terminal, a la X). He was right
about that; witness the popular disenchantment with MS Windows and its
endless cycle of patching, upgrades, malware removal and registry cleanup,
and the fascination with cloud services accessed by lightweight clients
like netbooks, tablets and phones. That's been good for the Linux and
Centos communities, who have provided low-maintenance services for clients
both on the desktop and in the cloud.

I worked for Digital from 1984 to 1998 (a little after Compaq bought 
DEC) and I heartily agree that Ken had a massive impact on the face of 
computing today.  The engineering and technical folks absolutely loved 

OTOH, it was my impression that the sales and marketing folks frequently 
cringed when he spoke in public.  In addition to the quote above, he 
also declared that UNIX is snake oil.  He later claimed to have been 
misquoted, but given the state of UNIX at the time I can't say I 
disagree entirely!

Much as I love Linux, I'd still prefer to be running VMS on an x86 
desktop box!

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Groups

2011-01-31 Thread Jay Leafey
We've got a CentOS/Apache server with a ton of content providers that 
only have write access to specific directories.  In our case, we use 
ACLs to grant access to the specific parts of the /var/www/html tree. 
If there's only one or two users, we usually add individual ACL entries 
for each, if there's a herd[1] of them we set up a group, make them 
members, and set the ACLs to use the group.  I'm surprised nobody 
brought it up already!

[1] users come in herds, like all forms of cattle.
Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] smartmontools SRPM fails

2011-01-21 Thread Jay Leafey

Mike McCarty wrote:

Mike McCarty wrote:


$ rpm -ivh smartmontools-5.39.1-2.el6.src.rpm
warning: smartmontools-5.39.1-2.el6.src.rpm: V3 RSA/MD5 signature: 
NOKEY, key ID fd431d51

Hmm, maybe I need a later version of RPM.


As I understand it, there have been some changes in the checksum methods 
in the newer versions of RPM.  If you want to install package built with 
the newer versions, you need to add the --nomd5 option to the rpm 
command to avoid the signature errors:

rpm -ivh --nomd5 smartmontools-5.39-1.2.el6.src.rpm

Of course, once that's done the fun is just starting.  Since the 
original was built for RHEL6, it may have dependencies on newer versions 
of other packages.

Your mileage may vary.
Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] rsync via crontab spawns over 20 processes

2011-01-21 Thread Jay Leafey wrote:

No hard links, some sym links.

But I see what you are saying.

Here is my crontab entry via /etc/crontab

* 22 * * * root rsync --delete -avvH --progress source target

- aurf

So you want rsync to run every minute in the 10 PM hour?  I think that 
first * needs to be replaced with a number designating the minute 
within the hour during which you want it to start.  What you have there 
would kick off separate jobs at 22:00, 22:01, 22:02, etc.

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Fixing filenames with directories with spaces in the names

2010-12-28 Thread Jay Leafey

Craig White wrote:

Should be simple and perhaps I'm tired but it's not coming to me.

In its simplest form...

for old in `cat $FILENAME`;do
  echo $old
  dirname $old
  new=$(echo $old | sed 's/\*/\-/')

I'm trying to take out some stupid Macintosh things - in this case
filenames with asterisks but I have others like tilde's and probably
others that I haven't come across.

I found a nice little Perl script named cmv that will do all sorts of 
file name transformations along the lines you were discussing.  You can 
get it at

Essentially you pass it a Perl regular expression string and a list of 
files to use the string upon.  If you wanted to replace all occurrences 
whitespace with a single hyphen for the files in a directory:

cmv 's/\s+/-/g' *

This would find all instances of one or more white space characters and 
replace them with a single hyphen for every file in the current 
directory.  I've used this for about a year now and it has worked great.

Hope that helps!
Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Fail Transfer of Large Files

2010-11-20 Thread Jay Leafey

Les Mikesell wrote:

On 11/19/10 3:16 PM, Michael D. Berger wrote:

On my intranet, I sometimes transfer large files, about 4G,
to an CentOS old box that I use for a web server.  I transfer
with ftp or sftp.  Usually, before the file is complete, the
transfer stalls.  At that point, ping from the destination box
to the router fails.  I then deactivate the net interface on the
destination box and then activate it.  Ping is then successful,
and the transfer is completed.  The transferred file is correct,
as verified with sha1sum.

All connections are via cat6 wire.

So what do you think?  Should I try changing the net card?
Any tests to run? Any other suggestions?

I haven't seen anything like that, at least in many years so it probably is 
hardware related - but make sure your software is up to date.  As a workaround, 
you might try using rsync with the --bwlimit option to limit the speed of the 
transfer - and the -P option so you can restart a failed transfer from the point 
it stalled on the last attempt.

This does ring a bell, but the circumstances were a bit different.  In 
our case we were transferring large files between home and a remote 
site.  SFTP/SCP transfers were stalling part-way through in an 
unpredictable manner.  It turned out to be a bug in the selective 
acknowledgment functionality in the TCP stack.   Short story, adding the 
following line to /etc/sysctl.conf fixed the issue:

net.ipv4.tcp_sack = 0

Of course, you can set it on-the-fly using the sysctl command:

sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_sack=0

It helped in our case, no way of telling if it will help you.  As usual, 
your mileage may vary.

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] xServes are dead ;-( / SAN Question

2010-11-07 Thread Jay Leafey

Nicolas Ross wrote:


On 11/05/2010 04:34 PM, Nicolas Ross wrote:

Now with this said, I am searching for documentation on operating a SAN
under linux. We are looking at Quantum StorNext FS2 product for the SAN
I'm not sure how much help you'll get from the community.  StorNext is a 
proprietary product that appears to have its own drivers and management 
tools.  If you want documentation, ask the vendor for it.

Is there any other solution for building a SAN under linux ?

We're using a somewhat aged HP StorageWorks EVA3000 SAN and a 2 Gb fibre 
channel infrastructure with our CentOS 4 servers running the Red Hat 
Cluster Suite to support several instances of Oracle.  The hardware 
includes Qlogic FC controllers and Brocade FC switches.  It actually 
works quite well, though the versions of RHCS for RHEL/CentOS 4 are a 
bit complicated for today's needs.

We are currently working to migrate this to an EMC CX4 SAN on an 8 Gb 
fibre channel infrastructure with Dell blade servers.  We're using RHEL 
5 and Oracle's cluster toolkit and it seems quite an improvement over 
RHCS and GFS2.  OCFS2 seems to have caught up with GFS2 as far as 
capabilities go and is laughably simple to configure compared to RHCS 4. 
 Of course, with it working so well we haven't had much opportunity to 
develop troubleshooting skills.

We also use a LOT of iSCSI SAN connections, using either iSCSI servers 
from HP or Dell or general-purpose machines running OpenFiler. 
Performance isn't quite up to the 8 Gb/s SAN speeds, but with Gigabit 
Ethernet and jumbo frames it's pretty respectable.

