I have been working on an encrypt/decrypt alternative that works in(code)
both ColdFusion, Visual Basic .NET, and Visual Basic 6.

This makes encrypted values available to applications outside of
ColdFusion.   For example, lets say that you have a ColdFusion
application and have stored the user's password in the database with
UrlEncodedFormat(encrypt(UserPassword,DatabaseKey)) ..  but later, you
want to have a chat server application to be able to compare encrypted
versions of the password.   Currently, you can't do that with the encrypt
function because its functionality cannot be simulated(except..  possibly
in JAVA using the mimic object).  

Other solutions make use of third party COM objects that are another
point of pain/failure for some developers.

This solution makes it possible to write multiple applications in
different languages and have access to encrypted values.   

See Macromedia ColdFusion Forums thread # 647580

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Best Regards

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