Domino was discussed in another post. Web Sphere is basically your standard
J2EE environment with a lot of hooks into other IBM products (including

What type of business portal are we looking at here? Are we interfacing with
ERP, Data warehouses, or other company wide systems or is it just a content
management system?

If it is the latter, something like CF could be 'enough' to get the job
done. If it is the former there will be a large number of interfaces to work
with, which is where the strengths of a J2EE server come in allowing you to
seperate presentation, business logic and data layers and enable you to
allocate developers with the strengths in each area to get their job done
most efficiently.

You should still consider running CF for your presentation layer as it now
runs on top of Websphere and there could be considerable development
timescale benefits to using it.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 11 October 2002 14:04
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: CF -v- Domino
> I have a client who has asked me if I can help him with a project.
> He is planning a Business Portal site and would like my help - the only
> thing I know at this stage is that the developers he has talked to are
> proposing doing the site with 'Lotus Domino' and or on  'IBM Web Sphere
> server'.
> Does anyone have any idea how and why he should be using CF instead as I
> have no experience with either of the above products.
> --
> Jay
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