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Forbidden: can't access *.html files in /var/www/html

2010-09-29 Thread Jay Leafey

Alexander Farber wrote:


I'm using the latest CentOS with phpBB 3.0.x + postgreSQL + sendmail
(relayed through - all those programs working fine,
with no big modifications of the CentOS defaults (i.e. SELinux is on).

Now I'm struggling with the seemingly simple problem, that when
I put an .html file into /var/www/html/ then Apache won't serve it.


I've looked into /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and conf.d/ files...

Does anybody know what is wrong, how to find out?


Did you possibly use mv to put the file in that directory?  If so, it 
will not always set the file context properly.  You can tell if you will 
check to see if SELinux is active (run getenforce and see if it returns 
Enforcing) and use the -Z switch to ls to see the file context of the 
problem files.  If the context is not httpd_sys_content_t or something 
similar you need to fix the context.

Fixing it is easy, just run restorecon:

restorecon -rv /var/www/html

This will walk down the directory tree and fix up the file contexts, 
giving you a message about the files it changes.

Of course, if it isn't an SELinux problem, this won't help.
Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] netstat - kill by pid ?

2010-09-28 Thread Jay Leafey

Carlos S wrote:

I am writing a small script to kill process(es) listening on
particular port number. Here I am particularly looking at Java
servlet-containers like Tomcat and JBoss, which sometimes don't
complete their shutdown process and it still shows up as running
process with ps or netstat. This needs to be kill-ed and for that
knowing pid of that process is necessary. The netstat by default
doesn't give only pid(s), so one has to use sed/awk/tr like utility to
extract pid info. Does anyone know any program/utility which gives
pid(s) based on listening port numbers? Or is there any option in
netstat that I am missing?


fuser will do what you want.  If you were looking for something 
listening on port 80, for instance:

[r...@server ~]# fuser -n tcp 80
80/tcp:   3420  3718  3719  3721  3722  3723  3725  3726  3727
[r...@server ~]# 

The banner ( 80/tcp: ) is sent to STDERR and the actual PIDs to 
STDOUT, so you could do something like this:

for procpid in $( fuser -n tcp 80 2/dev/null )
kill ${procpid}

fuser requires root access.

For more, man fuser

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Finding DHCP IP of guest system

2010-07-17 Thread Jay Leafey

JohnS wrote:

 Why you scrub the MACS?

Sheer paranoia and long-standing habit.

Elaborate, you that paranoid?  Over paranoid gets you faster than
scrubing MACs.  I would worry about, does my router have holes in it?
Plus let your MAC fly on the wireless network.  I let my neighbor
connect to mine, they can't afford the internet.  One caveat, all they
have is net access.

Back in the mists of time, when I was working with VAXen and DECnet 
Phase IV, the general practice in our shop was to be careful about 
making MAC addresses generally known.  Seems a quaint habit considering 
the network today, but old habits are sometimes hard to break... and 
they are not always a bad thing!

As far as the security of my home network goes, I get a giggle every 
time I scan for wireless networks at home.  Mine is the ONLY network 
that I can reach that is encrypted.

As far as paranoia goes, one of my mentors once told me that a mild 
degree was a useful attribute for a system administrator.  It tends to 
make one spend more time thinking about what CAN go wrong, which is 
great if you actually put the results into practice.

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Finding DHCP IP of guest system

2010-07-16 Thread Jay Leafey
I had the same issue on my local network (DHCP server could not update 
DNS) so I cobbled up a shell script that runs periodically to update DNS 
manually.  It does a ping-sweep using nmap -sP and 
parses the output.  The output (obfuscated and abbreviated) looks like this:

Starting Nmap 4.11 ( ) at 2010-07-16 20:53 CDT
Host appears to be up.
MAC Address: **:**:**:**:**:** (Unknown)
Host appears to be up.
MAC Address: **:**:**:**:**:** (Compaq Computer)
Host workstation.local ( appears to be up.
MAC Address: **:**:**:**:**:** (Hewlett Packard)
Host printer.local ( appears to be up.

In my case, I added the MAC address/DNS name pairs in /etc/ethers and 
use that to drive the process.  I've even got a few VMware hosts with 
bridged interfaces, they work the same as the physical machines.

Admittedly, it's a heck of a kludge.
Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Finding DHCP IP of guest system

2010-07-16 Thread Jay Leafey

JohnS wrote:

Awsome but a Day Late and a Dollar Short  Care to share that shell
script please.

OK, but I warned you, it's a kludge.

#  Get a list of the hosts on the local network via nmap -sP and check 
#  them against the ethers file to retrieve the host name, if any.  
#  Check DNS to see if the DNS entries match it in the local domain and, 
#  if not, make the necessary changes.

#  $Id$
#  Jay Leafey - 10/29/2009

test $# -gt 0  TEST=1

NSUPDATES=$( mktemp -t dynamic_dns.XX )
ME=$( hostname -f )

echo server localhost  ${NSUPDATES}

nmap -sP | \
while read f1 f2 f3 f4 f5
if [ ${f1} == Host ]
if [ ${f2} == ${ME} ]
read m1 m2 m3 m4 m5
if [ ${f2%.*} == 192.168.1 ]
MYIP=$( echo ${f3} | sed 's/[\(\)]//g' )
MYHOST=$( grep -i ^${MYMAC} /etc/ethers | awk { print \$2 } 
| tr A-Z a-z)
#~ echo ${MYMAC} ${MYIP} ${MYHOST}

if [ ${MYHOST} ]
#~ Set the forward DNS entry
DNSIP=$( host ${MYHOST} 2/dev/null | awk '/ has 
address / { print $NF}' )
if [ -z ${DNSIP} ]
echo -e update add ${MYHOST}.local 2400 IN A 
elif [ ${MYIP} != ${DNSIP} ]
echo update delete ${MYHOST}.local IN A ${DNSIP} 
echo -e update add ${MYHOST}.local 240 IN A 
#~ Set the reverse DNS entry
DNSRR=$( host ${MYIP} | awk '/ domain name pointer / { 
print $1 }' )
DNSPTR=$( host ${MYIP} | awk '/ domain name pointer / { 
print $NF }' )
if [ -z ${DNSPTR} ]
echo -e update add ${MYIP##*.} 
2400 IN PTR ${MYHOST}.local.\n  ${NSUPDATES}
elif [ ${DNSPTR} != ${MYHOST}.local. ]
echo update delete ${DNSRR} IN PTR  
echo -e update add ${DNSRR} 2400 IN PTR 
${MYHOST}.local.\n  ${NSUPDATES}

if [ ${TEST} -gt 0 ]

if [ $( wc -l ${NSUPDATES} ) -gt 1 ]
nsupdate ${NSUPDATES}
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo nsupdate failed:

rm -f ${NSUPDATES}


The code makes a LOT of assumptions that may only be valid in my home 
network, but perhaps the ideas will be useful.  I have considered 
rewriting this in Perl, but it works and I really need the time for 
other projects.

