Title: Message
And after spending an hour looking for this before posting, of course I find the answer on the next page I looked at in the cf docs. Answer of course is to set the variable as Request.myPageRequest in the onRequestStart and then to call it the same way in index.cfm. Tested and working.

Apologies for the noob noise.
Best Wishes,
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Bell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2006 5:13 PM
To: 'CFCDev@cfczone.org'
Subject: Simple Scoping Question

Hi There,
Sorry for such a basic question, but if I want to create a page request specific object in onRequestStart (in application.cfc) which will contain a bunch of properties I need access to whether I'm using a browser or flash remoting to access the application, how do I access the created object?
I have:
 <cffunction name="onRequestStart" returntype="boolean" access="public" output="no" displayname="Request pre-processor" hint="This method sets any variables that are always required on a request level.">
  <cfset myPageRequest = CreateObject("component","prototype.entity.systemsforge.PageRequest").Init()>
       <cfreturn true>
If I want to access the object (say in index.cfm - the main page), how do I access it? Lets say I wanted to dump the contents:
  <cfdump var="#myPageRequest#"> obviously fails
  <cfdump var="#Request.myPageRequest#"> fails
  It isn't app scoped, so I am glad to report that <cfdump var="#application.myPageRequest#"> also fails
How DO I access it, given that I can't explicitly pass it (because onRequestStart can only return a boolean).
I'm sure this is extremely simple and obvious. Any input appreciated!
Best Wishes,

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