Just a quick, friendly reminder about this exciting opportunity to learn more 
about libraries in Africa - brown bag event this Monday, May 8th from 12pm-1pm. 
Details below.

Hope to see you there!

From: Melody Clark
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 1:51 PM
To: 'iwo...@uw.edu' <iwo...@uw.edu>; 'imlisc...@uw.edu' <imlisc...@uw.edu>; 
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<evanswo...@u.washington.edu>; 'change@change.washington.edu' 
Subject: Event: Libraries & ICTs in Africa - A discussion with Dr. Buhle 
Mbambo-Thata - 5/8/17

Hello, all -

We hope that you will join us for a brown bag lunch event with Dr. Buhle 
Mbambo-Thata of AfLIA<http://aflia.net/> (African Library and Information 
Association and Institutions) from South Africa, where she will discuss AfLIA 
and how the library field in Africa is evolving with ICTs and other 
initiatives. She will also discuss libraries in general in Africa and how they 
are contributing to community development and the Sustainable Development Goals 

Buhle is a long-time partner and friend of the Technology & Social Change Group 
(TASCHA), and while she is in town for meetings with us, she graciously offered 
to meet with students who are interested in libraries in Africa. This is a 
perfect event for any of you interested in libraries around the world, 
international development, and international librarianship.

When: Monday, May 8th, 12pm-1pm
Where: Bloedel Hall 070A
Brown bag lunch event - please bring your own lunch

About Buhle:
Dr. Buhle Mbambo-Thata is the Director of Resources Development of the African 
Library and Information Association and Institutions (AfLIA). Prior to that she 
was Executive Director of Library Services at the University of South Africa 
from 2006 until her retirement in 2016. She served as University Librarian at 
the University of Zimbabwe from 2001 until 2006. She serves as member of the 
Board of Directors of the National Library of South Africa, and  Council on 
Research Libraries CLIR.

Dr Mbambo-Thata has served as Governing Board member of the International 
Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).  She was a member 
of the Strategic Advisory Network of the Global Libraries Programme of the Bill 
and Melinda Gates Foundation. She has previously served on various committee 
affiliations including the Library Network of the Association of Commonwealth 
Libraries, the E-Knowledge Society for Women in Southern Africa (of which she 
was chairperson), the advisory committees of EIFL Found.net, 2004-2007; the 
Gender in Africa Information Network 1996-2001 and the Access to Learning Award 
of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Her research interests are in women 
and ICT and ICT applications in libraries. She is passionate about Library 
development generally, and in Africa in particular.

Melody Clark
Communications Manager
Technology & Social Change Group (TASCHA)
University of Washington Information School
melcl...@uw.edu<mailto:melcl...@uw.edu> | 206.303.7910
Twitter: @taschagroup<https://twitter.com/taschagroup> | 

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