 Why you scrub the MACS?

Sheer paranoia and long-standing habit.

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] fresh install of centos looking for non-existant /dev/hda : /dev/hda: open failed: No medium found

2010-06-29 Thread Jay Leafey

Robert Heller wrote:

At Tue, 29 Jun 2010 11:39:35 -1000 CentOS mailing list 

# lvm pvs
  /dev/hda: open failed: No medium found
  Couldn't find device with uuid r5HNPO-l18V-XfJ7-9RXY-AaWC-a4YY-3oL5h7.
  PV VG Fmt  Attr PSize   PFree
  /dev/sda2  VolGroup01 lvm2 a-   232.72G 0
  /dev/sdb1  VolGroup00 lvm2 a-   232.81G 32.00M
  unknown device VolGroup00 lvm2 a-   232.72G 32.00M

I just installed the OS, did some tweaks, but did nothing to hardware.
There was no /dev/hda listed when I went through the partitioning page
of the install.

Where did this come from?

I'm guessing you have some sort of IDE CD/DVD-ROM/R/RW drive.

How do I get rid of it?

Remove the IDE CD/DVD-ROM drive :-)

Does it matter?



If the message is too distracting, you can exclude the specific devices 
from the LVM physical volume scan by defining a filter.  You can do this 
by editing /etc/lvm/lvm.conf, there examples there.

Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Odd failure of smbd to start from init.d - CentOS 5.4 - it's that fine SELinux

2010-05-25 Thread Jay Leafey

Whit Blauvelt wrote:


Then why was it also happy with sh /etc/init.d/smb start but not
/etc/init.d/smb start. I'm happy to become more educated on this. But if
invoking a major daemon startup that selinux wants to block is as easy as
that, selinux is window dressing, not security.

What am I missing about how that's anything like useful?

As I understand it, the two different methods of invocation could 
involve different SELinux contexts.  Under one of them the process could 
be less constrained than the other.  If you want details, you'll have to 
look elsewhere, I'm just another seeker!

I've found that running the SELinux troubleshoter has been very helpful. 
 SELinux can be a royal pain, particularly with software not written 
with it in mind (cough*Oracle*cougn).  I try to discourage the just 
turn off SELinux mindset... it sorta reminds me of the excuses for NOT 
using seat belts.

In your case, there should have been AVC errors showing up in the audit 
log related to smbd.  Using restorecon to fix up the security context on 
the files in /etc/samba might have resolved the issue quickly... but I 
guess the trick is having run across it before, eh?

The best cure for mistakes is experience.
The best source of experience is mistakes. - YMMV
Jay Leafey -
Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] [OT] Small touch screens that works with CentOS

2010-03-19 Thread Jay Leafey

On Fri, March 19, 2010 06:44, Pascal Robert wrote:

 We want to display on a small LCD screen next to our meeting rooms and
 optionally let people book the room from the panel. We looked at different
 providers and those solutions either works with Exchange or Lotus Notes...

 Since I already have code to fetch events from any CalDAV/WebDSV servers,
 I'm looking at building the system myself. So I'm wondering if any of you
 can recommend small LCD screen that works well with Linux (the app would
 be a full screen Web app, browser have to be Gecko or WebKit based), and
 even better if the screen can have « touch buttons » (so that people don't
 have to use a physical keyboard to book the room), that's even better. I
 guess my other option would be a iPad.

 Pascal Robert

I saw something on ThinkGeek that might suit your needs:

They have simple and touch screen models.  The monitor itself should be
usable in Linux (I've seen similar monitors used in Linux) but I don't
know about the touch screen.
Jay Leafey
Memphis, TN
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] LDAP Server Access Problem

2010-02-22 Thread Jay Leafey

Paul R. Ganci wrote:

Note that ldap 'client' applications like ldapsearch
use /etc/openldap/ldap.conf so I would suspect that the 'certificates'
used by the 2 machines are different.

This might be the missing piece. 

The certificates were generated from a signing request to CAcert.
However, while the certificate is installed on the server machine it is
not installed on the remote machine. I didn't think that was necessary
especially given that the certificate was generated explicitly for I can try this.

I do know that the CAcert root certificate is not accepted by LDAP as
coming from a valid certificate root authority. I manage to get around
this by explicitly adding CAcert's root certificate
to /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt and adding that path to
the /etc/openldap/ldap.conf config. I will try installing the
certificate and then adding the path in /etc/openldap/ldap.conf. I
probably should have shown the /etc/openldap/ldap.conf file. For the
record here it is:

BASE dc=mydomain,dc=com
URI ldaps://
tls_cacertfile /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
TLS_CACERTDIR /etc/openldap/cacerts

Have to go to work now so will try later. Thanks.

add -d 256 (or even higher debug level) to the ldapsearch command for
debugging - I'm not going to hazard any actual guesses.

Thanks for this suggestion ... should have thought of it myself.

It occurs to me that you can turn off certificate validation by setting 
the TLS_REQCERT entry in either /etc/openldap/ldap.conf or 
${HOME}/.ldaprc.  Here's part of my .ldaprc:

TLS_CACERT /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt

If you run ldapsearch in with -d 1 you will see that it is indeed 
using the server's certificate but is not checking it for validity.  I 
usually use this for testing purposes.

Also, you generally don't want to use both HOST and URI at the same 
time.  It can sometimes confuse issues.

Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Anyone using Active Driectory auth with Centos 5.4.....?

2010-02-09 Thread Jay Leafey
If you are using AD for JUST authentication and not user information, 
you can use the PAM Kerberos stuff.  We've been using it for a couple of 
years from both CentOS/RHEL 4 and 5 systems with good results.  It was 
actually pretty easy to do (once we figured out which type of chicken 
bones to burn).

You can use authconfig to turn it all on:

authconfig --enablekrb5 --krb5realm {AD domain name} \
--enbablekrb5kdcdns --enablekrb5realmdns --update

This will use DNS to locate the domain controller and KDC for the domain 
given the AD domain name.  You can manually specify the KDC and admin 
servers too, see the authconfig man page for specific details.

If you want something perhaps more polished, you could look into the 
Likewise products, which handle the whole shooting match pretty well 
(  I've played with the 
Open (free) version and it worked just fine, the Enterprise has more 
features but I haven't played with it.

As always, YMMV.
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Add /sbin to sudo PATH

2010-01-22 Thread Jay Leafey

Samuel Contesse wrote:


Does anyone have an idee how to add /sbin to the sudo $PATH environment?
Adding /sbin to .bashrc $PATH isn't really what I want...

