I don't know if this is a CFML issue or what... But perhaps someone has run
across this and can offer a hand...

    <form action="#myself#Login.CheckLogin" method="post"
                        <input type="text" name="username">
                        <input type="Password" name="Password">
                        <input type="Submit" class="submit" name="Login"
value="Log in">

(It's not this bad, but I removed the formatting and so on). This works
with all the browsers. When I try it with IE, Chrome, Firefox, it works

It hits

<cfquery datasource="PQ" name="UID">
    select QUID
    from Users
    where Username = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"

and works perfectly.

One user (using IE) tries to use it and most of the time, it works. But
occasionally, I get this error emailed to me...

The key [USERNAME] does not exist, only the following keys are available:

(This is running fusebox on Railo).

Does anyone know about an issue where IE SOMETIMES (he can do it most
times) drops form data?

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