I have a little problem....I cannot delete a single cached page using
cfcache action="flush".

Environment: Win2K Server/CF5/Spectra 1.5

I Create a cache file using the following code (this works perfectly,
#request.app.pathreal# is a variable set in application.cfm):

    <cfcache timeout="#dateAdd("m", "-60", now())#"

This creates a .tmp file and a .map file, as expected.

If I try to delete that specific cached file, it doesn't work; this is the
code for the simple tool I built:

<cfif isDefined("FORM.submit")>
<cfcache action="FLUSH" directory="#request.app.pathreal#_cache\"
<cfoutput>#FORM.url#</cfoutput> has been flushed.
<form action="clearcache.cfm" method="post">
<input type="text" name="url"> <input type="submit" name="submit"

The idea is that you put the desired URL in the text box; I also tried
another method that just hardcoded the desired file on that page and it
didn't work either.

However, I _CAN_ clear ALL of the cached pages using this code:

<cfcache action="FLUSH" directory="#request.app.pathreal#_cache\"
Has anyone else had similar difficulties trying to delete a single cached
Thanks for any help/insight...

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