I'd like sudoers to be able to run:
$ sudo chkconfig
And not:
$ sudo /sbin/chkconfig

I use an alias to handle that.  I put the following line in my .bashrc file:

alias sudo='PATH=$PATH:/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin 

This dynamically adds the desired directories to the path BEFORE 
executing sudo.  The downside is that it won't work in scripts, but I 
usually set the path explicitly in my scripts anyway.

Hope that helps!
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] kickstart and logins.def question

2010-01-02 Thread Jay Leafey

Kwan Lowe wrote:

On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 11:02 AM, Kwan Lowe wrote:

Still having issues with this... Here's the relevant line from my kickstart:

authconfig --enableshadow --enablemd5 --enableldap
--ldapbasedn=dc=digitalhermit,dc=com --enablecache

And the sed scripts to enable the pieces that don't seem to have a
passable keyword to change:
yum -y groupinstall xfce

sed -i -e s/^\(USEMKHOMEDIR=\).*$/\1\yes/ /etc/sysconfig/authconfig
sed -i -e s/^\(USEPAMACCESS=\).*$/\1\yes/ /etc/sysconfig/authconfig
sed -i -e s/^\(USELOCAUTHORIZE=\).*$/\1\yes/ /etc/sysconfig/authconfig

Unfortunately this doesn't work. When I login immediately after the
initial reboot it authenticates properly but complains that the user
home directory does not exist. If I then go in as root and run
system-config-authentication and change one item, it will start
creating the home directories.


Anyone can shed light on why it does not auto-create the home
directories on initial boot?

I think the issue here is that the change has to be made in both the 
authconfig file and in the /etc/pam.s/system-auth file.  Just changing 
/etc/sysconfig/authconfig does not do it.  You could use something like 
the following in your kickstart file instead of all the sed commands:

/usr/sbin/authconfig  --enablemkhomedir --enablelocauthorize \
--enablepamaccess --update

This will make the changes you specified to /etc/sysconfig/authconfig 
AND update any other files affected by the change.  I'm a lazy bum and 
it just seems easier and cleaner to me.

Just a thought!
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] SFTP - stalled - on large files

2009-12-22 Thread Jay Leafey
We had a similar problem copying files between servers on two of our 
campuses via SCP.  After a while the connection just stalled out and 
hung.  The problem turned out to be SCP and SFTP interacting a bug in 
the SACK (Selective Acknowledgment) algorithm used in Linux.  We turned 
it off on the two endpoints using the following addition to 

# Turn off SACK
net.ipv4.tcp_sack = 0

and execute sysctl -p to apply it.  You can also use sysctl -w 
net.ipv4.tcp_sack=0 to turn it off temporarily.  Our file transfers 
worked just fine after the change.

I realize there are differences our situation and yours and this might 
not work in your case.  Given the length of this thread, though, it 
might be worth a try!

Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Launch applications on GNOME startup ?

2009-10-11 Thread Jay Leafey

Niki Kovacs wrote:


I just installed and configured Conky, and I'd like to automatically 
launch it whenever I start a GNOME session. I expected to see some sort 
of PreferencesLaunch Applications on Startup, some user-specific 
equivalent of rc.local, but there doesn't seem to be such an entry.

Any suggestions?

System-Preferences-More Preferences-Sessions comes to mind...

Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] How to change Disk sequence on DELL R900 CENTOS 5.3?

2009-07-02 Thread Jay Leafey
If you are not hung up on the device name changing, i.e. the device must 
ALWAYS be /dev/sda1 or /dev/hda1, you can use LABEL=? or UUID=? in 
/etc/fstab, or use LVM to create logical volumes that do not depend on 
the actual device name.

By default, a fresh install will label the filesystem for /boot as 
/boot and put the following line in /etc/fstab:

 LABEL=/boot /boot   ext3defaults1 2

This works just fine, but if you would prefer something that does not 
depend on labels you can determine the UUID of the device using vol_id 
and put that in /etc/fstab.  For example, on my system the boot device 
happens to be /dev/sda3 for the moment.  I can determine the UUID of 
that device file as follows:

 [r...@b82526 ~]# /lib/udev/vol_id /dev/sda3
 [r...@b82526 ~]#

Using that information, I can use the ID_FS_LABEL value in fstab using 
LABEL=, like the installer does, or I can use the ID_FS_UUID value in a 
UUID= line.  For example:

 UUID=93ffbfba-d42b-48fb-aaf3-90e563b12dc0 /boot   
 ext3defaults1 2

If it's not the /boot filesystem you are dealing with you can also use 
LVM.  I believe there are several good references on using LVM 
available, including the Red hat-provided docs, that explain the 
procedures better than I can.

Hope that gives you a starting-point!
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT: Oracle client logging issue

2009-02-18 Thread Jay Leafey

Tom Brown wrote:


We have an app on CentOS 5 that is in pyton and uses some form of thin 
oracle client called oracle-instantclient-basic, this error is more 
towards that client i think but if anyone has seen this before then it 
would be great to hear about it.

The basic issue is that we are getting lots of sqlnet.log 's on the 
filesystem and we dont seem to be ablr to configure the location of that 
log as there is no oracle configuration for the client as such it seems 
in terms of tnsnames etc that you'd get with the full client.

Anyone ever used this client before or know how to direct its logs 
somewhere else?


The name and location of the SQLnet log file is determined by options in 
the sqlnet.ora file, usually found in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin or 
wherever the environment variable TNS_ADMIN points.  The options are:

LOG_FILE_CLIENT - the name of the file (default sqlnet.log)
LOG_DIRECTORY_CLIENT - the directory (default is your current directory)

If you don't set these values, the default dumps the sqlnet.log file in 
the current working directory when a program runs into an Oracle exception.

Hope that helps!
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] logs such as messages, boot.log, and kernel contained 0 size

2009-02-11 Thread Jay Leafey

Frank Ling wrote:


My both CentOS 5 servers have logging problems. Logs such as messages, 
boot.log, kernel, spooler, and tallylog in /var/log directory are all 0 

The kernel is:  Linux 2.6.18-92.1.22.el5 #1 SMP.

Since the /var/log/messages contained no information it would be 
impossible to troubleshoot the problem.

I am very sure both systems have not been hacked by others.


Frank Ling
-rw---  1 root root  0 Feb  8 04:02 messages
-rw---  1 root root  0 Feb  3 11:04 messages.1
-rw---  1 root root  0 Jan 25 04:02 messages.3
-rw---  1 root root  0 Jan 11 04:03 messages.4
-rw---  1 root root 10 Dec 27 13:00 messages.offset

-rwx--  1 root root  0 Feb 11 19:12 kernel
-rwx--  1 root root  0 Feb 11 16:53 kernel.1
-rwx--  1 root root  0 Jan 25 04:02 kernel.3
-rwx--  1 root root  0 Jan 11 04:03 kernel.4

-rw---  1 root root  0 Feb  8 04:02 spooler
-rw---  1 root root  0 Feb  3 07:51 spooler.1
-rw---  1 root root  0 Jan 25 04:02 spooler.3
-rw---  1 root root  0 Jan 11 04:03 spooler.4

-rw---  1 root root  0 Jun 24  2008 tallylog

I've had something similar happen a couple of times after an update.  In 
my case the /etc/services file got it's security context clobbered when 
some package tried to update it's contents.  When logrotate ran, the 
syslog daemon couldn't open /etc/services because of the error and I 
ended up with a bunch of empty log files.

