Howdy all - 
A top level Application.cfc sets up the application vars and handles login with 
A child folder Application.cfc (extends parent) does not seem to have access to 
the GetAuthUser() set in the parent Application.cfc
The index.cfm file in this child folder however does correctly report 
So I'm constantly getting tripped up with the Application.cfc file and what it 
will and won't do, and more importantly
what 'I think' it should be doing.
Here's the scenario. I've got an application running in a sub-folder of an 
intranet. The intranet will pick up the Active Directory user ID from AUTH_USER 
that the browser picks up. The intranet then will user this username to 
automatically log them in. It works great and I've done this many time on all 
kinds of things. Except in this one case something is screwy...
I guess the best way to describe it is through a simple diagram with numeric 
keys explaining the parts.
Session data is being passed, so that's not the issue.
Intranet Folders and Files:
CFLHDIntranet (folder) (1)
\--- Application.cfc (2)
\--- DocShare (folder) (3)
       \--- Application.cfc (4)
       \--- index.cfm (5)
1) - The whole intranet lives in this folder.
2) - Application.cfc (abreviated)
               <cfcomponent output="true">
                  <cfset"CFLHDIntranet">                  <cfset 
this.sessionmanagement="yes">                  <cfset 
this.SetClientCookies="no">                  <cfset 
this.loginstorage="session">                   <cffunction 
name="onSessionStart" returntype="void">
                      I do a bunch of login stuff to log them in and set an 
EMP_ID from the DB 
                        <cflogin>                           <cfloginuser 
name="#loginQuery.EMP_ID#" Password="#loginQuery.password#" 
roles="#loginQuery.ROLE#">                         </cflogin>
3) - Folder that the quarrelsome application lives in
4) - Application.cfc - This file will not return the GetAuthUser() as it was 
set in the parent Application.cfc
<cfcomponent extends="CFLHDIntraNet.Application">
     <cfoutput>#GetAuthUser()# ||</cfoutput> - test before cflogin 
is called: returns domain/username     <cflogin 
<cfoutput>#GetAuthUser()#</cfoutput> - test after cflogin is called: returns 
      --- a bunch of application level security needing the EMP_ID code from 
the parent Application.cfc ----
5) However, if you call index.cfm the GetAuthUser() returns '707'=EMP_ID as it 
Thanks for your time!

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