pretty cool. you can join the idid conference virtually...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dearden, Andrew M <>
Date: Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 07:17
Subject: [hci4d] Interaction Design for International Development:
Annual General Meeting
To: "hci4d at" <hci4d at>

Hi Everyone

Please find attached an invitation to join us for the Annual General
Meeting of the IFIP Special Interest Group on Interaction Design for
International Development.

Some of us will have the luxury of meeting face to face at the IDID
conference in Mumbai.
However, most of us will be meeting on-line using the elluminate Live! software.

Annual General Meeting
March 22nd 2010, 20.00 Indian Standard Time (= 14.30 GMT = 06.30 PCT).
India HCI / IDID 2010 Conference

On-line location
Note 1: you may need to download Java Web Start software in order to
participate, and you need this whole complex URL
Or try this link

The required JWS package is available here:
Note 2: We shall be ?hanging around? in the on-line space half an hour
before the meeting starts so that we can give you a tour of the
meeting software. It?s not difficult, but we want to make sure that
no-one?s input gets lost because of problems with the interface.

1) ? ? ?Chair?s report
2) ? ? ?Creating an inclusive framework for leadership of the group
3) ? ? ?Elections (taking account of discussion in 2)
Currently the group has
a. ? ? ? A Chair
b. ? ? ?A Secretary
4) ? ? ?Future of the group
a. ? ? ? Events in 2010 / 2011
b. ? ? ?INTERACT special track proposal
c. ? ? ? Constitution
d. ? ? ?Finance
e. ? ? ? ACM SIGDEV proposal
f. ? ? ? ?Relations to other networks & activities
5) ? ? ?AOB

I have attached my report on the year from my perspective. The report
also provides some background to the items on this agenda.


Andy Dearden
Professor of Interactive Systems Design
Communication & Computing Research Centre
Sheffield Hallam University
Furnival Building
153 Arundel Street
S1 2NU

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