The quickest way to check for this is the command:

restorecon -v /etc/services

If nothing prints out in response, that's not the problem.  If it DOES, 
that might explain it.  I have been checking the contexts occasionally 
to try and trap exactly when it happens.  I use:

restorecon -R -n -v /etc

which walks through the entire /etc tree looking for contexts to change 
but just reports any exceptions.

Just a thought!
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Creating an iso image of a audio CD with K3B

2009-01-11 Thread Jay Leafey

Robert Moskowitz wrote:

Can you do this?  I have not found the options to get this to happen.

So far I have seen how to read the Audio CD and make a directory of WAV 
files with a control file for later burning to CD, but I want an iso 
image that I can archive and burn audio CDs to use as they get used up.

I think cdrdao will do what you want.  It's in the base repository, so 
no extra repos needed.

Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] cluster - ip address lost when service stopped

2008-12-29 Thread Jay Leafey

Fabio Macchi wrote:

Hi Gowrishankar,

this problem seems to be related to cluster, not to bonding: bonding is 
working correctly, anyway I’ve tryied a test removing bonding, and I 
experience the same problem directly on interface eth0.

This is my cluster.conf

?xml version=1.0 ?
cluster alias=cluster01 config_version=54 name=cluster01
fence_daemon clean_start=1 post_fail_delay=0 

clusternode name=AREA041 nodeid=2 votes=1
clusternode name=AREA042 nodeid=3 votes=1
cman expected_votes=1 two_node=1/
failoverdomain name=httpd failover domain 
ordered=0 restricted=1
failoverdomainnode name=AREA041 

ip address= monitor_link=1/
service autostart=0 domain=httpd failover domain 
name=Apache recovery=disable
script file=/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd 
name=script httpd/

ip ref=
service autostart=0 domain=httpd failover domain 
name=Service Mail recovery=disable
script file=/etc/rc.d/init.d/MailScanner 
clusterfs device=/dev/DATI_MAIL/DATI_MAIL 
force_unmount=1 fsid=5845 fstype=gfs2 mountpoint=/dati_mail 
name=Share_dati_mail options=/

ip address= monitor_link=1/

Many thanks

From what I can tell, the behaviour you are noticing is consistent with 
your cluster.conf file.  Since you have made the IP addresses part of 
the service definitions, the IP would go away when the associated 
service is stopped.  If the service moved to another node, however, the 
IP would be enabled on the host to which the service was moved.

If you want the IP addresses to be independent of the service state, 
then add them using files in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts to define 
the alias addresses and remove them from your service definitions. 
See /usr/share/doc/initscripts-*/sysconfig.txt for details on how to set 
up the alias addresses.

I'm doing something similar with IP addresses in a cluster, but I WANT 
the IP address to migrate to the target host when a service is moved 
from one node in the cluster to another.  I have the IP address 
resources tied to the individual services to make that happen.

Hope that helps!
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] How Auto Start Greeter on Ctrl-Alt-F8?

2008-11-07 Thread Jay Leafey
I had done this a LONG time ago, but the rules changed a bit since then. 
 It turns out it's VERY easy, but note that this is a fully-updated 
CentOS 5 system.  The method varies somewhat with  v4.

Open the file /etc/gdm/custom.conf with a text editor and go all the way 
to the bottom.  You should see a section labeled [servers].  Add the 
following lines after the [servers] header:


Save the file, restart X ( telinit 3 ; telinit 5 ) and you should have a 
GDM on both VC7 and VC8.

The default (stored in /usr/share/gdm/defaults.conf) is to start up only 
display 0 and run a greeter, so there is only a 0=Standard line in the 
[servers] section there.  Putting these lines in custom.conf overrides 
that section of the defaults.conf file.  The comments in defaults.conf 
are pretty informative, so you might pick up some other tidbits there.

Hope that helps!
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: Ole Fossils [ was Re: ls and rm: argument list too long]

2008-10-26 Thread Jay Leafey

I remember numbering on the back of cards with a pencil as a backup when you
dropped the deck. And of course you numbered by tens just in case you had to
insert something.

I always took a magic-marker and made a diagonal line across the top of 
the deck.  Made the initial rough sort after a deck reorg (somebody 
dropped the deck) easier.  (NCR Century 100, circa. 1968)

Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Question about Open SSH Public Keys

2008-08-10 Thread Jay Leafey

Clint Dilks wrote:

Hi People

I am setting up some systems with ssh public keys and as part of this I 
am using the from directive inside .ssh/authorized_keys.  Currently I am 
using the IP address to control the source.  eg from= but on 
one CentOS 4 System that is up to date this will only work if I replace 
the IP with the DNS name of the server.  I have verified that DNS is 
resolving the DNS Name to the correct IP address on the server in 
question and all seems to be fine.

Just grasping at straws, but does the reverse DNS zone resolve to the 
correct DNS name?  For example, if the DNS entry 
translates to, does resolve to

Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Package request: php, pear: spreadsheet::excel::writer

2008-08-08 Thread Jay Leafey

Morten Nilsen wrote:

I am currently using this PEAR package to generate .xls documents in PHP;

It would be very much appreciated if someone could add it to the 
repository, as it is always to prefer rpm packages over manually 
installed ones.

Though note exactly the same, php-pear-excel is availabe on RPMforge. 
See for more information.

Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Fetchmail pop server and clean spam messages

2008-08-02 Thread Jay Leafey

nightduke wrote:

Hi i want to fetchmail from a pop server and check every email to any
rbl spamhaus,spamcop,etc and if match at any rbl the email will be

It's possible to do this?



If you've got fetchmail configured to retrieve messages from a remote 
MTA and deliver to a local MTA, say your local Sendmail instance, then 
put the RBL-matching stuff in your Sendmail configuration.  The mail 
will still be fetched but will be discarded by your local MTA before 
dumping it in you local mailbox.

In principle, it would be better to have the system you are fetching the 
mail from do the RBL operations, but if you don't have control over it 
then you really don't get much choice.  I'm using this setup myself and 
it works, but it offends my aesthetic sense.  OTOH, I'm easily offended!

Your mileage may vary.
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5.2 Missing Dependancy

2008-07-05 Thread Jay Leafey

Joseph L. Casale wrote:

I am trying to install perl-Digest-Perl-MD5 from rf and it is failing 
suggesting it
needs /usr/bin/false. #yum whatprovides /usr/bin/false yields nothing.

