---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thursday, January 12, 2012
Subject: [DEV 2012] conference dates: March 11-12
To: Gaetano Borriello <gaetano at cs.washington.edu>

Dear Gaetano Borriello,

We are writing to clarify the dates of the DEV conference.  The conference
will be held on March 11-12, which includes one day of overlap with the
co-located ICTD conference.  Please note that this is different (by one
day) from the dates advertised in the call for papers, which unfortuantely
contained an error.

Attendees of DEV need to register for the conference, even if you are also
attending ICTD.  Details on the registration process, as well as the
program, will be posted within the next week.

We look forward to seeing you in Atlanta!

Bill Thies
Gaetano Borriello
PC Co-chairs
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