Hello Everyone,

I am migrating our site to a new server. This is a fresh install of
ColdFusion MX 6.1 Standard Edition
Windows 2003 Standard Edition

I am receiving an error while setting up an access database as a datasource:

Unable to update the ColdFusion MX ODBC Server.
Timeout period expired without completion of  E:\CFusionMX\db\slserver52\admin\swcla.exe

No such issues while doing sql datasources. I have scrounged around on the various support sites and tried out a few solutions without success.

1. Had an issue whereby ODBC install portion of CF hung. Followed the guidelines from Macromedia and got it installed.
2. Port 19997 and 19998 are indeed being used by CF ODBC and are available.
3. The "ini" files in cfusionMX/db directory do not point to the merant drivers on C drive as per technote 18800.
4. deleted the partially created datasource in CF Admin and then added through windows odbc manager. Then added it as an ODBC socket from CF Admin. This resulted in the same error as above.
5. Tried step 4 with various combinations of stopping and restarting CF and odbc services with the same result.

Any help or suggestions are appreciated.

Thank you,

Dharmesh Goel

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