My CentOS 5.1 machines don't have this, and this is the same list of yum install
items I always use when setting up assp.

Any idea what to do?


Wierd, I just confirmed the issue.  There is not a /usr/bin/false, but 
there IS a /bin/false on a stock 5.2 install.  You might check in the 
rpmforge forums/list archives for some mention of this problem.

I thought I might be able to symlink /bin/false to /usr/bin/false (a 
kludge, I admit) or copy /bin/false to /usr/bin/false, but neither seems 
to work for me.  Like I said, probably best to check with rpmforge.

Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] using windows ad accounts for centos 5

2008-06-05 Thread Jay Leafey

Isaac Gonzalez wrote:
Hi I read and used the article to authenticate my ad 
accounts when logging on to cent 5…however, once I edit the 
nsswitch.conf file, I can’t even log on as root or any local users 
anymore. Kinit seems to initialize fine doing a kinit 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , however doing a 
getent passwd adusername ….it just sits there in the shell and does 
nothing. I actually had to put all files back to where they were before 
the change to even be able to login locally or use sudo.

I followed the steps line by line on this article but get stuck 
everytime….anyone has an idea or a better documented way of achieving 
what I am trying to do , please let me know.


I'm using AD-via-Kerberos to authenticate users on several CentOS 5.1 
systems.  Setting it up was as easy as a single command line:

authconfig \
--usemd5 --useshadow --enablelocauthorize \
--enablekrb5 \
--krb5realm={AD Domain Name} \
--enablekrb5kdcdns --enablekrb5realmdns --update

This makes the necessary changes to /etc/krb5.conf, /etc/ and 
/etc/nsswitch.conf.  I am NOT using this for user information, just 
password authentication, so I add user accounts for each authorized user.

You can also consider using the --disablesysnetauth flag, which disables 
authenticating system accounts via the network services and forces 
them to use local authorization.  This should prevent entries in the AD 
for root and other system accounts from being used.

Hope that helps!
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] firewalled NFS

2008-06-03 Thread Jay Leafey

Jordi Prats wrote:

I'm trying to setup a firewalled NFS server. I've configured my server
(CentOS 5) using the following parameters

options lockd nlm_udpport=4001 nlm_tcpport=4001

But it does not mount it:
# mount /mnt/tmp/
mount: mount to NFS server '' failed: timed out (giving up).

There's anything else I must setup to use fixed ports ?


It may be an obvious question, but did you open the ports in iptables? 
I use a similar scheme on my NFS servers to fix the ports and it just 
doesn't work at ALL unless those ports are opened up in iptables.  I use 
different ports, but here's the lines I inserted into my 
/etc/sysconfig/iptables file to get NFS working on the server:

-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -m multiport -p tcp -s --dports 111,2049,4000,4001,4002,4003 -j ACCEPT
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -m multiport -p udp -s --dports 111,2049,4000,4001,4002,4003 -j ACCEPT

You'll have to alter the '--dports' and '-s' parameters to match the 
ports and IP address range you are using.

Hope that helps!
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] GFS

2008-05-29 Thread Jay Leafey

Mag Gam wrote:


I am planning to implement GFS for my university as a summer project. I 
have 10 servers each with SAN disks attached. I will be reading and 
writing many files for professor's research projects. Each file can be 
anywhere from 1k to 120GB (fluid dynamic research images). The 10 
servers will be using NIC bonding (1GB/network). So, would GFS be ideal 
for this? I have been reading a lot about it and it seems like a perfect 

Any thoughts?


Perfect?  No, but usable.  We've got a cluster of 4 systems attached 
to a fibre-channel-based SAN running CentOS 4 and the Cluster Suite 
components with multiple instances of the Oracle database.  It actually 
works pretty well and fails over nicely in the case of exceptions.  It 
is moderately complex to set up, but the information needed REALLY IS in 
the docs... you just have to REALLY read them!

We haven't tried CentOS 5 and the new cluster components as Oracle only 
supports the version of the  database we're running on Red Hat EL4. 
Given that, the combination looks a bit more finished than the 
versions in EL4.

Another alternative that we are examining is using OCFS2 (Oracle Cluster 
File System 2) and iSCSI for the shared storage with Heartbeat for 
service management.  This combination looks to be a bit lighter than 
the Cluster Suite and GFS, but I'm hoping to confirm or disprove that 
impression this summer in my copious free time.

As usual, you mileage may vary.
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ssl and NameVirtualHost

2008-04-09 Thread Jay Leafey

Tony Schreiner wrote:

Kai Schaetzl wrote:

Tony Schreiner wrote on Wed, 9 Apr 2008 15:29:16 -0400:

However, you didn't provide any of the information I asked for. You 
are not talking of, do you?



ok, ok.


I could be full of cheese here, but did VeriSign send you an 
intermediate certificate along with your real certificate?  If not, 
forget the

When I went to the site and examined the cert I noticed that the cert 
was not signed by one of the CAs in the ca-bundle.crt provided by my 
copy of openSSL (openssl-0.9.8b-8.3.el5_0.2) on CentOS 5.1.  You can 
examine the Issuer field of the certificate to see who signed it.

I suspect that VeriSign sent you an intermediate certificate that was 
actually used to sign your cert.  Apache has to present the intermediate 
cert at the same time it presents your real cert.  Basically, since 
the intermediate cert was signed by a recognized CA cert and your cert 
was signed by the intermediate cert, then your cert is trustworthy.

The easiest way to fix this is to append the intermediate certificate to 
your real certificate file.  I've had a few of these in the past, 
particularly from smaller CAs that resell other folks's service.

Just a thought!
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] RPM for perl-svn-notify?

2008-02-06 Thread Jay Leafey

J. Potter wrote:

Hi List,

Is it possible to get an rpm built and added into the plus or dag repos 
for the perl module svn-notify? (Note: not the same as svn-notify-mirror.)

I know it's been brought up before that perl's internal CPAN 
build/install can cause serious conflicts with the rpm-based approach; 
if there are other / better ways of doing this in a standard fashion, 
please let me know.

Installing Perl modules modules via CPAN makes them invisible to RPM, 
which can lead to a whole lot of fun!  I think this is generally 
referred to as a bad thing around here.

If I can't find an RPM for a Perl module on one of the third-party 
repositories, I usually use cpanflute2 to build an RPM, then install 
that.  That way RPM knows all about the module and can handle it 

You need to install the perl-RPM-Specfile package from rpmforge to make 
this work.  Next download (BUT DO NOT INSTALL) the tarball for the 
module in question from CPAN.  The last step is to run cpanflute2 
against the tarball to generate the SRPM and then use rpmbuild 
--rebuild to create the installable RPM.  You can use cpanflute2 with 
the '--arch=' and '--buildall' switches to create the appropriate 
installable RPM directly, but I usually install the SRPM file, tweak the 
specfile to taste, and build the installable RPM from that.

