> Will be interesting to see what kind of traction BlueDragon gets in the
> marketplace. And if it suceeds(sic), what kind of pricing pressure this
puts on
> MM. And one could argue that if it causes sufficient pricing pressure, MM
> might have to respond in a way that reduces their revenue and therefore
> available for future enhancements to CF.

That sentiment is a double-edged sword. No one owns the syntax of the CFML
markup language, anyone can implement ColdFusion in their products (as long
as it properly done). True competition is the breeding ground for innovation
IMO. If Macromedia is forced to earn its market leading position in the CF
market, then it will have to put out a better product. It is ok to charge
for the product: it just has to be better. I will keep on using the official
MM version as long as they stay innovative and allow for true competition.
Choice is a boon in the software world. With choice you can pick one vendor
or another, whichever suits your needs best. If one company "owns" the CF
world you get to lap up whatever they send your way.

Sure, MM responds to community feedback, and it is in their best interests
to do what benefits their developers. That still doesn't change the fact
that a single entity is responsible for providing CF to the CF development
world in a uni-vendor scenario. Granted that is how it has been for a long
time with CF, it doesn't have to be and the entrance of other players is
fine with me.

You end up with a Microsoft when you encourage behaviors like snubbing
competitors by intentionally breaking compatibility with competition. Saying
that, "because MM must compete it might provide them with less revenue for
enhancements", leads down a slippery slope in my opinion. In a market
leading position it is *easy* to snub the competition and break their
products and create a sufficient rift in the vendor compatibility. When
people want the a version of CF compatible with the official
(undocumented/authentic) version of CF you have one choice for a vendor

By keeping CF innovate, fresh, and better MM will stay competitive, in the
lead, and keep CF developers happy by providing more and more features to
keep the product relevant. If they make a lot less money because some
competitor is getting some of their revenue that says to me they are losing
their competitive edge. In that situation others are choosing to use a
different platform for some reason.

The very existence of other platforms people are buying into is better in my
opinion than blindly filling the MM coffers for "future enhancements". It is
an enhancement to the CF marketplace for consumers to have a choice with
what vendor provides them their CF platform.


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