Ron Savage wrote:
Hi Folks

This is a copy of an email I sent directly to Robert rather than via the

Hi Robert

In HT only you call it directly:

     my $tpl = HTML::Template->new( filename => 'home.tpl',
                                    filter => \&doc_filter );

In CA you call that through the load_tmpl but I tried this:

     my $tpl = $self->load_tmpl( 'home.tpl', filter => \&doc_filter );

and that does not work.

I see now.

You'll have to override where CA calls that new.

In my sub cgiapp_init() I have
        $self -> tmpl_path($$global_config{'template_dir'});
so that'd be the place to start looking.

Hmm, I have that as well. However, I am thinking if I do something in init it will be passed to all the runmodes. They should be runmode specific because not all filters would be global in scope.


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