There is some documentation out on the net for using this tool, but I 
don't have any links handy so fire up your browser and start hitting 
Google for more info!

Your mileage may vary!
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] RPM for perl-svn-notify?

2008-02-06 Thread Jay Leafey

J. Potter wrote:

Thanks, Jay!

Mostly there. For some reason, the rpm file is outputting the files 
under /var/tmp, instead of on the system:

rpm -ql perl-SVN-Notify



Did I miss a setting somewhere?


On CentOS 5 x86_64:

yum -y install perl-RPM-Specfile perl-IO-Zlib rpm-build 
perl-rpm-build-perl perl-Module-Build perl-HTML-Parser

gunzip SVN-Notify-2.66.tar.gz
cpanflute2 --name=SVN-Notify --version=2.66 SVN-Notify-2.66.tar  

rpm -Uvh perl-SVN-Notify-2.66-8.src.rpm

I don't think you missed anything, I think cpanflute2 got a bit confused 
with the makefile provided by SVN::Notify.  That's basically why I 
mentioned tweaking the specfile, you never know just what's going to 
happen!  It works out-of-the-box most of the time, but even when it 
doesn't it's a lot easier for me to tweak it than it is to start from 

It appears that the makefile it attempted to install the files using the 
value of RPM's _tmppath macro, but it got doubled-up somehow.  I got 
slightly different results from you as I have changed that macro to 
point to a slightly different location than the default.

The issue appears to be in line 30 of the generated specfile, which goes:


I removed the PREL_INSTALL_ROOT=... portion of the line so that it just 

make pure_install

and that seems to take care of the issue.

You can fix this by installing the source RPM file 
(perl-SVN-Notify-2.66-8.src.rpm) and editing the specfile as noted 
above.  Then just run:

rpmbuild -bb --target=noarch perl-SVN-Notify.spec

which should generate the installable RPM.  It worked over here on my 
CentOS 5.1 i386 box, or at least the RPM contained the files in the 
right locations.  Note that you will have to have an RPM build 
environment set up in your home directory to get this to work.  There 
are some pointers to resources on this in the wiki at

Hope that helps!
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] One approach to dealing with SSH brute force attacks.

2008-01-30 Thread Jay Leafey

What I would I like to do is:

- allow 22 from specific IPs
- allow another port (redirected) from anywhere. this port is then 
redirected to 22.

I do exactly this with a combination of SSH config options and iptables 
rules.  In your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file, find the Port 22 statement 
and add a Port statement for the desired port, something like:

Port 22
Port 20022
Protocol 2

Then, in iptables, add the appropriate rules to let incoming connections 
to port 22 from only specific addresses and to allow port 20022 (or 
whatever you pick) to be available worldwide.  Assuming you wanted port 
22 access for a local subnet like, add the following to 
the /etc/sysconfig/iptables file before the REJECT statement at the end 
of the file:

-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp -s 
--dport 22 -j ACCEPT
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 20022 -j 

After restarting SSH and reloading iptables you should have just what 
you want.  I use this, in addition to blockhosts 
(, on several production systems 
and the result has been almost total elimination of brute-force attacks. 
on those systems.

Another possibility is a variation on port-knocking using PKI 
authentication or a shared secret.  The project is called fwknop 
( and has the potential to almost 
completely eliminate brute-force attacks.

Essentially, the target port (22 in the case of SSH) is not open at all 
normally, but a daemon monitors the network interface for a specific 
packet signed using either a shared secret or a pre-authorized PGP key. 
 When it sees the packet, it opens up the appropriate port for a 
specified time (usually just a few seconds) to the IP address the packet 
comes from.  This allows a very short time window for the client system 
to complete its connection before the port gets closed down.  I've set 
this up on a couple of systems so far with excellent results.

Your mileage may vary!
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Bonding two network cards

2008-01-29 Thread Jay Leafey

Joseph L. Casale wrote:

I am searching the net for instructions on how to do this in CentOS 5.1 but am 
not 100% sure I am finding a reliable doc. I am doing this remotely and don't 
have much room for error:)

Can anyone point me along here?


Try the wiki:

Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] ssh terminal froze once in a while

2007-12-15 Thread Jay Leafey

Miark wrote:

On Thu, 13 Dec 2007 23:40:59 +0100, Alain wrote:

Miark, do you suffer the problem very often ?
Could you try to temporarily make a link from /dev/random
to /dev/urandom ?

Actually, I have to take that back. After I made the sshd config

  ClientAliveInterval 30
  ClientAliveCountMax 5

it did hang on me once, but I'm looking at Konsole rigth now,
and my connection to the CentOS box has stayed alive all day. I
guess all is well.

I'll keep your suggestion, though. If the hangs return, I'll
give your idea a shot.


A couple of years back I was running into this problem very 
consistently, SSH sessions from my home to my office would just be 
dropped after a while.  After talking to the network administrator I 
found that the Cisco firewall we were using would prune what it saw as 
inactive connections after a specific period of time.  Adding the 
ClientAlive* entries to the sshd_config file has resolved this for me.

Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] mp3 plugin for Rythmbox or Totem?

2007-12-04 Thread Jay Leafey

Andrew Allen wrote:

Can anybody please suggest a suitable plugin to enable playing of mp3
files with either Totem or Rythmbox. Both of these come as part of the
CentOS 5 package, but strangely neither has the necessary plugin for
mp3, which surely is a common enough format in the music world?


This is covered in the CentOS general FAQ 

The MP3 codec is not included in CentOS becausing of licensing issues. 
Both Totem and Rhythmbox use the gstreamer libraries for handling 
different audio types, so you will need to get the appropriate 
gstreamer-plugins package from your favorite third-party repository.  I 
think the mp3 codec ( is in the gstreamer-plugins-ugly 
package, available at RPMforge.

Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Using a local mirror? [SOLVED]

2007-11-27 Thread Jay Leafey

This is a bit late, I know, but I found a similar setup described at:

Their server appears to be down right now, but that's where I found the 
information.  The original was designed for Fedora, but it was adapted 
to CentOS pretty easily.  I've been using this for about 4 months now 
with great results.

Rather than spoofing the entry in DNS, I just have 
anybody that wants to use the local mirror put an entry in their 
/etc/hosts file pointing to the IP address of the local server.  The 
Perl CGI script adds the entry for our local server to the results 
returned from the real mirror list and depends on yum-fastestmirror to 
pick the local server from the list.

Since we don't mirror all architectures on our local server, I added 
some intelligence to the Perl script so that it would only add the local 
server if the requested repository, release, and architecture were on 
the local server.  If anybody wants to see the final results, just let 
me know and I'll post my modified script and the Apache config fragment 
or a pointer to it.

Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Persistent iSCSI Device Names on CentOS 4

2007-11-13 Thread Jay Leafey
I found a lot of stuff about this on the web, but never an answer that 
worked.  One of the most promising hints was about udev maintaining 
links in the /dev/disk/by-* directories.  This works just fine in CentOS 
5, but not CentOS 4.  As I was trying to use the iSCSI devices as VMware 
disks this was particularly frustrating.  After banging my head on this 
for a while, I figured out how to make it work.

By default, iSCSI devices don't show up in the /dev/disk/by-* 
directories maintained by udev under CentOS 4.  After looking at the 
scripts used by udev, it appeared that the scsi_id program was not 
returning anything for the iSCSI devices.  Digging in the manpage and 
the /etc/scsi_id.config file led me to believe that the devices in 
question were blacklisted and never returned a valid device ID.

The fix was to add a line to scsi_id.config to whitelist the particular 
devices.  In my case, the iSCSI devices are provided by on Openfiler 
box, which shows up in /proc/scsi/scsi like this:

Host: scsi2 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
  Vendor: Openfile Model: Virtual disk Rev: 0
  Type:   Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 04

The fix for me was to add the following line to my iscsi_id.config file:

vendor=Openfile, model=Virtual disk, options=-g

The values for vendor= and model= will vary with the specific iSCSI 
target used.  After adding this and rebooting, udev now properly 
maintains the links in /dev/disk/by-id/ for each of the iSCSI devices 
offered up to my workstation.

Hope that helps somebody!
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Oracle Instant Client 11g on CentOS 5 (32-bit) workaround

2007-11-08 Thread Jay Leafey

Paul Heinlein wrote:

It'd be something to the effect of

  semanage fcontext -a -t textrel_shlib_t \

or, less version-specific,

  semanage fcontext -a -t textrel_shlib_t \

Double-plus good!  That works a treat, and even takes care of the cases 
where I install some of the other related packages (devel, odbc, jdbc) 
after-the-fact.  That one goes in the notebook!

Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Oracle Instant Client 11g on CentOS 5 (32-bit) workaround

2007-11-08 Thread Jay Leafey
I downloaded the RPMs from the Oracle web site ( and 
successfully installed them on my C5 box, but the sqlplus client 
software would not run properly.  After a few iterations with sealert, I 
finally got a handle on what was happening.

It turns out that most of the shared libraries Oracle installs need to 
have their SElinux file context modified to allow relocation.   Here's 
the quick-and-dirty routine I use to repair this:

find /usr/lib/oracle/ -type f -name \*.so\* \
-exec chcon -t textrel_shlib_t {} \;

Obviously you could get around this by disabling SElinux, but I really 
want to avoid that if possible.

Now a quick question:  does anybody know if there is any way to 
configure SElinux so that the context for these files won't be fixed 
by a restorecon operation on this directory?

Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] How to export X displays

2007-10-10 Thread Jay Leafey

Alfred von Campe wrote:

On Oct 10, 2007, at 10:09, Dag Wieers wrote:

There is xrdp and I have packaged it for RPMforge, but I am not sure 
if it

is completely usable. (ie. I haven't figured out how to use it and
therefor I didn't make the proper sysv script etc...)

On a somewhat related note, what is the best/easiest way to set up a 
CentOS system to be able to access an existing X desktop remotely (like 
Remote Desktop on Windows)?  I have used VNC in the past, but I had to 
create a new VNC session.  I want to be able to access my existing 
desktop remotely and not a separate VNC desktop.  Can nx do this (I've 
heard about nx on this mailing list, but have not yet read any 


I generally use NX for the desktop, but when I have to share a desktop I 
use the VNC stuff provided by vino.  Vino gives you the ability to 
connect to a running X desktop via VNC.  All of this is integrated into 
CentOS 5 very nicely, just make sure you have installed the vino package 
and set the preferences from the menus as System-Preferences-Remote 
Desktop.  (Note: this is Not Windows Remote Desktop Sharing!)

Once you've got that set up, you can use vncviewer from realvnc 
(packaged as vnc in CentOS 5) to connect remotely.  I usually do not 
open the VNC ports to the outside world but use the -via switch to 
vncviewer to tunnel the connection via SSH.  To connect to the primary 
X server on use something like this:

vncviewer -via locakhost:0

Vncviewer will start up an SSH tunnel for the appropriate port to the 
specified system and connect the viewer to it... quite slick!  It's not 
as responsive as NX over a WAN connection, but on those occasions when I 
forget to log out of the console on my home system it is invaluable.

Hope that helps!
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Bind 9 pharming security hole

2007-07-25 Thread Jay Leafey

Indunil Jayasooriya wrote:


I am running bind on centOS5. I use RPM.
Is there  a patch ?
Any idea to apply the patch?

From rpm -q --changelog bind-libs-9.3.3-9.0.1.el5:

* Thu Jul 19 2007 Adam Tkac atkac redhat com 30:9.3.3-9.0.1
- fixed cryptographically weak query id generator (CVE-2007-2926)

If you are keeping up-to-date using yum you should have gotten this 
version today.

Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Gnome Terminal and xterm problems

2007-07-15 Thread Jay Leafey

Matt Shields wrote:

It shouldn't be dns because the session is already established and it
now IP based.  I don't believe ssh tries to keep resolving the IP
again and again.

No session doesn't come back ever.  It just hangs permanently.


We were seeing something similar to this a while back, SSH sessions to 
or from outside our network were dropping after some period of no 
activity (which may not be your problem).  Eventually we found that the 
Cisco PIX on our perimeter was set to kill idle sessions sessions after 
a certain period.

We were able to resolve this by editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config and setting 
the ClientAliveInterval to a non-zero value.  In our case we set it to 
240, which caused a ClientAlive request packet to be sent every 4 
minutes over the encrypted channel as the idle threshold on the PIX was 
set to 5 minutes.  This resolved our issues, perhaps it might help with 

Just a thought!
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: Madwifi just seems to work in Centos 5

2007-06-18 Thread Jay Leafey
The madwifi package from RPMForge contains all the needed bits for the 
Atheros chipsets.  Into the bargain it uses the DKMS stuff to rebuild 
the modules when you install a new kernel, too, so no scrambling to 
install a new package to get your WiFi back.

I'm using a similar setup, but trying NetworkManager to handle the heavy 
lifting, with excellent results.  The laptop I'm using pretty much 
worked with no issues with a 3Com 3CRPAG175 and a Zyxel card, both 
Atheros-based.  I've used it with no problems on AEP and WPA/WPA2 
wireless LANs successfully.  It was a pleasant surprise!

Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] help me

2007-06-14 Thread Jay Leafey

qsm wrote:

hi guys...

somebody can tell me how to export data from access to mysql.


Depending on the version of Access database files you are trying to 
read, the MDB Tools project might be of interest.  See for more information.

Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
CentOS mailing list