
Thanks for trying to explain what you are doing so thoroughly - that always
helps.  However, in this case I'm not sure I'm following you. You have 3
columns in the same table that "cascade" - category1's value determines the
value of category2 etc.  I think that you might want to split off the
categories into lookups and cross reference tables.  It seems to me you have
a one to many relationship...

1 id to many (possibly) category1's
        1 category1 to many category 2's


This seems to make the case for some relational tables - which in turn would
"hand off" some of the problems you are having to the database constraints.
It seems quite a bit more difficult to implement this in the application


-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Vaughan [mailto:i.vaughn@;neath-porttalbot.gov.uk]
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 10:11 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Passing Parameters between Database tables ??


I would really appreciate some advice on this problem I am having please,
and would very much appreciate any advice/guidance on the best way to

I have a database table with  id, doctitle, docsummary and three fields
called category1, category2 and category3.

The category1 field contains values such as E-mail, Servers etc in each

The category 2 field will contain values based on what the user has selected
from the first category1, so for example if the user selected e-mail in
category1 then category2 would have values such as Microsoft Exchange, POP3
etc. and the same from category3 field, the user selects these from a select

The user populates these fields through cascading select boxes using the
'onchange' function in javascript the laues of which are populated from a
seperate table called category_menu..

That was just a bit of background.....

Now this is my current problem, in my first cfm page (tutorials.cfm) to
display the top level categories works well, , I am using the following
query and output shown below. This brings back all the data contained in
category_menu table.

If the user clicks on the Server link for example they are taken to more
options related to the Server field, when they click this second field they
are taken to listings based on the second selection, (so the information is
tree structured in the table)

So would I would like to know is when the user reaches the bottom level in
the tree and click that link they are taken to a listing of documents from
the itdocs table (mentioned above)

Do you use a cfif statement in the tutorial.cfm code below? sending the user
to another cfm detail page with the query

<CFQUERY name="links" datasource="v8">
FROM itlinks
WHERE category3='#URL.category#'

Is this actually possible or are there other ways of achieving the above? I
hope you are following me?? The main code is shown below and is working,
just need to find out how to build this last piece in to display the
information from the itdocs table from the URL.category




<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

 <CFQUERY name="query1" datasource="intranetv8">
* from category_menu
where parent_level=
(select catno from category_menu where category='#URL.category#')

  <cfoutput query="query1">

ory=#category#" class="homeaa">#category#</a>
Description here


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