I got an error message on trying to insert a row to a table with an identity 
column using cfgrid onchange
I would like also to use a stored procedure instead of cfquery I just need how 
to call it and how to pass arguments to it
Please look below is the code,component, and error message
     My component
<!--- Edit a Media Type  --->
    <cffunction name="cfn_MediaType_Update" access="remote">
        <cfargument name="gridaction" type="string" required="yes">
        <cfargument name="gridrow" type="struct" required="yes">
        <cfargument name="gridchanged" type="struct" required="yes">

        <!--- Local variables --->
        <cfset var colname="">
        <cfset var value="">

        <!--- Process gridaction --->
        <cfswitch expression="#ARGUMENTS.gridaction#">
            <!--- Process updates --->
            <cfcase value="U">
                <!--- Get column name and value --->
                <cfset colname=StructKeyList(ARGUMENTS.gridchanged)>
                <cfset value=ARGUMENTS.gridchanged[colname]>
                <!--- Perform actual update --->
                <cfquery datasource="#application.dsn#">
                UPDATE SP.MediaType
                SET #colname# = '#value#'
                WHERE MediaTypeID = #ARGUMENTS.gridrow.MediaTypeID#
            <!--- Process deletes --->
            <cfcase value="D">
                <!--- Perform actual delete --->
                <cfquery datasource="#application.dsn#">
                update SP.MediaType 
                set Deleted=1
                WHERE MediaTypeID = #ARGUMENTS.gridrow.MediaTypeID#
            <cfcase value="I">
                <!--- Get column name and value --->
                <cfset colname=StructKeyList(ARGUMENTS.gridchanged)>
                <cfset value=ARGUMENTS.gridchanged[colname]>
                <!--- Perform actual update --->

               <cfquery datasource="#application.dsn#">
                insert into  SP.MediaType (#colname#)
                Values ('#value#')               
my table
mediatypeid primary key,identity
my code is
<cfform method="post" name="GridExampleForm">
        <cfgrid format="html" name="grid_Tables2" pagesize="3"  
selectmode="edit" width="800px"  
            <cfgridcolumn name="MediaTypeID" header="ID"  display="no"/>
            <cfgridcolumn name="MediaTypeName" header="Media Type" />
on insert I get the following error message ajax logging error message
http: Error invoking xxxxxxx/MediaType.cfc : Element '' is undefined in a CFML 
structure referenced as part of an expression.

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