All, This is a bit OT but maybe with all the expertise in the room maybe people could offer some opinions.

Where I work we build applications with CFMX using CFC's, Fusebox2/3, and a hodge-podge of other techniques depending on what the task at hand is. Most of the applications are getting to be HUGE to say the least. We do our best to factor them down to modules that interact with the whole system to keep it manageable, but still the code depth (calls to includes, CFC's and custom tags) can get deep when it comes to long user processes (Entering a business lead with full details.) or reporting the data from these large applications.

At times I find that the spec has totally morphed by the time we are close to launch (aka an app with a lot of 'stuff' bolted on). At times it gets to the point where it needs to be totally re-written, or I should say re-organized and tweaked since most of the code does what you want, but it could be structured better for future growth. I know the spec should be in stone, but since we build software to help the company manage its self at the 'speed of business' we need to respond to the changing needs or mis-understood req's.

Either way, where I'm going with this is to ask: How do you look at your code to re-organize it, tweak it, and get a birds eye view of what it's doing and how it's structured? Right now I print it all out, tape the sheets together into "TP Code" as I call it. Then I out line blocks, cut it up with scissors, re-arrange them and so on. I also have to print my CFC docs and CFC code and do the same. This works, but isn't really all that 'smooth' productivity wise and my boss laughs at me a lot asking where my Elmers paste is and if I ate it all. :)

Are there any tools to help me view what is in place and do these things on the computer instead of sprawled out on the floor of a conference room? A touch screen the size of my wall would be great.. but I doubt that will happen anytime soon.


Brent Nicholas - EclecticDetroit, LLC.

"On the other hand, you have different fingers..."  - some WiseAss

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